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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. I would buy this and add some solar panels to the cabin. http://www.landwatch.com/Morgan-County-Ohio-Land-for-sale/pid/200714748
  2. Yeah he is my little meat ball. He is one of the biggest kids on the team. His older brother is starting to become the stud on his team as well. LOL
  3. My 8 y.o. team went 4-0 this weekend beating last years champs 12-0 in the semi finals. It was a great day for sure.
  4. So 3 of my 4 boys had football this weekend. I had 7 games in 2 1/2 days. I am sunburned, worn out, and so proud of my boys. My youngest won his first ever game in the flag division today. My 11 year old did great with a 1-1 weekend. and some great plays, a fumble recovery he caused. My 8 year old was my high light, he shined this weekend. Last year he was the team clown always getting yelled at never getting much play time and for the most part not caring. This season we worked hard over the summer he is now the starting center, and defensive end/tacckle. He did great with a long snap for his age and great blocking on offense, on defense he had three solo tackles, many assists and a fumble recovery. He was one of the captains at the championship game today, and played hard after 4 games in less then 24 hrs. I am for sure a proud Dad today and watched my boys develop into their own over this past weekend...
  5. Garbage. Why do they have to restrict all naked sport bikes. Just take the fairing off put a bar on an be done with it.
  6. That does look nice, way to go bubby. I did a similar thing for my wife with a rock she picked up the day i proposed to her. I used a dremel with a tile grout bit and engraved the date i proposed to her on it. I filled it with paint, and put a clear coat on it. She still has that rock 16 years later.
  7. My 13 y.o. could rock his airsoft in the drop leg. LOL Sad he is taller then me, but wears a 29-32 pants. Skinny little bean pole..
  8. So went to the gun show today. Found a good deal on a new stevens home defense gun. New out the door was $214 dad was happy with it, even though it was a 12GA.
  9. Beens years but that is a great road an was rough when i rode it last.
  10. Thamks Chris i will pass his info on to my coworker.
  11. I like cheap rock gut beer that is all... if only i could afford snob beer.
  12. So i will see what i can find at the berea show. If not i can always get a maverick at fin.
  13. Yeah i know, i have been telling him its gonna happen. Young guy goes out a lot, with his ccw. I have been warning him not to. Oh well hard lesson learned i guess.
  14. No priors, had a valid chl, first dui. Not sure yet if he got a dui or dwi? He is out on bond but i have yet to talk to him in detail.
  15. So a co-worker of mine justvgot pulled over and was over the limit. Problem is he had a loaded ccw on him. I know stupid, i warned him about this many times. My question is what kind of charges is he looking to face? He is out on bail right now, but is bound to be screwed i'm sure.
  16. Drop leg is tacticool. Lol to bad your the size of my kids lol.
  17. I'll trade you a numberless 1920's 22.lr revolver for that high point LOL! Everyone needs a drop gun right?
  18. Added a port and tuned the box much better over all sound.
  19. I tried to get him to shoot more. I think a maverick would do good for him. And a 20 ga is plenty for a house gun.
  20. Rural king has them new for just about $50 online. Just got one today.
  21. Very nice! How big of a pig was that and how long did it take to cook that lol.
  22. You planning to grow some lettuce Paul? LOL!!
  23. No he has been talking to my tinfoil hat cousin who told him he would never be able to stop a home invasion with the .38 he has since he never fires it. He has shot it one time since he bought it. He talked my Dad into thinking he would be better off with a shotgun. He's mostly right though my Dad was not hitting shit with his .38 and never wants to go shooting with me to get any better with it. I will see what is at the gunshow this weekend, or might just help him get a new model 88.
  24. I just fixed all the problems with my 06 Subaru... I traded it in on a new to me truck LOL! Sorry you are having suck problems with yours.
  25. Well got the box built for my sub and picked up a new amp for it. I just need to get a level converter for it now.
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