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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Looks good, I know nothing of track tires so what are those rain slicks?
  2. RANGE TIME!! LOL! I would be willing to make a trip down to help dispatch this t.v. if that is the final decision..
  3. I never put my bikes up for the year this year. I was riding the dr in the snow a few times. But yeah we are gonna have a bad year with the bugs since the lake never froze over and it never stayed cold long enough to freeze them up. This summer is gonna be bad for bugs.
  4. When i ever get a newer bike its gonna be something along these type of bikes. Very cool set up.
  5. So we getting any closer to setting a date yet?
  6. Maybe with some tanerite in it for effect?!
  7. Maybe I will just ride by on my bike and not stop to be anti social. Then go for a ride in the valley by myself.
  8. post some pics of the finished bike when you can.
  9. For about the same monies.. I would much rather have this bike. http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/mcy/2911597560.html
  10. No if I were looking for a mid to late 90's bike it would be a vfr with bags on it lol! not a duc.
  11. How many miles does the cbr have on it now I know you rolled it over once right? Must be nice living down in the great roads you do. I ride 400+ miles just to get a good ride in with twisties up here LOL! With half of that being slab to get to the good stuff.
  12. I have just the tool to fix it. A 12 GA. LOL!
  13. They have had that bike for sale on and off for a few years I think . LOL! would be kinda cool to have, but that old of a duc is gonna need tlc for service. Kinda odd to but hard bags on a old duc like that?
  14. I was there around 4 but walked out with nothing. I now have to check back to see when they get more sights in.
  15. Hope to meet some of the new jokers that post on here now, at the meet and greet.
  16. I try to stay away from hot spots for the brain dead LOL!
  17. They also stayed in one place to long. And as much as I would love to think a zombie apoc would happen I don't think stem cell research will reanimate the dead any time soon. But do I fear a total economic collapse, maybe a little more.
  18. LOL if it is a zombie deal I have a crossbow and a compound bow and plenty of bladed weapons for that. With lots of arrows. who needs bullets? So wrong on your part. I plan to be in bfe with my supplies hiding out if the zombies come.
  19. I went to fin today as well LOL! they were sold out of the vortex sight I went to buy dang it!!!
  20. We can lots of veggies every year, have seed plots for the next year. Hunting and fishing skills would help you. I have a small stock of ammo more for hunting if shtf then protection. I also have bows/crossbows for hunting, no ammo needed. I am always trying to read on more info and learn new skills.
  21. Check it out...http://www.deadohio.com/WitchesHill.htm
  22. I rode today for a bit?!!
  23. Ammo is not the answer. learning skills to live off the grid is key. Why is over 1/4 of my yard a garden? Why do I teach my boys to hunt and fish? Are we ever prepared enough? NO! can you try to teach the skills that will help you? Yes. I prefer to try to teach and learn the skills that will help me be more independent.
  24. When it all fails hope you prepped enough. that is all.
  25. Not my thing but please stay safe. And have a good ride.
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