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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X2B9zLrsXE I bet he's laughing his ass off thinking he got away with pulling this shit on our country.
  2. As far as the no weapons allowed signs, my curiosity is this: say your local taco bell has one and you have it legitimately concealed, who's ever gonna know to get you caught?
  3. you all should watch the episode of Penn & Teller: BULLSHIT! on nostalgia. i think it kinda touches on some of these "good ol' days" fallacies. 1957- Tarvaris is on his way to school and is beat up by a group of white kids calling him a "damn ******." Principal sends kids to class and Tarvaris to the nurse saying, "Boys will be boys at their age." 2009- Tarvaris is on his way to school and is beat up by a group of black kids calling him a "damn *****." Tarvaris's white friends witness the beat down and don't get involved for fear of being "racist" for hitting his black assailants. ************* 1957- Daddy hits mommy for not having dinner ready when he gets home. Mommy calls police. Chief figures they'll work it out. 2009- Daddy comes home and complains there's no food in the pantry and that one of them should probably go to the grocery store. Mommy hits daddy for always imposing sexist roles on her after assuming he meant her. Mommy gets kids, house, cars, and all the money in the divorce settlement. ************************ 1957- Kid uses aforementioned firecrackers to blow up ant hill. Kid has a good time. 2009- Kid uses aforementioned firecrackers to blow up ant hill. PETA finds out and attacks father's "parenting" methods. Dad is doused in animal blood on his way to work where he's later blown up in a car bomb outside his office. PETA denies providing funds to bomber, but publicly available tax records indicate large sums given to bomber and family. PETA not charged. (see Rodney Coronado) *********************** 1957- Pervert caught checking out porn in public library, gets arrested and fined. 2009- Pervert caught checking out porn in public library. ACLU defends his rights to porn and sues the library for not setting up "private masturbation booths" around computers. Perv gets $1,000,000 from taxpayers and his own masturbation suite by the kids computers. ********************** 1957- Russians ship missiles to Cuba to scare Americans shitless. 2009- Russians help Iran build nuclear facility to scare Americans shitless. ********************* 1957- Hippies use global cooling to scare Americans shitless 2009- Al Gore uses global warming to scare Americans shitless. *********** 1957- Eisenhower builds the interstate system. 2009- Al Gore invents teh interwebz.
  4. maybe no soft stuff then. hard floors are easier to clean up anyway. ;-)
  5. Columbus Gun Show at the Vets Memorial is this coming weekend, Nov. 28-29. I plan on hitting it up. Trying to find a Sig 522 on the cheap. http://www.columbusgunshow.com/
  6. man, i must have gotten lucky. my boxer has never shredded anything like that. Best suggestion is to train them what is ok and what is not ok to mess with through observation. Watch them and the moment you see them go to mess with what you dont want them to, do the "Cesar Milan" pinch on their neck(s). then provide them with something they can mutilate and treat them as a reward for chewing the "good" thing. Takes patience and, depending on how stubborn they are, lots of time. i only let my dog have one of those $5 fleece blankets from walmart in her crate for a while until i could trust her, then she got a doggie bed. do you have any books on dog training? definitely pick one up. the #1 cause of doggie destruction is boredom coupled with too much energy. aka get 'em tired. roller blades work best for her and me.
  7. ammo not enough on the SCAR? your problem is you're not playing hardcore team death match. pop DEAD! pop DEAD! 60 rounds = 60 kills... unless you got a lot of Last Stand douches, then 60 rounds = 30 kills. srsly though, hardcore is the way to go. you get more match bonus and you get to play a bit more realistically without much radars or stupid death cams. i mostly just use the WA2000 sniper, silenced with HB sensor and either the M93 Raffica or Stingers. Perks = bling (obviously), cold-blooded, ninja. I got a thing for swattin' flying shit and pissing AC130 guys off when they only get 1 kill with their reward.
  8. smashweights

    alteredpoolbaby 3

    "I tested the pH level... the p is very high, there's almost no H." ~Randy Marsh
  9. seriously? SCAR-H or the WA2000 and Stingers is all you need.
  10. sarcasm. i know what the death cam is i just play 90% hardcore, so there's no death cams. that's cause that's what it's from! actually, i think that guy is part of the "They took his DAWGGGG!" deterioration. professional cold-blooded ninjas are the way to go! Most my kits that way.
  11. what are these "death cams" you speak of? those of us who are* hardcore know nothing of these. edit:// *were hardcore before our xbox died...
  12. not sure i'd consider it a bonus, more like restitution.
  13. not in the least bit, but i've already had mine refurbished once for RRoD about a year and a half ago so i know what to expect. just glad i still dont have to pay to get this crap fixed again.
  14. yeah, i'm so glad they finally just put all the south park episodes on a legit website. i got tired of all the fuckin viruses from the shady hosting sites.
  15. God fucking damnit! I got another red ring of death! Fuck you microsoft!
  16. was it the OL that looked like he was punching someone on the ground?
  17. surprised they dont filter some of those bits, be kinda ironic given the game's rating and content though.
  18. you bailed out right as i got online tonight. probably for the best. xbox kept crashing and the combo of christmas ale and MW2 was not resulting in success anyway.
  19. got it. n00b pwn1n 1s t3h 0n1y w4y 2 g0!!11!!!1!
  20. yeah, next june i'd be in the market and clintonville would be a decent commute to the med school
  21. still havent seen any other OR.n on there!
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