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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. Cool, and just to know, what was the previouse record ? Thanks
  2. wait wait, are you going off topic " AGAIN " ? i can answer that with this, what prove do you have that palestainian killed whoever in the 20's ? i think my great grandfather was kinda in his 20's in the 20's and no one ever said anything about even wars in the area, untill the revelution which was against the turkish people, then Britian promised the land to Jewish who started Israel on it, and if i remember currect the belfore promise or how ever you spell that word was for " part of the palestinian land " but Israel didn't stop there, they want all of it, but i would love to hear your side of story about the killing in 20's ? maybe we should start another thread, or take that somewhere else other than then post so people can be on topic ?
  3. I am calm down, but if he is gonna " Fuck palestine " he will get that reply, it doesn't mean i am angry, and England gave the Jewish the right to start Israel on the land i am with you on that, but Israel is who Killing/ murdering and all that at the moment, so why would i be angry at Britian ? it's like being angry at who ever invented Electricity because of the electric chair .... anyway I won't get back to this , unless if someone motivated me i wana keep thread on topic please
  4. his keyword is bluelady, he can be a guy ?
  5. okay, i'll try not to next time
  6. assissinating that guy made me truely sad.
  7. are these numbers real ? and that staff do nothing but helping her majisty first lady ? WOW
  8. i was just carried away a little , you are right it's not the topic thread, my apology
  9. When exactly was Israel after justice ? When they kidnaped the land ? or when they killed it's people ? or are they after justice with what they doing now ? kicking people out of their homes to put jewish people in it ? or destroying mosques and churches for what ever they are supposed to build in that place ?
  10. nice interpretation, so what are you trying to escape RSVDon ?
  11. I'd probably download the trail and try it tonight looks cool
  12. it wasn't really funny, but i got the point, so melissa is playing the role of all politicians who makes you beleive that they love and care for you just so they trap and kill you ?
  13. would you please explaing to me why was he killed ? who are they to lable anyone a bad guy ? specially for defending his occupied land, home and country. they didn't just might " they did for sure " and not just again but for the zillionth time.
  14. I believe that might make people start “SEEING” the Mossad's operations around the Middle East. Their Government makes the media convince the world that they are looking for peace, while all they are doing is killing, more killing and some murders.
  15. you are doing just fine buddy, some coughing is fine , remember no gain without a pain Edit: I heard that , coughin is the natural way of your body starting to clean your lungs .
  16. wow so that is the english everybody speaks ,:moo:me
  17. seriousely what was wrong with what i wrote ?
  18. it's not? got a such a deal pleas e? i am really looking to get some nice ass bike
  19. okay you guys are probably right, that what my wife told me too, but all the voices in my head says " 05 600rr for 3700$ " you are letting an 05 600rr that is for 3700$ slipping out of your hands " lol but i know what you are saying is probably true.
  20. hmmm okay how come all scams are like this " sweet " , i just made a post on CL asking to buy a bike , and his reply was the first i got , grrrrr maybe i should meet him carrying a shootgun on me just in case ? j/k Edit : i've told abnout the CL post in here to clear how he got my email and i am telling this now, because lately i couldn't deliver any of my thoughts currect on this forum
  21. hmmm you think ? okay then i should just ignore it ?
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