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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I have had a TMax indicated at 110 M.P.H. and a Kymco People 250S indicated at 95 M.P.H. don't know what the actual speeds were though. A Genuine Buddy 150 max speed on level road is 67 M.P.H. indicated and 58 M.P.H. actual verified by GPS. Put any kind of incline in the road and it is very noticable on the 150.
  2. I ASSumed the rears were 50s not 55s. I have zero changes done to my suspension from the factory setting to give you a baseline of what I know about set up. What are your thoughts on running 55s on a 50 stock bike?
  3. It's been a good run lately with the Supreme Court getting things right, I can't wait until they get to fix this health care mess. I sure hope none of the justices die while Obama is in office or we will see all kinds of stupid fucked up court decisions.
  4. How is me jacking the thread any different then him jacking the thread? I should be offering people advice that are looking to buy the bike just like he was offering them advice? I don't really think we would want that.
  5. All of this was well known before he got this case, old news. This information was available in the post I made before the decision. This is all just road noise on the way to the Supreme Court where if the court remains seated as it is currently our constitution will save us from the government over reaching into our lives.
  6. What I'm getting at is people are entitled to think their property is valued at what they think it is. If people jumped into every for sale thread and told people what they think it should be valued at it would shit up every for sale thread and there have been discussions about that behavior in the past. Just as an example if I said this bike he is trying to sell should be offered at $3,400 because I think that’s all it worth and you say it's worth $5,800 both of us are wrong. Either one of us chiming in after the seller has set his price is not productive. You telling others what to bid in an offer negotiating type of for sale deal when you have an agenda for the seller is also not productive.
  7. I think it's great your friend has an advocate for him with someone who has experience selling bikes. He PMs you for advice and you PM him your opinion that works for me but you posted your advice to him publicly suggesting what others should value their property at. Should someone get into your friends thread and tell him what he should be valuing his property at? I’m suggesting neither happen.
  8. How is telling someone what they should value their property at giving advice to your friend?
  9. No one is telling the seller what price he should be offering to sell it at so why the need to tell others what they should value their bike at? It works both ways, kind of like someone coming in and telling the seller he is asking too much if he is trying to get more than $500 for his bike.
  10. Okay I'll bite, what's an ookie cookie? Don't you read every post mode here? If not you should at least read all of mine.
  11. Is there an official O.R. cookie or do I get to pick my own?
  12. How did your engraving turn out? Did you make it all in a straight line or around the diameter?
  13. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=592059&postcount=336
  14. You Fucker how is this ever going to get moved to R&R if you keep defending you stance with thought out replies. The backwards group riding thing was meant to add some levity and we hashed that out already in the other thread. I would like to hear about your results running groups like that though maybe we can learn something from it. I was taking exception to you calling me ignorant because of this thread; you can call me that but not for disagreeing with you on this guy’s assessment. People ride in the rain and I try not to, doesn't make them crazy or me less of a rider. I have ridden in the rain when I needed to and adjusted accordingly. This guy was probably doing the same, something I would or wouldn't do only depends on my circumstances at the time. No I wouldn't want my 16 year old to do that but wouldn't be surprised if he did. 16 is just stupid from the time they wake up until they are back sleeping. For that matter I wouldn't want them to ride at all because I know the risks and am selfish in not wanting to see them hurt. New thread title "Scooter in the snow?" and you are going to get different replies. Crazy, not me, looks like fun, dangerous and even idiot but to defend calling him an idiot is only good for 12 pages.
  15. You wouldn't catch me on a SV
  16. Assessing people as ignorant just because they don't have the same risk values as you is narrow minded and not a very good measuring stick for ignorance. In fact using your method to me seems quite ignorant, just because he was taking more risks than you would doesn't make him ignorant, just different. I mitigate risk factors when I ride by where and when I choose to speed along with the gear I wear or don’t wear. By your standards if others choose to ride differently either they are ignorant or I am and both are hardly the truth. I will shut a ride down if someone is stunting in the middle of a group out riding the back roads because I think it's too much of a risk factor for the safety of others on the ride. I will also follow the stunters out and watch them do their thing because the way they go about it is usually safe for those involved. In both cases people observing will call the groups insane or ignorant but they are only drawing from their own ignorance to put that label on them. I have no idea if this guy was being safe or not and neither do you. He may have gotten lucky that day or he is practiced at riding in the snow. You can even see your way clear to see a DS taking on the challenge and I might guess that's because you have some experience on a DS. To label him ignorant when you have no idea about his experience is not the smartest thing I have ever heard of. We won't miss you on any of the group rides you miss especially if you try to make us run the group backwards from slowest up front to fastest in the rear. God I love the winter.
  17. I wish I had this skill; it might have saved me many headaches and much money. Can you teach it to me?
  18. I wasn't joking about I am an idiot if caught riding like that because if I was it certainly would be outside of my skill set and would be out of control. When Casey does it it's a controlled slide and it is not him acting like an idiot. People riding on back country roads at 50 M.P.H. getting passed by people who are going 70 M.P.H. on sport bikes think the people passing them are idiots but I would venture to say most of them are under control. The guy riding in the snow appears to have a sufficient skill set to be doing so and we have no proof to debate otherwise except for someone’s assessment of his actions. Not all assessments of others actions are based in truth but are based on their perceptions of truth which don't apply to everyone.
  19. Someone needs some remedial comprehension classes or is just an idiot. Next!
  20. If we are going to discuss that we will need a whole new thread for "Professional Idiots" and I will be running for president. (Good as can be expected and will have swelling for a year. Will never have full use of it but can't complain, I still have a finger.)
  21. Casey does it, its skill I do it and I'm an idiot. I'm sure people who get passed in southern Ohio by them damn sport bikes think they are idiots, but they think they are under control. Unless you can post video of scooter boy losing control his level of idiot must be outside of your level.
  22. I've seen them all do that too. They have no right to judge others unless they have not sinned themselves. Bunch of entitled spoiled brats who think the roads are made for them to do whatever they want to do.
  23. Hell these guys don't even pay attention to what they are allowed to do. I have seen people involved in this thread double the recommended speeds so I wouldn't bother trying to preach at them. They are just a bunch of entitled brats.
  24. Dave has an interesting personality that is fed by his success. I don't think he is into the other cars so much and this car is Jarrod's project.
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