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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. https://secure.buschurracing.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=245
  2. Things might be looking up and we might be one step closer to getting the supreme court to overturn this mess. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/07/AR2010120706850.html I don't know how they got past the standing issue but I'm glad the judge didn't dismiss. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2010/06/01/ken-klukowski-obamacare-severability/ Servability might be their downfall. It would have been written into the law if they could have made changes but we can thank the voters of Massachusetts for making them pass a law that can be repealed in its entirety. I hope none of the Supreme Court judges get sick and die before this gets to them. If the court remains seated as it is this law will be history when they get it by a 5-4 vote.
  3. Uncle Punk

    Epic Quotes.

    http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=36811&highlight=marines http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=357422&postcount=39
  4. http://www.breitbart.tv/free-internet-a-civil-right-for-every-nappy-headed-child/ We have government healthcare and people trying to get government internet. I want government tv, phones, housing and vehicles. You people who work to pay for those things don't mind paying a little extra for me not to work and still have all these things. I need to have access to the internet all the time so I can get my post count up.
  5. Hey, fuck face brown nosier it was I.P. who made that log out post not me leave me out of this and get back in your place. I like getting involved in group rides; I’ve learned about lot of good roads and met a lot of great people.
  6. http://www.hhs.gov/ociio/regulations/approved_applications_for_waiver.html
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd-iM9Wmdgo
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uCGxk-v-Mc
  9. Proper training techinques cannot be emphasized enough, but you can never trust them pit bulls no matter how much you beat them into submission. If you are looking to enhance your training techineques look into Michael Vicks regiment, he appeared to have excellent results. I don't think I heard that any of his dogs bit or turned on anyone.
  10. Group rides $0.10 a mile $25 minimum. Towing and Katana fees extra. $1.00 for every minute the group has to wait for you at stops. No more popsicles for crashes from now on popsicles are only for no crash rides. Fees subject to change based on your level of squidlyness.
  11. I don't give a fuck how the rest of the world is taxed or how they do anything else. We are supposed to be better than them all and to me that means we should be taxed less than anyone.
  12. Katanas are $.15 a mile because they are slow and crash frequently. We could offer them a towing discount for frequent use though.
  13. You came to witness my awesome on the scooter trying to get all the squids to race me. It's big fun because none of them can decide if I'm serious or not so they just think I’m crazy. I’m going to get punched in the mouth some night when I ask someone what’s wrong are you afraid to race me bitch.
  14. I'm thinking $0.10 a mile with a $0.03 mile cut for O.R., just imagine how much money that will bring in. We'll all be rich I tell ya!
  15. Now that is a responsible pit bull owner. I wish more people had this kind of sense maybe we wouldn't hear so many sad stories about children being attacked.
  16. Can we start charging admission for group rides?
  17. The top 2% of earners are already taxed too much leave them alone in fact I think their rates should be reduced beyond what the current rates are set up for. The government should be cutting programs or budgeting better; if they would stay out of programs they shouldn't be fucking around with they could afford to pay for national defense like they are supposed to be doing. You can't bail out companies and cry poor mouth at the same time when your job isn't to bail out people but it is to protect them.
  18. I thought all pit bull dogs were trashy junk yard dogs owned by thugs or rednecks, but you're going to tell me you're different right? There can't be any good reasons for anyone to own one of those dogs unless you have small junk and are ignorant. They are vicious killers with lock jaws that will turn on you when you least expect it. Why someone would put friends and family in jeopardy by having one around the house is beyond irresponsible.
  19. We had someone here that bought a new one for $5,700 O.T.D. during the sale. If I remember correctly that picture came out the first day of the announcement and prices went up from that point.
  20. Weren't these selling for $5K new a year ago?
  21. One more nail in the coffin of free TV, more government intervention making it harder for people to do business.
  22. ^Truth Everything happens on time and the way it's supposed to. Make the best out of the whole experience.
  23. Justin is a snarky little liberal fuck who tries to piss everyone off and cries about it, what a loser. Man up and take it like a man Obama can't save you here. For the most part I have been staying out of the rep business this time around. It was fun the last time but not so much this time. The last time I had someone who kept negative repping me before it was made public who was doing it. Then when it was made public the older rep had the original posters associated with it and he stopped doing it. That little bitch is gone now and hasn't been logged into the forum in over a year. I was even told to watch myself about fucking with him because he was here longer than me, like that should give anyone a free pass. I have never negative repped anyone and can't foresee a scenario where it would be warranted. Except for Justin he really tries my patience.
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