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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Ok thanks Todd was not to sure on what the rules were. Chris if you need someone local a coworkers cousin is a ffl on the west side by us. Let me know.
  2. Ok i guess the table would be an extension of the shop. Red you looked local no shop has one you could pick up around here?
  3. You cant bring the gun up here to deliver it to him ,do the paperwork up here an phone in the info? Im not real sure how it all works either. I have bought from shows where the dealer called it in on his cell phone.
  4. Order it an bring it to the bike show after party. Not far for red to pick it up.
  5. Ill swing by on the way home from work. Most likely to late for anyone to still be there.
  6. From what I see you can still order them. I plan to get one as the first part of my pistol build.
  7. I liked the upper deck its only a mile or so from the house.
  8. We could try to get a lobster out of the machine this year. I will be there for a bit if work allows it
  9. For anyone interested in them great price on life straws on woot. http://sport.woot.com/offers/lifestraw-personal-water-filter-15?ref=cnt_wp_1_1
  10. I got a 18000 btu heater it gets about 15*-20* warmer then the outside temps when its on high. If it reaches the 40's saturday I will most likely be able to paint.
  11. A little rust on the seam, an need paint removed on the rest four pieces total. Gonna start by using a wire wheel to get them somewhat clean.
  12. Winter better be long this year LOL! I have run into some problems already. Split rims are a little rusted in the middle and are leaking air gonna try to sandblast an refinish them with new o-rings. I got the pull starter rebuilt and it works great now. I also changed the oil in the motor, and degreased the whole bike. Next project is to swap the parts over to the better frame I picked up. I sanded the little bit of rust off the frame and just need to get it repainted if I get a warm enough day. Slowly it is getting there, I hope to have it done in time to get to play in the snow with it.
  13. I need to refinish the rims on my atc project, anyone near Cleveland have access to a blaster and booth? Could offer beer or deer smokies in exchange for use of booth LOL! rims have just enough rust on them that the o-ring is leaking air out. Honda split rims, not real big.
  14. Any 82 atc 110 parts i need plastics cheap.
  15. We were making allot of noise i guess.
  16. Got to listen to it on the radio in the woods we got asked to quiet down by the owner of the camp ground lol.
  17. I will be heading down today to setup camp and scout a bit. Planning to stay till sunday afternoon unles i get one before that. Will be staying at woodbury wildlife area in warsaw.
  18. If you want to eat some meat better contact jbot.... lol thanks again.
  19. Now if it was $20 i would have bought that also. Lol glws thanks for the gun case.
  20. Making another batch tonight jbot. About 15 pounds worth need something to snack on this weekend when im out hunting.
  21. Rigid frame with locked rear end was the main reason so many people got hurt on them. But they are fun to fart around on lol.
  22. Thanks Scott, but ill be at woodbury this weekend or my buddies cabin for late season muzzle loader. Leaving thursday afternoon to set up camp. Hunting through sunday afternoon.
  23. What shift you work now Brandon? Bring it to work tuesday, ill but it from ya. Im on 7-3 this week.
  24. No frame is not cracked but i needed a rear axle as the one end is stripped and the wheel is loose. I found a guy who said he had axles local, when i got there all he had was this frame with a complete rear end in it. Paid $40 for the whole thing with the electrical harness and lots of parts. I might just put my stuff into this frame as its in better shape. Total invested so far $300 lol. For the atc new set of tires a spare frame and rear end. And new fuel lines for it.
  25. You're a good dad all i got mine was a gokart and atc. Lol
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