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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. http://www.theonion.com/content/video/ultra_realistic_modern_warfare
  2. you mean wicked badass between when they're falling apart?
  3. waste of a wild card. give it to a team that has a chance to win it. Beginning of the end for Dallas today.
  4. i've got plenty of piss-flavored water too, oh wait you said bud light right?
  5. also from wiki: parent company = volkswagen, which means it's probably a piece of shit anyway.
  6. i do like it. but part of the reason i'm interested in a bolt-action is to slow me down. i know i'll go through rounds faster with a semi. PM a price
  7. as long as the fucker is burned at the stake in time square, i dont care where he's tried.
  8. don't you mean "run a train?"
  9. i do love the gordon biersch marzen. but i think that's a fall seasonal.
  10. so how are we all gonna get the inexplicable intoxication of GLB Co. christmas ale?
  11. rock bottom is associated with Gordon Biersch though, right?
  12. could we do an OR meet and greet at the Great Lakes Brew Pub?
  13. he's like superman, but, as the Italians put it "with a tan."
  14. found some at Manor Wine in dayton. gonna have some tonight and maybe the Rochefort Trappiste 6 as well... edit: ok i see why you all like this stuff. it's very good and at about half a glass in, the 7.5% is packing a punch already.
  15. I'll rock the [OR.n] tag now. Keep your eyes out!
  16. we should start an Xbox Ohio Riders "clan" [OR]
  17. i think the point of forcing you to walk was part of taking on the terrorist "what the fuck are these helpless people gonna do about it? let's take out time and have fun with it" mentality. i felt like a horrible fuckin person for playin that level though. on another note, i'm REALLY glad they included more of the levels where you're shot at from 6 different angles from repeatedly respawning enemies who shoot you the moment you expose yourself at all. Seriously, levels like the one where you in south america chasing that fucker just suck all the fun out of it for me. stuck on that one right now in case you havent figured.
  18. they didnt have it at kroger in fairborn
  19. did anyone else hear about the "Fight Against Grenade Spaming" issue? I wonder if that bit had anything to do with the south park episode...
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