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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. if the weather forcast still the same, i am riding too.
  2. Very nice and clean looking bike man , Congratz.
  3. Welcome to OR.net , Enjoy .
  4. If you are any nearer or can ship i'd be all over one of the XboX with 2 handles , would you ship ? how much with the game , shipped to zip code 44313 if you would want to ship it , thanks
  5. WoW , What a ride Hope Seth is doing OK , and glad you guys had fun, that tree is true shame
  6. do they make them adult size ? Just asking ....
  7. Hello , Welcome and enjoy.
  8. I think so too , but if no damage, and for 3000$ isn't that kinda a deal considering all other zzr 600 s for the same year are 4500+ ?
  9. saw it on Craiglist, I am working till monday so i won't be able to go check it , so i thought if anyone here would like the bike ..... I'll be all over it monday if it still there , if not ......... http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1783731976.html
  10. Looks great , Congratulations man.
  11. was my wife's friend's son , she says he has been on motorcycles all his life ,.... Rip again.
  12. you CL ad is ................ Different.
  13. you are kinda late man.
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