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Everything posted by Mattsn2o281

  1. I'm looking at talking to one of the stores here for a management position, And i'm curious to see if it's even worth my time. I thought i remember someone talking about working for them or owning a store or something, and would like to know how the pay is, how the corperate attitude is, etc. Thanks.
  2. I think i'm planning on going, as are a few others from newark. Dont really want to see what i run on street tires, but i guess i need a baseline before the new combo.
  3. Lookin good, should make a great daily!
  4. Well hey at least you got to get out and let the camaro eat, that was a nice run vs that 300zx you had, especialy if its putting down the power it's supposed to!
  5. Mattsn2o281


    I'll see you guys up there!
  6. No Way? The zombies tell him yes way, and turn into...
  7. Hey, if you need a set a of springs, i'm tearing my car down here in a week or two and have a set of steeda springs i would get rid of for a decent price if you want em. Welcome to the site, nice to see another stanger on here. Oh, and easy fix for your cat issue, ditch em!
  8. Welcome, enjoy the stay, and watch out for the kitchen, it can get a bit brutal, lol.
  9. Holy shit, i actualy agree with sting. and the world will now end in 3.....2.....
  10. i'll be in c class come spring, but i'm gunnin for b, so who knows... right now i'm in d, so i have alot of room to improve lol.
  11. So you just saw all kinds of sweet shit huh? Lol, get ahold of me sometime.
  12. Highway miles ftmfw! Thats how i put 33k on my car last year, and i thought that was bad lol. hey at least they are easy miles.
  13. Damn i had no idea he was that shaken up, they made it sound like he was bragging, being proud that at 70 he could still kick some ass and take a few licks. Yea the home invasion shit is whack, and messing with the elderly should get you shot...
  14. I like how the cop or the cops boss wa saying how gps is not all that accurate, how powerlines and cloud cover can throw it off and how it can be tampered with. Yea ok sure, when there are probably 1000's of satallites that are bouncing a signal back to to the transponder in the car every few seconds im sure its just a rough guess lol. This is ex military hardware basicly, and on almost all the units i have looked into, they guarentee to be within 10 feet of your actual location and +/- 1-2 mph at most. It's not just a guesstiment.
  15. Thats petty as fuck, You think that they would want to do everything possible to make sure that it was a lawful execution. I can see texas catching shit for this...
  16. Yea, i really dont think i could do it, either way. The money would be nice, but the guilt would tear me apart if i let my wife do it, and the shame would tear me apart if i did it... Ill stay broke thanks lol.
  17. Just to add to my preveious post, i'm married, and both of us have cheated on the other. It was incredibly difficult to get over, and to get things back to the point where we could somewhat trust each other. i will never trust her 100% again, and it sucks. To much emphasis is placed on sex anymore, yea the shits fun, but, damn it aint everything....
  18. Surrounded by zombies! As they began to close in for the kill...
  19. Lol, pretty much. I miss cheap gas
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