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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Yes it does say Vulcan, there is a red option too.
  2. Uncle Punk


    It's how I get all my boyfriends! The gays love scooters.
  3. Uncle Punk


    I ride a sport bike and a scooter; I consider the scooter to be about the same as a cruiser without the stupid obnoxious loud fucking noise. I ride with gear when riding my sport bike and without gear when riding the scooter. I have been down on a sport bike with protective gear except jeans and had road rash everywhere on my legs. I now wear protection on my legs riding the sport bike but still wear nothing except sunglasses on the scooter. I have three sets of leathers, three sets of racing boots, four helmets, three pairs of gauntlet gloves, two sets of textile/mesh jacket/pants combos and an Alpinestars one piece Aerostich type riding suit and I use all of them depending on the weather or other varying factors. I ride the same pace on the scooter as most cruisers and have decided to assume the risks associated with no gear riding in that manner. I know there is a chance that someone might run into me but riding is dangerous no matter what and everyone accepts varying levels of risk, if mine is different than yours both of us are right. If you are new to riding sport bikes and try to follow guys with more experience you are assuming more risk than the people who have learned how to control their bikes better even though both are wearing gear. Who has the superior moral safety stance in that situation? Trying to judge others choice about their level of risk assessment kind of stupid especially for people who ride motorcycles when there are people who think riding them is just stupid with or without gear. Mind your own business, wear and ride what and how you need to make you happy, leave others to do the same. I guarantee that the folks you see riding differently than you are enjoying their ride just as much as you are. Should people who can ride better than others think that those without the same skills shouldn’t be riding at all because they are being stupid not knowing how to handle a bike very well? Your opinion of me, what I wear, how I ride doesn’t affect you and my opinion of what you wear, how you ride shouldn’t affect you. Leave the judging about riders to people in four wheeled vehicles. Shut up and ride.
  4. I don't want to beat this thread up but when I saw that someone might be having trouble getting answers from Raven I took it upon myself to contact Tom after hours, no one asked me to do that. I was trying to help the guys out on this site if I can and offered up transport to Raven if needed to make things go smoothly for a special that Raven might not have a configuration for. (Not the case here, they can cover a lot of rig setups.) You can post your response to my PM if you would like but what you have conveyed here is accurate so I don't see the need. Do NOT post my PM to you; however you can forward it to Tom if you feel it would clear anything up. Through working with the guys a Raven I have become one of their fanboys but receive nothing for talking them up on here. I might start a thread someday about how nice it is to work with a company that wants to do business with local companies; Raven is an Ohio based company.
  5. Raven takes great pride in their customer support and when I contacted Tom last night after business hours basically telling him he wasn't keeping up with his correspondence it might have not settled with him too well especially knowing he was as current as could be expected with the heavy workload Raven is experiencing. I did convey to him that you referred to sending "emails" as in plural on here and hope that nothing gets blown out of proportion over a simple misunderstanding. You won't find a better rig for what you are asking about than a Raven custom holster and I don't endorse things without knowing what I'm talking about. I am a supplier to Raven and the guys built me a holster when we started doing business which is currently the only one I use for carrying. All of the guys at Raven are really good guys even if some of them are ugly.
  6. I didn't spend a whole day on the 016 and they didn't give great feedback but I could feel the grip, (Not quite what the 2cts are) I have no knowledge about their life, but I thought they were a decent street tire for the price. If their life is less than the 2ct then I will stay away from them. Good to hear some additional feedback from someone who has more time with them.
  7. I like the feel of the corsa III better than the 2ct but find that the grip is about equal. The corsa gives more feedback because I can feel the flex in the tire. I buy the corsa III or the 2ct on the most convenient or cheapest source. I have ridden a ZX10 with the Bridgestone 016 and liked them, just a tick under the 2ct in grip but not unmanageable and would be a buy at the right time. I know nothing about the Dunlops but I trust people who like them and might give them a try if the right deal shows up. I do as much as I can not to ride in the rain.
  8. I might try the same thing. What could go wrong?
  9. There is a difference in grip with the different classes of tires. My Honda came with a set of Bridgestone 015 that I hated. I have a front with 81 miles on it that I am keeping for a back up but I will not mount it on purpose to ride with. I don't know about the pilot roads but I can find the limits of the 2cts and I don't think I want to go any faster than they allow for street riding. I'm sure the pures are better than the 2ct and they are better than the roads. If you don't have a feel for the limits of the tires you are currently using you might not need to upgrade to a lower mileage tire.
  10. The Scooter is now all mine and in my possession. I scored a top box for it tonight at the reasonable price of FREE. (With expectations of favors to be exchanged at a later date.) I need to either order a better windshield or make one. Has anyone made a windshield?
  11. I miss you too sweetness....
  12. I was getting 1,800 to 2,100 miles per rear with the 2ct riding a 600 going through at least four rears and two fronts, I would expect less with the pures. I choose not to check mileage for tires riding the 1K. I never felt like I needed more tire for street riding than the 2ct but I understand the philosophy of wanting all the grip you can get with the pures. If you go down because of grip you have saved nothing buying a higher mileage tire.
  13. Thanks for contacting me Adam. 2112 you have a PM.
  14. I almost brought that up, I don't know about out riding almost anyone here but I do ride with chicken strips so that I have an extra margin of safety when cornering, it is quite on purpose that I do this. I can always roll it over more if needed when something unexpected shows up in a curve. I might hang off of my bike a little more than most to keep the bike upright so that I can lay it over to use the entire tire if needed but find it unsafe for my way of thinking to use the entire tire without a safety margin for street riding. I never judge someone’s riding ability by chicken strips because I have seen people with none who couldn't keep up when the pace got quicker and people with rather large ones who had no problem keeping up. Did everyone know Justin had a party this weekend and didn't invite us?
  15. So you want me to change my email to the exact same one I had before, the one I used to register with and have never changed?
  16. I still get notifications every Monday on threads I've participated in but no longer receive the newsletter. The email change note next to my avatar confuses me because I've never changed my email address and still get half of the notifications I used to.
  17. Okay I join in with my old SUV that has over 100K miles on it? I won't get in the way too much, I just want to watch, that is if I can keep you in sight.
  18. The banks needing bailed out was regrettable and never should have happened but it was a direct result of government interfering and regulating where it didn't belong. The banks were forced to make loans to people who didn't qualify or they would have their standing as a financial institution taken away. They weren't going to accept that kind of risk so they repackaged the risk and sold it as a means recoup losses from the bad loans they were forced to make by bad government policy. It was a house of cards that never would have existed had it not been for government interference and never should have been bailed out but that wouldn’t play out too well for the social experiment that it was.
  19. One of the reasons it's cheaper is because of complicit people holding office giving away money to public employees because they don't have to afford it because it's not their money and they don't have to balance a budget even though they claim they are. In order to pay for the unrealistic money they promise they must raise taxes which is one of the reasons why it's cheaper to do business elsewhere. The single payer system would have put more control to the government which rarely runs things well with the exception of our military and our roads. If the government didn't over regulate healthcare and force businesses to give away care our costs wouldn't be out of sight like they are now thanks to the government creating a problem they intend to be a solution for.
  20. This made me laugh and then I see that it's well documented common knowledge. The average person votes to their best interests which means democrats get to hold office because for the most part they take from the producers and give to the idiots who vote them into power. Most C.E.O.s are republicans and when democrats hold office they create a bureaucracy that is an unfriendly business environment. C.E.O.s are not stupid and if they are concerned about their business and their bottom line, (Remember successful businesses need to balance their budgets not like the government.) they seek a climate that is more business friendly. If the politicians wouldn't make socialist laws that forced business out of the country most businesses would prefer to stay here. It’s a direct result of bad laws that force business out of an unfriendly business climate not the other way around.
  21. I could stop on the way down but I think if I do go down I will leave late the night before and get a room. It's probably a four hour drive for me pulling a trailer, even longer heading your way first. I'll pick you up no problem but you have to get your own room, I hate sharing a room with people. There is a difference, he plans a lunch stop. I don't to help keep out the riffraff but it doesn't always work.
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