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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Steel mills Bad just cant remember what roads lead down there.
  2. Its good had some nice tips on there for killing pigs with a bbq fire under the tank...
  3. Very nice tig work. looks good, hope I can get the monies to do this to my dr soon.
  4. Glad your ok, and like parks said it happens learn from it and move on.
  5. I might go right now if the storm holds off.
  6. UH the lc9 is a ruger not a crock. sorry glock.
  7. Single stack 9mm about the same size as the lc9 so what makes it worth the extra money?
  8. Yep my lc9 was $100 cheaper.
  9. Yeah Sounded more like a anti american web site there Kawi?
  10. Alright its been a week almost anyone gonna get the pic?
  11. Nice my wife was just helping me last week with changing the tires on my dr. She has alo help me take the carbs off and clean them up on multiple bikes. She is VERY independent.
  12. Let me know if you have any leads. My great Uncle was a demolitions engineer on Iwo Jima. He also still has a bunch of the maps he used from when he was there. Some he has mounted in a frame on his walls. Kinda cool to see where they wanted things blown up by his company.
  13. I use to have a m&p sold it as I didn't much care for the trigger and a few other things.
  14. I have a set of frog togs rolled up that stays in my tank bag. So im good for rain wear. http://www.FroggToggsRaingear.com/Motorcycle.shtm
  15. Still a smith which mean sub par, waiting on the xds.
  16. Sorry to hear the bad news. Keep the bike you will miss it if it sells.
  17. I could get you a 10k watt genny for $5k that would power everyones tire warmers. LOL!
  18. Don't ask me I have a 4000 watt genny, that doubles as a stick welder. LOL!
  19. Glad I got all boys, so they can pester fathers like you. LOL!
  20. Well I got the bastard tires on and scrubbed in. Not bad but they lean in way faster then the knobbies, and were a little slick until I got the film worn off some. Hit some dirt in the park and they do not have near the grip of the knobbies I took off. They might feel better when broke in?
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