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Everything posted by Mattsn2o281

  1. Lol, absolutly nothing, i'm just heading in different direction with the car, it will be easier and a good bit cheaper with a carb'd motor setup. I'll never have the money to do what i want with a mod motor, so thats why its up.
  2. Motors gone! Pm me for any other info, Thanks, Matt
  3. You can find them in tahiti, right along with santa, elvis, and tupac. Seriously though, i have yet to meet a girl who hasn't cheated on someone at some point. does that make em all lying whores? Well, i guess it does.....
  4. I'll thrown around a few 20's in a night, but nothing more then that for me, it always seems to be a pissing match when the amount hits over $100, and i don't like drama. But i still think adding a few bucks can make it fun. Just thought about this, but didn't this topic already get covered like 2 months back or some shit anyway?
  5. Mattsn2o281

    Remembering 911

    Interesting, was the Q33NY really the tail number from the first flight to hit the towers? if so thats fucking creepy... I remember looking at the sky when i woke up and thinking that there is no way that it can be this beautiful out this early, The going back to bed untill my wife woke me up with the news. My 21st birthday was 7 days later, my big party was gathering my friends together and giving blood, and joining the red cross. I still get a shitty feeling every beautiful clear blue day we have now, it sucks that it brings back all the emotions of that day more then anything else, at least to me.
  6. Lol, that is fucking greatness...
  7. Carl Lindburgh? Jesus man, it's CHARLES Lindburgh.
  8. testing the size of my sig pic... and its way to big... can someone resize it for me?
  9. Fuck yea, good to see you guys got it back together. Get ahold of me next time your down at the shop, ill try and swing by.
  10. With the subject of this thread, pics and vids may cause blindness lol....
  11. Hell yea, get that bad bitch rollin again! It's gonna be sick...
  12. I'm down for making them the 51st, and while we're at can we make canada the 52nd?
  13. So she's the 101mm version of a turboslut huh? that other thread was quite entertaing lol... that is all.
  14. Random post. seriously, no really....
  15. Thats it right there. You just have to trust yourself. Hell if you have too, go to a lot or something and practice catching your car when its outta control, grab the ebrake at 40mph and spin that fucker out. learn the physics of a spin and what goes on, and then learn how to correct it, learn how to keep a spin under control. When i wrecked my bike, i was always sketched about hard cornering to the left because i had the rear com out in a hard left turn. I borrowed a buddies dirt bike and learned to control rear end slides in the dirt, and when i got on mine on the street, that fear had been placed back into the back of my mind. You should always have that lil voice, be it a slight fear or whatever, telling you to chill. but it should only come out when shits hittin the fan, or you really are pushing your limits. Good luck, this shit really can fuck with your mind man, get it in check, and get back to enjoying your car.
  16. Look man, i don't know how to make this any clearer, do this. go to a best buy, buy something and then as youre leaving they will ask to see your receipt and the contents of the bag. it's fucking annoying as hell, and i dont like the vibe i get from them while they do it. You can tell them to fuck off, and unless they have fucking proof that you in fact did steal something, they had best keep their mouth shut. If you wanna submit to it go for it, i always ask why, and they always say have a nice day. I'm always the first to ask a cop why and what for he needs my id. you need to read the post applying to the orc about when and why you are compelled to provide your id. unless you are under investigation for a crime, or have basicly witnessed a crime, you do not have to disclose your identity, PERIOD. Even then, UNLESS YOU ARE OPERATING A MOTOR VEHICLE, YOU DONT HAVE TO SHOW YOUR LICENSE!!!!!!! And the cop has to see evidene of a crime FIRST, before he can say that you are under an investigation. there was no crime commited, circut city had ZERO proof of a crime having been commited, and no reason to suspect there had been one. if had stolen something the dam door alarm would set it off. they have closed circut tv's all over every fucking inch of those stores, so to try and say he had removed something from the wrapper and removed the security devices is horseshit, and it probably wouldnt be in a bag anyway. What this boils down to is a few powe hungry dickheads not knowing their role, and they got called on it hard. Again, there was no crime commited in the first place to even cause an investigation, just a bunch of piss poor assumptions. i glad to see someone stand up to this shit.
  17. It has plenty to do with bush, under his leadership the patriot act 1 and 2 were placed in effect. under his leadership we have never been closer to losing a great many of our civil liberties. The Guy was 100% in the right, he did not have to identify himself, and did not have to stop for a bag check. if they think you are shoplifting, here's and idea for the lazy ass lp guys, walk the fucking floor! if you see some strange behavior then you stop someone.
  18. Good luck man, it will be cool to see what everyone comes up with over the winter, i know i have something in the works for my 04, and quite a few others are coming up with some cool shit. April should be intresting to say the least....
  19. Page 2... So what's the backstory on this? Figured i'd bring enough to share
  20. Nick you are a fucking genious man. I never even thought about doing that. guess i didnt cover my ass as well as i thought...
  21. The scales on the graph are different, but still that looks like poop. dig for $50 tonight?
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