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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. No its not. Did it get removed?
  2. Thanks Kawi for letting us come down an shoot. Back home drying out the tent. Its sunny up here.
  3. I get off Saturday morning when on third shift but work the other two shifts on saturday. But i do get Sunday off every week.
  4. "I can change my line without upsetting the bike, I can slow down without upsetting the bike, and I can judge my entry speed to leave some in reserve and a multitude of other subtle things" Me to I learned these things on the street though.
  5. You are correct I have learned more about traction and sliding on my new to me enduro, then the many slides I have had on dirty corners. If I had the means to do so I would like to get into the track scene but that is not going to happen anytime soon. I enjoy beating up my DR-350 and sliding it around as of late. My street bike has got no riding time so far this year.
  6. Your walthers .22 shoots like shit LOL! Just go buy a buck mark or mark III.
  7. Ok so how do you learn to deal with mid corner gravel on the track if you have never felt your rear tire step out on gravel? Don't get me wrong not saying that track days do not teach riding skills. But I have ridden with people who do mostly track days, and they have a hard time adjusting to street riding with the other hazards thrown in. Edit I also don't run a 10/10th pace on the street. Like stated the street is for spirited riding not racing.
  8. Piss on the track! You learn to street ride on the street. You learn to be a snob on the track. Cause running the same 13 clean turns with no traffic teach you street skills? Track days teach you the limits of your bike and tires, not how to handle a dirty RT.555 corner when a truck is pushing the yellow line. Both have great potential to teach a set of riding skills but I still don't see how track days prepare you for the unexpected hazards of the dirty, double yellow crossing truck street rides.
  9. Unless I beat you to it Jst2fst. lol I just upload it to my photo album on here and then post it with the little camera symbol.
  10. Either that or take them to Dales swap meet/BBQ on June 3rd?
  11. This is my last saturday off for the summer. So ill be in the same boat as you parks.
  12. Camping at kawi kids and shooting.
  13. I am riding to get wgar right now.Bad!!!!
  14. Yeah sorry that was for parks. Got the text Kawi. See you bubbies Saturday.
  15. Guy down the road from me is selling a 06 zx6r for $4800 i think i will see and grab ya a number.
  16. Sounds like a plan. Send me a pm with your cell and info so i can get ahold of ya on my way down.
  17. Parks I am leaving kinda early, maybe around 9-10. And kawi a addy would help LOL!
  18. Am coming down Saturday around 1pm or so. Will bring it with me if you want.
  19. Hey parks any luck with the holster for the lc9?
  20. Hob how far are you from coshocton. I am gonna be down there this week end and would like the front stand if you think it would fit a triumph.
  21. So who is planning on showing for this?
  22. Why do you think there will be an increase in accidental discharges? And how does the government making me take a class on safety gonna make me a safer gun owner? Training, and more training will make you a safer gun owner not the 12 hour class that they make you take. If they cared about the safety of the people They would mandate a course. right now they have no set class that must be taught. There is no guideline for what is to be taught at the class. And also no requirement as to how the shooting portion of the test must be done. I have heard of people who had to hit a 10 inch paper plate 5/10 shots from 10 feet with a .22 to pass their test. Does that make you feel safe? With that kind of training, we might be better off not having a test and just a background check like when you buy a firearm.
  23. Wish I could make this. Have not been down there since 07.
  24. When in georgia watch out for lumpkin co cops they HATE bikes. I got nailed for $290 ticket for passing in a no passing zone. They also tried to force me to go to court for the ticket a local biker lawyer helped with that part. You must do a run on Ga. rt 180 wolf pen gap. Very cool road and you can stop at the other end at t.w.o. and get a burger for lunch.
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