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Everything posted by VanDy

  1. VanDy

    How to propose,

    Thanks everybody! I could use a BFR Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  2. VanDy

    How to propose,

    Just thought I'd share! 1. Get an airplane. 2. Find a cute baby, (girls dig stuff like that) 3. Cram them both in an airplane (make sure to get grandpa thru the window lol) 4. Have an awesome brother in-law spray paint his yard for you to get the message across!! 5. After she says yes, teach the baby to fly, after all motorcycle's aren't expensive enough! Lol Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  3. VanDy

    Beer Pics

    Delicious! Although it's $12 a four pack Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  4. I use toorgle to search the torrent sites Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  5. Must reach Charming Cali Fiancé, dad, and best friend are on my team! Driving an Audi A4 (while texting...) My weapon is a red shell My buddy I used to work with Damn good considering my entire posse is all good with many weapons!! Sent from my iPhone using SIRI
  6. VanDy

    tapa talk

    Yep, try searching "Ohio riders" My bike doesn't leak oil, it's sweats awesomeness!
  7. Man, y'all are gettin hosed!! Here is what we used to determine per diem rates, maybe it's because we worked under gov't contracts... http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/21287 I think Vancouver Canada was my highest ever, 120 a day and that was if I used it or not! My bike doesn't leak oil, it's sweats awesomeness!
  8. An iron with a brown paper bag works well for grilled cheese My bike doesn't leak oil, it's sweats awesomeness!
  9. Streetfighter S is 1098, that enough for ya? My bike doesn't leak oil, it's sweats awesomeness!
  10. I use there reloads for range only, used .45 and .40 usually 1 failure to fire per box, otherwise no problem My bike doesn't leak oil, it's sweats awesomeness!
  11. Well said! My bike doesn't leak oil, it's sweats awesomeness!
  12. Kiddo duty tomorrow otherwise I'd be there! My bike doesn't leak oil, it's sweats awesomeness!
  13. Why is it that all the 'great' shows start with TOP? TOPgear Yeah mike is a pos, and I pray he goes home every episode... My bike doesn't leak oil, it's sweats awesomeness!
  14. I might be completely misreading this.. But other than the scope being blurry, isn't that normal? We always did our initial sight ins for M16A2's at 36yds, because it has the same point of aim point of impact as 300yds? Maybe sight in your scope? (once you can see thu it that is) My bike doesn't leak oil, it's sweats awesomeness!
  15. Is that a spaniel or a Brittany? My bike doesn't leak oil, it's sweats awesomeness!
  16. I have a feeling I'm gonna have my hands full in About 15 years! I'm gonna stick around the best I can! Great meeting you and hopefully we can for a 'short' ride by your standards, some time soon!
  17. .25-06 FTW!!! The longest I've shot it so far is 100yds, how would that look strapped to my back for a ride down there? Lol
  18. You sir are what we should all strive to be!!!! Thank you for your integrity!
  19. I'm just saying don't be a hypocrite! If your drive way is uphill and you move your bike, so a friend can use your driveway, and you don't put on full leathers, Helmet, boots, and gloves to move your bike, even if it's only inches, you ARE NOT ATGATT!!!!!!
  20. My point is that a lot o f people get behind a keyboard and type 'ATGATT' but don't practice what they preach! I'm all for personal choice, ifi want to ride to a few doors down the road naked, I will! The gov't should have no say! If I wreck, because of a cager being stupid or my own stupidity, it's my choice and natural selection! Every time we get on a bike 'ATGATT or not' it's our choice we decide what risks we want to take...
  21. VanDy

    Fuel Economy

    My ducati 750SS gets 55-60 consistently! That's not Babying it either.
  22. Only 2 replies saying they honestly wear ATGATT.... Interesting...
  23. Just to stir the pot.... If the only place the OP has ever seen him ride is a few doors down from his house, who cares? Are each and every one of you saying that EVERYTIME you throw a leg over your bike you fully gear up? I know that I will occasionally run my bike down the street with no helmet, (I live on a cul-de-sac) if I'm doing an oil change I'll let it warm up and run it down the street in whatever I have on.... Now if I'm going for a "Spirited" ride then yes! I wear all my gear!! But who hasn't thrown a leg over their bike in less than full leathers? Maybe he was just 'showing' off his bike and only going 400', who knows? As they say... "It's more fun to ride a slow bike fast, then a fast bike slow!!"
  24. Stop right on top of the sensor and 'blip" the motor just a little, or stop and restart the bike, the starter makes a pretty big field, and the rotating parts spinning faster disrupt more lines of flux
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