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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I am well aware of whom Massad Ayoob is and I think sometimes he writes stuff just to have something to say. He has a following for a very good reason but it is in his best interest to keep that following and not everything he puts out is valuable. In our state if you are carrying legally and legally defend yourself you will not be prosecuted for modifications. This also insulates you from civil liabilities. There are times when modifications can lead you to make an ND and if harm is caused from that I don't have a problem with being made responsible for the result.
  2. I have a very good high school friend who is a detective on one of the local police departments that spends a lot of time in the Rocky River courts during his job duties and has not ever come across a case where someone was harmed in court for modifications, good shoot or not. Don't you know, I can't remove any of the safeties from the Glock they don't have any. Most any mod you can do to a weapon that keeps it legal you can buy a weapon with that feature. I can buy a shotgun with an 18" barrel what difference does it make if I shorten a barrel to that length? I have no doubt that a civil attorney would try to use modifications against you but I know of no cases where a prosecuting attorney has. You don’t get to a civil trial if there is no criminal trial. If you are in court in a self defense shooting you have more troubles than being sued civilly. I can't wait to highjack this thread with pictures of my new Glock.
  3. Sounds great, my schedule is flexible for the most part and I have most Sundays open for a road trip. I have a five hour class on Saturdays until mid May. If we do this you can keep or sell the holster, I am working with a local company designing a holster for Glocks, that is where I got onto this carry idea. I have heard this repeated many times but with no real evidence to back it up just anecdotal hearsay. Unless a CCW instructor has a law degree to support his opinion or personal knowledge of this type of prosecution they should preface their statements regarding this matter with a disclaimer of what you are about to hear is just a made up scenario I have heard about on the internet that might be possible but no one really knows. If it is a good shoot then prosecution is not likely so then civil prosecution isn’t possible. If you are in court in a self defense shooting you have more problems to worry about than if you changed your magazine release out for an extended one. In this case I think I will be alright because I plan to make the handgun more friendly by taking away some of its capacity and stippling it will make it safer for everyone because I will hold onto it better so I won’t drop it and hurt someone.
  4. I am looking into when I can get down your way. Are your hours flexible for meeting someone? Possible meet at Fin Feather and Fur some weekend? Damn you, you're going to sell me something too nice to hack up and I will be stuck having to leave it stock. I am looking to appendix carry, my G34 is too long and a G26 is too short, I haven’t tried a G19. I have tried a G17 cut down to G19 grip length and like all the compromises.
  5. Again guys that was the most fun I've had on a bike in years but it wasn't a group ride it was going out and riding with your buddies. I would not ride in such a manner with an organized group. (Fun as hell though wasn't it!) That was the first time I had used the 1K’s speed on the back roads. On a well regulated group ride a 600 is more than enough bike and 250’s are not out of place. Seriously, group rides can be fun if everyone riding goes into it following a few ground rules to help keep everyone safe. Riding slowly doesn’t necessarily mean safe, how when and where you ride fast is important for safety.
  6. I have been on a few group rides that sucked and a few that were fun as hell and a few that were a little of both, one thing for sure none of them were lumbering herds. If that's the company you're keeping you need to find a different group. Nothing wrong with riding alone but group rides are a blast with the right group.
  7. They fit my hand like shit also but I can't find another that I can shoot better. I haven't found another handgun that fit's me better than an M&P, have you tried to shoot many Glocks? I'm looking for a junk ugly well used G17 right now. I'm just going to cut it to accept 19 magazines and possibly stipple it. Trying not to spend more than $400.
  8. I currently only carry OWB and make no real attempt to conceal. I have appendex carried but the fatter I got the more that option went away.
  9. A pastime in prisons is for the inmates to actively train on how to disarm police officers. These people get good at it and don't expect that they will be announcing their intentions when doing so. (Attacking from the blind.) I see these predators as real threats and do not wish to expose myself to them. (Don't go anywhere you need a gun.) This is one of the concerns LE have about people carrying because having a weapon taken from them is a very real threat and they train to prevent it. Most open carriers do not train to retain their weapons and are mostly making political statements. A non LE person open carrying doesn't present as much of a threat to criminals as a LEO because they aren't going to try to detain the criminal so I see that as a plus for open carry to that extent. The mutts that were discussed in the previous post that didn't rob a place because of someone open carrying in my mind won't be much of a threat if they would choose to victimize a prepared target.
  10. I lost interest about here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h0Wr_VLioA There are plenty examples of Hyenas stealing food from lions. While written well his premise is that all predators are created equal which I find to be absurd. Criminals who admit to preying on unarmed victims are not the true bad asses of the criminal world. I will take my chances with that level of competency as opposed to the predator who will exploit a target showing a means to defend itself. That type of attack is usually so brutal and absolute that survival is not likely to happen. While I am speculating on scenarios just as much as the author about imaginary attacks my philosophy on self defense is much different. I will take my chances with a predator that hasn’t assessed his target any better than to choose me as a victim as opposed to one who will seek a confrontation with an armed target. We have had these open carry discussions before and I whole heartedly agree that people who have figured out that its right for them should be doing so; it’s just not right for me. I do not like to have unsolicited conversations with people that open carry provokes and could care less about informing people. If a conversation with a random stranger about firearms changes someone’s mind about their own self defense or second amendment rights they were too stupid for me to care about them in the first place.
  11. Stay away from these cruises with eating stops. Rides do not include eating stops. If you stop to eat while on a ride you need to tell someone that you are falling out so the group doesn't go looking for you.
  12. I intend to be rocking a much larger scooter this year. That's right I'm moving on up from a powder blue 150 to a great big old black 250. The streets won't be safe for any of you guys, nothing but tail lights for everyone. I'm serious it's on lay-away.
  13. We have no jobs unless you have 10 years experience building plastic injection molds. Even then it would be part time right now. There is more than a sear needed to make an AR functional and I wouldn't be caught with a lower that would accept one. You would have to make it yourself because I don't know of any legitimate manufacturer who would sell you one.
  14. I thought I remembered seeing this posted here. Regardless of this being something you can do yourself (With practice and varying degrees of success.)the company making them has been very successful. I might be doing some work for them to help out their production because they can't keep up with orders. I love to see people making money.
  15. Fuck that, those guys stop to eat entirely too much. Don't go thinking about it, slacker.
  16. I am fairly sure this has been discussed before but as I get older if I have slept since the event there is a good chance all the details won't be remembered. I sure hope I'm not upsetting anyone repeating myself I won't be able to sleep with that on my conscience.
  17. There is no doubt that a front going flat when being pushed would suck and is an experience I wouldn't want to go through. That particular even can happen at any time with a tire that is patched or not. My real world experience and riding with others who patch tires says that a patched tire doesn't make that event happen with any more certainty. I get the concept of heating a carcass but haven't had it throw a plug out at any speed. I have never had a catastrophic blowout with any type of tire plugged or not and seriously doubt that if that event takes place it will be because of a plug.
  18. Patch the thing and be done with it. I have done it numerous times without an issue. I know people who have done it as much as I do without any issues. Those telling you not to are only guessing about what could happen without any real world experience. This has been discussed before and I still can't remember hearing of anyone who has had a bad experience once they have patched a tire. Maybe I don't ride as hard as some of the guys telling you not to do it but I have done this on several fast bikes.
  19. Uncle Punk

    Uncle Punk

    So Sambusa is out working in the fields by himself waiting for his hired hand to show up. Black Tod is usually at work on time and a hard worker so it's unusual that he is late so Sambusa is quite worried about him until he spots him coming up the path out to the field. Black Tod has a worried look on his face and doesn't seem all that anxious to get to work. Sambusa asks him why he seems so out of sorts and Black Tod says that his wife had a baby this morning. Congratulations Black Tod you don't seem to be real happy about the blessed event is everything okay asks Sambusa. Black Tod explains that everyone is healthy and all is well except you see boss the baby was white. Sambusa sees that this is troubling Black Tod and tries to think of a way to explain how these things can happen so they can get back to work. Sambusa says that these things happen and that all things in nature can't always be explained. He goes on to say look out in the field there, you see the black lambs, we don't have any black sheep but they are born here all the time. Black Tod thinks for a minute and replies with "Let's just call it even boss."
  20. So how is it learning from correct questions in categories that aren't intuitive to a computer? I thought someone had to give it the prior questions for it to learn appropriate responses and saw that as its biggest flaw which would take mucho more capacity to overcome.
  21. For cheap carry this is an option, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSvy5nQnd64&feature=related There are several people making these. Raven Concealment makes one they call the Vanguard plus they are an Ohio company.
  22. Even though it is not connected to the internet are people still inputting the correct questions to the previous answers? If so then how is this thing so special, it still needs human input to actively compete? This may have been addressed since the Nova program but I don’t get in front of a TV that time of day so I don’t know if it’s been answered.
  23. When I went it was $5 and they had cheap ice cream & trophies, both equally important.
  24. This is a very fun revolver to shoot. If you are at an indoor range you can take the target all the way back and hit it like a pro, even new shooters do well with it. If you like to talk to people, everyone at the range will come over to see it and they can't help to hear it while you are shooting, it's a real conversation starter. I would save shooting it with special people though because it is the hardest handgun I have ever had to clean. GLWS!
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