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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. trying to get the money together, are you on a hurry to sell it ?
  2. hahaha i started to think that i am going nuts and started seeing " unreal " things lol
  3. hope this would explain , lol I ain't no dipshit " cry face " lol
  4. he must of changed the pics then , this is the Ad when i found it
  5. http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/1974065682.html some poeple have weird idea's about selling ads Edit : to add the pics of the original AD , as of people comments I take it that the guy changed the pictures
  6. http://www.break.com/index/insane-motorcycle-rider-dash-cam-footage.html how about texting ? lol http://www.break.com/index/guy-lays-down-to-text-on-motorcycle.html
  7. funny shit , right there =))
  8. That's really f&^*#ed up , Sorry to hear that .
  9. I hope he heals up , not be on a motorcycle again actually i think his license should be taken away from him for such a speed But still , I hope he heals and be as good as new " maybe this time he will start using his long rested brain".
  10. WoW, haven't read this before , FUNNY....
  11. I don't really know what to say , May god have mercy on him . But i have a question , what is the need for such a speed ? Hope he gets better.
  12. I've been saying this for too long.
  13. you win, I am gonna stay here wash my bike , tell me how it felt when you are back.
  14. I do beleive that middle eastren goverments do as much as they can , specially against al qaida , like in Yemen, KSA , and Afghanistan . but the USA offers help that they don't refuse, and they take over the oberation , as they are more qualified with better technology I wonder sometimes how come OBL wasn't caught yet, with all this techonology and satalites that is after him ....
  15. fuck it , that's scary, god forbid if a guy fell from up there, he would die of hunger before hitting the ground....... May god be with them .
  16. If you are refering to Afghanistan caves with qaida in them , isn't that why our Army is there for, to get them out of these caves and punish the guilty ones ? I don't think Omar is from Afghanistan , so it doesn't really count as his home country ... just saying
  17. I think Muslims against terrorism is a good idea actually, how about give that name a chance Omar ? I am in both ways tho
  18. That is sad , here is a video of the crash .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U_kot-jtQ8
  19. Glad to hear you are back to riding man , bike looks great , Congratulations.
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