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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. Sorry to here that ... RIP
  2. I'd go with Yellow wheels if it was me .
  3. Akron is North East of Ohio right ? This is my ride
  4. did you just say first bike and for a guy ?
  5. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/37082569/ns/today/?gt1=43001 isn't this just sad ?
  6. Although it's too late to ask this, but why isn't there a kinda training teaching the cops, not to shoot were to paralyz if they want them alive ? like in this case, if he felt that the guy was pulling a gun couldn't he shoot him in the shoulder ? arm ? elbow ? of the hand pulling the gun ? " they get shooting training right ? so they can shoot a shoulder that close right ? " I am sorry but this thing makes me feel kinda angry, Accedints where people kill riders and it's the rider desicion to ride without steel around him , and now shooting him because he doesn't have a rear view mirror to use, and had to turn .... rant over
  7. Aww poor Rider, did you try to turbo it ? or N.O.S ? maybe you should switch to a man's bike and get a busa ? but then you will have to change ur name .... j/k
  8. Awww wasn't that a little bit too fast ?
  9. Grrr how come no one rides during the week around Akron area ? I know I know you are all week workers Will have to miss this one too, i can't leave work at weekends no matter what Enjoy it guys
  10. Nope i didn't say that .... i only didn't think that the sunglasses on that website were a high quality sunglasses, they didn't look as if they were. That was why i said what i said, but if RedStar is a high quality sunglasses, then i take what i said back
  11. I didn't mean to be rude or anything, was typing fast as i had a customer , anyway man as i said not all polaraized sunglasses are expinsive
  12. for 24 $ you can buy 2 pairs of polarized sun glasses from any sunglasses kart at any mall, i know i sell them , and they are UV400 as well
  13. bought in 2004 an 04 Chevy Aveo ,had to sell when I moved to the states bought in 09 an 03 Jetta ,Still have
  14. BikerBoy

    Is this true

    I hope it's not true.
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