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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. supposedly the longer barrels 26"+ allow for the extra to combust. i've been looking at the White Hots, which a pair supposedly gets the muzzle velocity of 3 pyrodex pellets.
  2. or download a pirated calibration DVD on mininova
  3. yamaha has some great HTiB setups that have really good receivers paired with ok speakers for like $300-something. supposedly great to start with and just upgrade the speakers later and it's sweet.
  4. i wanna add one more: 1957- men can date multiple women because of the beauty of the distinction between dating and "going steady" 2009- you better not even LOOK at another girl after you take one out on a date.
  5. well i'm looking at getting an in-line with a scope and shooting 300gr hollowpoint sabots. and yeah, i can imagine those hit harder than some shotguns. we were shooting wad and balls (i think like 175gr) at the range with 100-grains of pyrodex and that packed a good punch. the newer #209 primed guns handle up to 150-grains of powder, i wouldnt wanna get hit with one, lol.
  6. the only guy with a lot of FNH guns sold his Five-seveN yesterday. the ammo was actually not too bad. 50 rounds for $20, so 5.7x28mm is going down from what it was last time i was looking around. Very slim pickin's around, though a G3 was tempting me, but I need the money for a .50 cal to hunt this christmas.
  7. day pass to the state range at Spring Valley.
  8. just finished my hunters ed. course friday and looking to pick up my 1st muzzleloader for a deer hunting trip to Iowa with my future in-laws and wonder what you might use/recommend. thanks!
  9. fuckin A i never knew that's what he used. the AP rounds arent even available to the public and there's even considerable debate about their effectiveness anyway. fucking douchebag. my quick google search on "five-seven fort hood" landed me on "cop killer" gun used in shooting. waiting to see if i even can buy one soon or if it gets banned in a heartbeat. http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/cop-killer-gun-thought-ft-hood-shooting/story?id=9019521
  10. http://www.columbusgunshow.com/ anyone else planning on going this weekend? I should be going up there sunday. hoping to find a nice .22 clone like the Sig 522 or a Five-seveN if there's a good deal on it.
  11. i'm pretty sure microsoft was swayed by the huge amount of pissed off people as well as lawsuits levied against the 360. And Apple may be getting new customers, but at around 10% of total PC sales, i dont think they're a real threat to PCs. I'll take the "build a bear" PC anyday.
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/11/25/new.haven.firefighters/index.html only took 6 years to get their due promotion.
  13. hey, for what it's worth, microsoft has now fixed my xbox twice free of charge, shipping both ways included. granted, it's cause they know they made a shitty product...
  14. the real concern here is: why the hell wasn't she making YOU dinner?
  15. are you concerned i have too many processes running and need to end some to allow my system to run better?
  16. well then you better hope you didn't smoke around it so you can return it!
  17. if you were dumb enough to pay the extra $500 for an illuminated apple on your overpriced computer you dont deserve a warranty.
  18. just wait til they get their hands on Modern Warfare 2! lolz. my favorite bit from the article is that they had "young gamers" play the games, rather than doing it themselves and thus exposing the youth of our world to this human rights violating trash.
  19. did anyone else catch the concept of Canadian Health Insurance Company? hmm......
  20. best home defense weapon... ever!
  21. for some reason yota, when i saw the "light/laser" part my brain initially read it as "lightsaber".... which sparked an image in my mind of potentially the most badass weapon ever.
  22. lol ok. think that'd be a dick move to save someone's ass and then have them press charges like that.
  23. rick rolling 300,000,000+ people without their knowledge is kinda epic though...
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