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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. I have the flash 2. I could not find the tanto tip with half serration. And the bear gyles knife I have with a quick run through a sharpener will shave hair off you arm.
  2. That's what I have been using for the past year ir so. Holds a great edge. Easy to get razor sharp. Would highly suggest it for the money. Sog makes a good knife.
  3. I love mine also but might be going up for sale 11 years has been long enough I think might try to find a 1050?
  4. Yes gold wings have a air restraint option(even if it looks like a huge ass LOL)
  5. The night hawk would be good to my buddy use to have one we called it the flying lazy-boy.
  6. Yeah I should be good after the weekend. Just have a 10 pound lifting restriction for a week then 20 after that. So week one will be handgun shooting week two rifle LOL!. But shooting will be limited by the fact my work will not pay me for the time off. I pay into short term disability, but it takes a week or so to kick in the 80%. So funds will be limited.
  7. Whats this talk of when riding season starts? it never ended this year LOL! Welcome from the neo. I been riding the dr all winter on short round town jaunts.
  8. Facebook twitter same thing right? I dont do any of those sites.
  9. Like I said my dad is looking to get his first handgun but he is stuck in the 1960 on gun prices since thats when he bought his last gun LOL. He thinks a handgun should be around $200. LOL! I told him that a decent gun is gonna run around $300.
  10. So if you had to pick which one the sigma or p95?
  11. Never shot a sigma, but heard good things about them. I have been looking for a cheap 9mm for my Dad. I have it down to a sigma or a ruger p95.
  12. If I didnt fail and not have facebook I could be doubling my clicks everyday!
  13. So I found out I have a hernia and need surgery on it. Looking to be off work for some time, maybe a month they said due to the heavy lifting we do there. Besides playing some ps3 and ranking up on mw3, I am going to be bored out of my mind. That is all.
  14. He mentioned he has 20 people in his doom day group. You half that up on the roof it would be hard to over throw them? Not saying a large group couldn't do it but a lot of them would not make it lol!
  15. I think the 100 yards is a good distance. But the .22 as a test was a bit unrealistic. Even though a lot of people will have a .22 as a bug out gun. I don't think anyone would get within a 100 yards of that guys house. From his roof he said he can see almost 2 miles in every direction. good luck getting within a 100 yards if he didn't want you to.
  16. On a XD and the glock you don't have to worry about snagging the trigger either. Or a hammer for that matter.
  17. Yeah 50k+ of food is a little much but the system for using methane for heat and cooking was kinda cool. And being able to live as he does now with the grid being down is huge also.
  18. Why does it have to be gangsta' why not doomsday prep midgets.
  19. Must have been some smaller people cause that hole is not much bigger then the block sitting on the ground. I know my fat ass would need some butter to fit.
  20. WOW fail on there part. Or maybe it was a inside job. The two ranges I shoot at have somewhere around 25-30 cameras in the shop that you can see. It would be impossible to not be seen by one of them. What the heck did they use to make that hole and not get noticed?
  21. You both fail this is how you mount a chain saw on a AR
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