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Everything posted by VanDy

  1. Got this in Okinawa in '05, says Semper Fi down the back of the arm. Wanting another half sleeve, thinking along the lines of classy WWII Nose art, or just taking some pics of my airplanes, motorcycle and other fast stuff and seeing what the artist can come up with.
  2. Slow day at work, everybody's on vacation except a few of us, makes for a long day! Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  3. is it summer yet? or maybe spring?
  4. welcome! that is pretty awesome!
  5. thank you for sharing that. Semper Fi
  6. Just saw your post about track day suggestion bike for son, where are you at in Dayton? Im just up in troy and have a 750SS, always great to meet a fellow ducati guy! Ever heard of Cadre down in cinci? Hit me up sometime, especially when spring hits, im looking forward to my first track day this year!


  7. im with you on this!!! although i have used an 'Old Biker Trick' of putting a couple pages of newspaper in front of your chest, blocks the wind really well!! i even put a couple pages in fron of my shins, since that was the coldest part on me
  8. Saw this one the other day near my house, took me a minute to figure it out! Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  9. Welcome! There are a few of us in the Dayton area, well get a ride or two figured out this summer Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  10. I have one in my truck, painted it up like a first aid kit, comes in handy for when I have to make an unanticipated stop at the BMV or city building, Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  11. Wasn't there a senate bill or something, not to long ago, where they wanted cars to be equipped with devices that would Jam cell phones while the car was in gear? If not seems like a step that direction Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  12. Yep, got me there, oops, but I'm standing by my point. I do see where people would approve the law, but I dont think it would change much other then one more thing the govt has control over.. Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  13. What about eating? Putting on make-up? Or reaching in the back seat to smack your kids? or lighting a smoke? These have been around longer then cell phones are possibly as dangerous as answering a call and aren't illegal (yet) should we add them to the list? Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  14. Who dictates an emergency or not? My little girl being out of diapers (yes bad planning, but happens none the less) isn't worthy of a call to 911, but I sure want to know about it, and pick some up. Too much left to interpretation (sp) Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  15. So guilty until proven innocent? WTF? And the sent text thing goes right out window too, I can reply to a text with-out ever touching my phone or taking my eyes off the road..... I am not condoning texting while driving, however, I think the govt is too involved anyway... Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  16. And I'm sure your dad is thrilled to have his pic in a bathrobe on the interwebz!! Lol Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  17. Anybody anybody ever try them? Seems like a good deal, and has good reviews (on their website, fwiw) http://www.topgearleather.com/c=RTY9zc9Fsd338CvG8eLBWFSwE/product/343BK/Perrinis-Fusion-Motorcycle-Racing-Suit-Leather-Suit.html Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  18. It's a dude Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  19. But this means ski's on the airplane!!! Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  20. ^^^This! A lot of local places can get closer if you ask them. I also consider price of shipping. Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  21. It all stacks up pretty quickly really, 1, long flight, no hearing protection, a little tired, ready to be home, gotta pee, That little stuff adds up pretty quick and leads to horrible accidents like this more often then I care to hear about... Wishing a speedy recovery to her Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  22. I WILL do a track day this year! just a matter of which one and when! I can almost guarantee a trailer with at least one extra spot, im hating this cold wet season already.
  23. Figured Id share again, since i had to make a new screen name.
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