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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. No disrespect to the LEO on here but what are cops good for besides tickets? They never get there before a crime has happened and the criminal has fled, Besides earning revenue for the state or city by tickets what do they do? (besides go to calls in da hood to stop guys beating their wives) With the exception of maybe one or two LEO I have met most seem to have a power trip ego. Not my cup of tea, to serve and protect seems to be a thing of the past. Mostly seems to be to ticket and harass as of late.
  2. I drive by there on the way home from work maybe I swing by and check it out. I have heard the tapes.
  3. And I have to agree with Justin I would bet he was not carrying legal.
  4. Like I said he would shoot the first time not the second thanks for backing me up exarch...
  5. IP it was east cleveland and basically the (dirty) cop liked his little shiny derringer and though he would not come looking for it. He did, and it was found but nothing was done. go figure. An exarch if the guy was going to shoot the cop he would do it when he first walked up to the car not after he came back up. I think some cops just feel butt hurt that we can carry guns also.
  6. And yeah the poor kid faces a long hard road if she pulls through.
  7. :rolleyes:What the no gun sign didn't stop him? Only the law abiding people who could have maybe helped save lives?
  8. Well on the flip side I work with a guy who was stopped in cleveland and had his gun taken for weeks before it was found in the same officers personal locker, and not the evidence locker it was to be in. He never received a ticket, but his gun was taken by east cleveland to see why it was not registered.(bought from private sale) He was pissed to say the least.
  9. I just buy a box or two at fin when its on sale. Slowly working my way up to a stockpile one box at a time.
  10. I would bet that they had a cpz sign up. Most of the places around there do. Good thing that sign stopped this mentally unstable person from bringing a gun in an killing people!
  11. We just lost one of our three dogs. It sucks and it is never easy sorry for your loss.
  12. My boys just bought a couple of these this weekend at the gun show. LOL! For as long as it would take my dumb ass to tie those knots I will just pay $8-$12 for someone else to do it.
  13. So we doing the 12th or what? I think the first one was just camping with some shooting?
  14. Found a old pic of my bandit after I did some work to it.
  15. Why is 9mm better? Its cheaper lol.. http://www.3gunammo.com/9mm/9mm-115-gr-FMJ-New-Ammo.html
  16. Nice I use to have a 2000 b-12 still miss that bike.
  17. A what? A canoe sign? Lol or a conoe
  18. Neet idea but to high tech for camping. Thats the reason to go tent camping to get away from all that technology is it not?
  19. I have only been pulled over twice with my ccw. Once on the bike which the park ranger was a tool. The other the officer just asked my to keep my hands on the steering wheel.
  20. I'm out if it's in canton now. the triple is not ready yet and I am not trying to pull 70 miles of freeway on the DR-350. Have fun I am gonna hit up the gun show instead.
  21. That sucks guess i should have checked for better deals.
  22. Yeah it matches my DR pretty good. Also works with my lime green speedtriple LOL!
  23. So I got my new helmet in the mail today. I ordered a scorpion exo 1000 in the rpm graphic, with the flat black gold color. Got it from http://www.motorcyclegear.com/street/closeouts/helmets/scorpion/exo_1000_rpm_motorcycle_helmet.html for $159.00 shipped. First ride with it was today back and forth to work so about 60 miles. Like the way it fits, not as heavy as all the reviews I read. The flip down sun visor could be a little darker(they make a dark smoke) But worked nice. Reasonably quiet, for the price range it's in. Must vent well, cause I had to shut most of them to stop the cold wind. Will give a review after i get a good day ride in, but so far happy with it.
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