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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. I second the nikon or bushnell banner. I use a nikon prostaff on my .22 great glass for the money. I have a bushnell on a older glenfield and its also a good cheaper scope. Both should be under a $100. As for rings dont think they make a set of see through rings that would work on a ar platform. Or at least none i can think of off hand. You could swap out irons to a 45° set and tilt the gun to use them.
  2. There is a 12.5 horse briggs motor i can get for $125 that would be crazy also. Lol if i buy it would be for my 8 y.o. think it might be fast enough for him as is.
  3. I sold my truck today. I send you a pm about the cart.
  4. Yeah I saw that the links are no good anymore. If your interested in the tag it was david fortier park in olmsted twp. It is on water street cool little park.
  5. I never have on the bike. Once i have drawn my gun in my truck but no force was used. I had a guy begging for money jump into my window that was open when went to give him a dollar. He ended up on my lap half hanging out of the window. After trying to punch him a few times, which didnt work since he was laying on me i drew my gun and jammed it in his ribs. He jumped out the window screaming "dont shoot me brah!!" And ran away after he hit the ground. Gotta love east cleveland and working swing shift.
  6. Got my clan castle build just need to build some trophies up to join. Not bad for 4 days of playing. But i have a 13 and 11 year old helping me so i have a unfair advantage.
  7. My son played cello and now moved up to the double bass let me check with the wife on a contact. He was getting lessons from a music major at BW, she was one of the best players i have heard for not being a pro.
  8. Get a 2x10 put nails in it leave by door. Works on bears i hear.
  9. Well my kids talked me into downloading this game. Same user name as here.
  10. They play this game and minecraft. I dont get it.
  11. My kid said your village is weak. Is your user name motogsxr?
  12. My 11 year old said he'll check it out. You play mind crap also lol.
  13. Your killing me Bill. I need another shotty will have to see how my truck sale goes this weekend.
  14. Oh man if my truck sells this week im all over this for my boys. No really its for the kids lol
  15. Good jobs guys! I will plan on one before the end of summer.
  16. Man i dropped the ball i meant a ridgeline. Doh. Part truck/suv i must of seen to much sun yesterday.
  17. From everything ive read you sould get a honda pilot. Part truck, part suv and rides like car. Would be able to tow a smaller boat or bike trailer no problem. And would be reliable.
  18. Lead shot. I used it in my bars on my bandit. Works great.
  19. Well after weeks of pushing myself harder i can say i am getting my wind back. Have lost another 7 pounds in the past week and a half. And can now start to feel and see results. Pants are getting looser, and starting to see some slimming in areas. Been pushing the hill running everyday. With stairs three times a week mixed in. Diet is coming along slowly, beer has been cut out besides a few on the weekend. Also doing that 30 day core workout posted a few pges back.
  20. Split the pair up for $20 for one?
  21. Glad you like it. They are great street bikes, with a great motor.
  22. That sounds bad, the only travel for work i have is the long walk from my car to the locker room then up stairs. Lol
  23. My kids have seen my gun laying on the counter they come get me and remind me to put it away. I would still never leave them out when i am not in the same room.
  24. I might be wrong but is that a left handed shotgun? I wish i had some play money laying around. Edit just looked it up bottom eject. So it is kinda a left hand model lol.
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