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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I have seen a recent increase of squidly behavior in my neighborhood. Today I was driving down the road when a car turned left in front of me, (Plenty of room.) well there is this motorcycle right behind the car that then proceeds to ride a wheelie right past me once the car cleared the path in front of the motorcycle. The guy had a helmet on but wasn't wearing a jacket; he also had a backpack on like he was coming home from work. SQUID When I get done with this incident I hear about another squid in the area just yesterday who was riding down the same road less than a quarter mile away without a helmet. Apparently his bike is so beautiful he is blinding the old ladies in the area and is rendering their driving skills useless. Said old lady drives right into the back of another car without even touching her brakes within striking distance of squidly boy without his helmet. I don't know if it was the beautiful bike that distracted her or his man beauty although I don't know if that's possibly because he might be 40. SQUID
  2. You is just jealous of the Gunner greatness!
  3. After reading a ride report about someone going down in the curve that was the subject of my OP in this thread does anyone think I should make a shorter OP in an original thread about this curve? I know sometimes I don't read a post if I open it and see all them words. I am trying to get a thread that more people will read; this curve will take people out. Hopefully we can prevent as many people from here as possible from getting bitten by it. Okay, maybe now that I'm not working I might just be a post whore.
  4. Is that the king of internet self gratification? I vote you is winar!
  5. I had forgotten what the original post was about, now I remember. No way did it stay on topic but it was a stupid one so who cares.
  6. I missed Barney but I now know how to talk to women, chewing gum I think. I also know which camera not to be using filming porno. GGrreegggg has an interesting sense of humor; he must be fun to hang with. Did you see I invoked your name in the thread I started about 536?
  7. I think the title of this thread is awesome also. Where you bored at work this morning? Thunderstorms woke me up this morning so I now have a well rounded education.
  8. I caught that thread this morning, it was hilarious. Why did it get pulled? Does it make me cool to know what frosting like a cake means or pathetic? I also know why that tab is there. I wonder if everyone who was mentioned in the thread knows about it.
  9. Shit. I should have known better than to get involved in an internet discussion about politics. I am bored and need a job more than I need to write a thesis. You win on wearing me down on shear volume. We will be able to point counter point each other all day. We can also bring logic into the discussion from outside sources not related to healthcare but it will all be moot. I can rebuke your assessment of my failed analogy but you are correct it will not address your OP. If you have a contract with an insurance company you have the legal right to make them honor it. If said company fights all of its obligations and wins unfairly their business will go away to a competitor who honors its contracts. You are free to take your business elsewhere. Government’s role is to see that the contracts both parties agree upon are handled correctly. This is why we have a republic country not a democratic one. (Explaining what that means and how it applies will take forever and I ain't gonna.) Merely stating that I don’t believe it’s the government’s role to provide our healthcare is not what you’re looking for but that’s as simple as it gets. If the government is responsible for our healthcare are they also responsible for our deaths? If so I want to sue them for allowing my grandmother to die from natural causes, the government is responsible for it damn it where’s my money? You want more absurd, should they be responsible for our births?
  10. Oh yea, I forgot about different rules down where he is from. What happens up here can't happen down there because he says so. Forgive me since I am old its ease for us old guys to forget. Gunner hasn’t changed and it was at least four years ago when I had a run in with him.
  11. I have seen this before so I don't need to go watch. He will call you out to race him then he will threaten you with physical violence because you won’t race him then ban.
  12. I will agree that cooperation works best in some cases; however that depends if it comes about naturally or artificially. If you don't cooperate with others people who do will put you out of business quickly. If the government makes you do things that defy logic they can, have and are putting businesses out of business. Insurance is a form of cooperation that has a very good track record of its value to the masses. National defense is another that we can’t do by ourselves, our highway system is another. (Except for the Amish, I hate those fuckers using our roads but that’s a whole different rant.) If healthcare wasn't socially engineered the way it is now competition would make it look much different than it does now. I don't think as many people would be without it either. Someone would come up with a business model that will fill the voids where there is money to be made. When people start to look at healthcare as a form of their own happiness and make it a priority for themselves instead of a government handout costs would be easier to control. Go back to my auto insurance parallel, if I could drive anyway I wanted caused as much damage as I could sustain and the government paid my premiums how long do you think it would take for the system to be broke. Healthcare insurance is a business if you think you can do a better job than the companies currently in business go right ahead but I guarantee you will be back here complaining about the government’s involvement not allowing you to make any money. If you were responsible for making the decisions some of these companies are making you might be making the same decisions if you are responsible for your company’s bottom line. Remember insurance is a business and you can take your business elsewhere. If you make enough wrong decisions another company will come along and give you what you want if they can make money doing it.
  13. Gunner is a child who can't control himself. He will continue on and on until he gets banned. I have had words with this internet tough guy much to my amusement. If you guys go over there he will bite on your trolling threads. He knows everything and has done everything much better than you have.
  14. Is this Gunner you're talking about? I've had a few internet run ins with him. Back on an old board that isn't around anymore.
  15. The federal government is here to provide national defense and infrastructure. I don't need them to provide anything else. State and local government have a different role but still they have nothing to do with being responsible for me. Healthcare is NOT a right; if you value your health then it is your responsibility to pursue what happiness it gives you. This healthcare crisis is once again another problem brought on by the governments own need to social engineer. The government creates regulations that forces insurance providers to pass the costs of the regulations on to everyone. How would you like it if auto insurance companies passed on the cost of high risk drivers on to you? They currently do but they are also allowed to penalize risky behavior. Currently the auto insurance industry has the ability to rate their risk of insuring you on several factors and can charge you based on your risk. The government is not forcing them to give their services away. Driving is no more of a right than healthcare is. When a business is forced to give away services without compensation because if they don't the government will take away their ability to do business you get this problem. There are much deeper topics to this problem than just this but all of them point back to government intervention. This is the internet and none of us are going to solve any problems here but the constant need of our federal government to social engineer is the reason for most of our problems. I don't comment in a lot of these threads because they rarely stay on topic and I can understand why. There are several other areas of our economy that the government has fucked up right now which goes to my point of its inability to do things correctly but bringing them into this topic although it reinforces the argument takes it off topic.
  16. Nice meeting you also. Ammo is sold and delivered.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkpH76_muRw&feature=fvw
  18. I can call you tonight or tomorrow. When is a good time?

  19. Oh no you guys don't I can't make the next two weekends, no fair going without me, knock it off, stop, laaaa, laaaa, laaaa laaaa. I can't hear you. Okay, I guess I don't own the roads, you may go without me. Have fun, be safe, and come home to tell the stories.
  20. Thanks for fixing the post for me GGrreegggg. Tod (With one d.) Jnor, Where are all the other 255 lovers out there? Why aren't more people talking about it? Nice new pavement, few intersecting roads or driveways, what’s not to love? When I make it down there to ride the roads again 255 will be in the route.
  21. There might have been three turns with gravel in them but none were a surprise because you could see it ahead of time. There was some gravel right in the middle of the lane on straights in weird spots nothing to worry about just odd to see it there.
  22. Last day for this or I am selling it to wheezle750. I really want some 9mm for this. (Must be a registered user before this thread started though.)
  23. Rusty, it wasn't my ride to post, I didn't know the route, pace, stops, how many riders, leader’s ability to not get lost, etc, etc. Inya, I know what you want to say but on this road he had nothing to do with it, in fact he was way in the back close to bringing up the rear. He was not responsible for the pace of this ride and I wasn't either. I rode fourth spot until we got to this road and never lead all day. Justin, I have seen a few posts about people going to ride this road soon and I thought I would give a fair warning about it. Now that I know about this turn if I'm leading a ride I will slow the pace just like Adam did during the Coshocton ride on his got ya corners. We got lucky with no real damage but waiting for a life flight kills the day for everyone on a ride. Riding a little slower in spots and making it home is way more fun. Can't a moderator fix the multiple picture posts for me?
  24. Riding miles is all we can do if we want to find nice roads to ride. Check out the rides section. I did 375 miles on 5-23 with guys from here. I did 350 mile on 5-30 doing the Coshocton ride. Hit me up some time if you’re available. My next two weekends are booked though, not motorcycle related either. We made a whole lot of mistakes. Riding across 78 at a fast pace without any problems is something we should have forgotten. Everyone was revved up. On the slower back roads when they make a safe recommended speed its closer to the truth. I would have liked to go back up the road but didn't suggest it after what had happened. It changed the mood of the ride from that point on.
  25. I have seen a lot of talk about 536 on here since I joined and finally had the opportunity to ride it this weekend. I'm going to make a short story long because I am currently not working so I have plenty of time to kill. I didn't organize this ride and no one who rode with the group belongs to this site except me so I didn't make it public on here. I was just a tag along with one of the two guys who put us all together. Three of us rode from Lorain to Mansfield and met up with five more riders for some southern Ohio road action. By the time I made it home I had traveled 456 miles for the day and had a blast. 536 is a serious road that can and will bite you. We had eight guys in the group and two went down on 536 both of them in the same corner. No one was hurt and both of them were able to finish the ride with no mechanical difficulties, their bikes just aren't a pretty as they once were. Three of us in the group have varying degrees of track experience and one guy is a very experienced street rider who is able to ride a quick pace right along with the track guys. I mention this only to explain my thoughts on how valuable I find track time if anyone is going to be out riding at a quick pace on these back roads. I did my first track day in 2005 and thought I could ride prior to that. I would have oh shit moments that would send me into panic mode and I would end up doing everything wrong to recover. I crossed the yellow line a few times a year and not at a really fast pace, I just didn't have the proper skills or understanding of what to do. I now ride at a faster pace, much more relaxed and SAFER. I can say that I haven't crossed a yellow line in four years until Sunday. In my mind that's the same as a crash it was stupid and I am beating myself up over it. I not only put myself in danger but if someone had been coming the other way I could have harmed them from my own stupidity. I didn't go down only because I didn't give up but I wasn't in control enough to stay in my lane. I really like 555 and have been hearing that 536 was even better but I kept thinking it couldn't be. It is definitely more challenging. 555 is longer and I haven't experienced any got ya places on it like 536 has. We rode across 78 east from 83 which is a nice road but it kind of lulled us into high speed mode. We get to 536 and start down it heading toward the river. Whoa, this is a fun road, we all stop at the stop sign, the group is all together and we make the turn to the right up hill. I am riding in the second spot at this time, so the three riders with track experience are riding up front. We come up to a 15 MPH right hand turn should be no big deal but not so fast this stupid thing is a decreasing radius turn compounded by the fact it starts to go down hill as it gets tighter. First guy touches the yellow line on exit, I cross it completely and the third guy low sides on the road and ends up in the hay field. The first guy and I check up, I stop and the fourth guy gets up to me and asks if I am alright, why are you stopping? He never saw the third guy go down in front of him. While we are having this interaction around comes the fifth guy and the six guy stands his bike up and rides down into the hay field. Not one rider following the guys that went off knew it had happened. If you look at the pictures you will see there is not too much distance from the stop sign to this curve but this road is so curvy it had separated us by then. No real damage to either bike or riders, they rode them out of the field and on to the road for us all to continue on for the rest of our day. My new favorite road is 255. It has new pavement but not too new to be slippery. Be careful out there guys and if you can work at getting to a track day. I know the locals to this road can offer more information but this is what I experienced on it my first time. YMMV. I know it didn't happen without pictures but I don't think one was taken all day. Here are some pictures of the route I took that day and of the turn I am referring to. Because I can't figure out how to get text between pictures I will try to explain them now. 1. My entire 456 mile route 2. 78 to 536 to 7 to 255 to 800 3. Overview from stop sign to 15 MPH turn 4. Closer Arial view of turn showing decreasing radius 5. Road view approaching turn 6. View looking back to exit of turn 1. My entire 456 mile route 2. 78 to 536 to 7 to 255 to 800 3. Overview from stop sign to 15 MPH turn 4. Closer Arial view of turn showing decreasing radius 5. Road view approaching turn 6. View looking back to exit of turn
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