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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. Happy to see that you still remember us, and Happy to see you are doing good mate.
  2. Thanks dude, yeah i don't have a bike atm but i am getting one sooner or later, this one sounds cool. I am seriouse about buying abike, but again if you want it and beat me to it, that is cool
  3. PM sent, I'd like to get a bike, but if qwip10 got it first that's awesome
  4. bah this reminded me , haven't opened my facebook in 2 weeks i better go check how many " pokes " i got
  5. Ohh I see someone changed my signeture too, awesome, thanks, I'll follow what they want me to do, I won't reply to anything on this thread so please no talking to me om here, thanks
  6. I can't answer that question, but tell me about the killing israel has been doing to palestinikan since 1958 untill hamas came in the picture, destroying lands kicking people out of their lands, was that because of hamas too ?
  7. Wait wait, I said I don't know about their operations, I know who hamas is, I hear about their stuff from news too, they bombing or whatever you are saying about israeli schools, I've never seen that, but I saw israeli airforces videos on youtube while they are throwing phosphor bombs in palestinian schools, did you see that ? No? Easy it is on youtube, I know I saw it in arabic song about palestine, so , wana chwck it ? Cool, please do, again my question remains how does all what I have said indicates that I no matter how support hamas or who ever ? All what I said was about palestine and the fact that the assisnation of that guy made me sad/ angry .... So please stop twisting stuff.
  8. Is it possible that he needs a better flash player ? Not computer expert but that helped me before with games and playing videos using browsers. Just saying
  9. That is another reason for me to like my posts
  10. Exactly, that is all I said that is related to hamas
  11. I did never defend hamas, I know nothing about hamas , all I said is, the assisnation of that guy , the way it happened made me angry, but when anyone try to deny that palestine is there, and deny that israel is a concurer, that what upsets me and make come back and reply.
  12. From all the none trueth in this reply I wana say that, no likwid palestine is there and always been, and will always be , israel concured it and that is it , concurer nothing more nothing less, gaza has never been a part or egypt and will never be it is a part of palestine and will always be. End of story for me about land, but if anyone abused Palestine, I will always be here to reply.
  13. I am originaly from nablus And hamas is now launching rockets and so on civilians but and only for example, the last terrorist attack israel had on gaza killing more than few thousands of kids , women and olders that makes palestinian terrorist ? The fact they concured the land makes palesti nian the terrorists ?
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