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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Here you go. http://www.amazon.com/YAMAHA-RHINO-STAR-DEALER-BANNER/dp/B000MJ52M0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=automotive&qid=1284858897&sr=8-1
  2. Wow. 3500? The bike books for 5280$. 4k was a deal. Never heard of that before. That the only thing they asked to be returned to original?
  3. What do you mean? Isn't this still for sale?
  4. +1. Tires are one of the most important aspects of the bike. Obviously as you can already tell...shitty tires...especially extremely old ones = abysmal handling. I'm sure some people on here can score you a deal or 2. Just ask around.
  5. I'm gonna go with being a 73...and a good driving record?
  6. That's kinda creepy there champ.
  7. Tickets still available? Know how much they run? That would be an awesome show.
  8. We're too busy stabbing each other to watch the UFC.
  9. To some people, yes. I didn't know about her until recently. And...never heard of Cote till this thread. No worries.
  10. Rep Power: 20 Welcome back NightRider You last visited: 09-13-10 at 12:47 am New posts: 3 Just saw this a minute ago. Is that what i think it is? Is it back?
  11. So...what are you going for here Don? Indie, unknown chicks...or mainstream? Less mainstream...i'll raise the bar. Arianny Celeste.
  12. No. Not really lol. Just doesn't do it for me. Not sure what everyone else is seeing, but to each their own. I don't feel like looking for her pics, maybe this one is just a bad one? Feel free to throw up some more.
  13. The stupidity of men...well in this case justin beiber childlike, spineless little juveniles can run rampant as we all know. That day, i surely wouldn't have helped the cause. Reverting back to cave man brain activity, ceasing to have rational thoughts...i would have close lined the little piece of shit. Possible damage to the bike? Worth it...as i stood over the thief and showered him with the golden victory (urine) of the day.
  14. Clint's not an idiot. lol. A man's pride and passion can get in the way of things. In all of us. It happens. But...gotta agree...a win is a win.
  15. I like you Clint, your a good guy...and clearly passionate about your team...so i won't take this any farther. Still a great game, either way
  16. Are you talking about the last minute, last ditch effort td pass? Either way...we were still winning and did. No, not total domination...but what would you call a defense that grabs 4 picks?
  17. Yardage means nothing if you can't score...and you can't score when your QB plays catch with the other team. Your special teams helped more than anything in terms of scoring.
  18. That bike is sex on wheels man. Don't sell it.
  19. Voting ends Sept 30th at 12 pm. So still a ways off. At this pace, he'll win obviously...but the other guy could come back at anytime. Daily votes and persistence will keep him in the lead. Link again. http://www.motoreagles.com/home/bom-august-poll/
  20. I think that if you have a valid motorcycle endorsement you should be able to test ride a bike. It's kinda bs. Obviously, there are some kinks you would have to work out. One option would be...to have customer/possible buyer sign a waiver, stating that if customer/rider dumps/wrecks, or causes any physical damage to the bike that person is 100% responsible.
  21. Don't they refer to them as a chili or something? Don't be a pussy brah
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