that is totaly fked up , 15 years for what ? proving that he was threatened by a cop ? who didn't say he was a cop , just pulled his peice ? what if that motoriest was armored and saw the gun ,pulled his and shot that guy ? would he be on fault ? the gun was pulled before the guy say he was a police officer .... crap
wish everybody would think of it this way , maybe then they will do pay attention to motorcycles Hope it's not a repost , if is , then sorry [nomedia=]YouTube- TAC Motorcycle safety Vid[/nomedia]
fk , the first picture, not a fker stopped and tried to help the guy or prevent him to slide down all the stairs ? that's fked up, the guys were even passing by him looking at him ........
Sorry that you lost your bike that way, hate it when people play that military card and turn to be theives everybody else said it, hold the cash the next time you let somebody test ride your car/bike
I am not sure if i am going to sho up to this nice ride, but just so i know , anyone around Akron meeting to ride to either of the meeting location ? if so who. where and when please ? Thanks
hahahah , yep i just picked up a 2003 shadow spirit 750 , 13k miles, almost mint condition , new chain and tires , looks sharp , back rest , life loves it which makes me happy $3200
The bike was gone today, I am looking for something else now, prefer fuel injection open for cruisers and sport bikes got up to $4k please keep me in mind if you ran into something. Thanks