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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. Yes. Walmart has Trojan Natural Lamb condoms and they're my girlfriend and I's favorites. actually feels like wearing nothing unlike the ultra thin/sensitive ones. but they are a bit pricey so you might wanna see if you can find them in bulk if you fuck in bulk. no VD protection though. girlfriend = yes. whores and blow = no
  2. http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/10/22/hate.crimes/index.html apparently now it's illegal to beat up gay people. never knew it used to be ok. in seriousness, why should assaulting one person be worse than another?
  3. lol! for a long time i thought coshocton was a real city. but it's just a mini city? that's cute.
  4. lol @ the ron paul pic. and we need to video Rick Roll someone like that cause that's hilarious!
  5. just trying it out. i had a friend who used to use it a lot and on his netbook, but i never really used it. so far pain installing just cause i couldnt get the partitioning right. All good now as I'm actually using it now. Firefox bundled >>> IE bundled so far so good. downloading all the updates after the initial install.
  6. started reading... too long... decided to install Ubuntu.
  7. it's just slight and only causes a barely noticable pull to the right, but it's almost irrelevant. so no worries. last night was fun, spent about an hour under the car with a flashlight hacksawing off another 2" of midpipe to get the muffler seated in a way that didnt cause the midpipe to rub up against the car and make a ton of noise. all better now!
  8. no clue, did you see what i was talking about? throw from OF to home way ahead of Posada, who turns back to 3rd, catcher pursues. runner from 2nd was almost to 3rd already and stops shy of the bag. Posada runs through third and stands foul side of the bag, not touching it. Catcher tags BOTH runners standing off the bag. Ump declares Posada out, other runner safe (who had NOT touched 3rd at all yet).
  9. one oddity they noted is the caster on the wheels is a bit off, but there's no manufacturer-specified way to adjust this so the front caster is just slightly off. and apparently no way to adjust rear camber either.
  10. but it's all that's on. Explain this to me: how the catcher tag TWO runners who are both standing by 3rd base, not touching it, and one of them be declared safe??? i thought baseball was simple: not on the bag + tagged = out
  11. took it back in, they fixed it. seems good now. also found the source of the exhaust rattle so i gotta take a bit more off the resonator-muffler pipe. all is well.
  12. on the contrary, if it's acceptable for a woman to have an abortion because she cant afford to care for it, shouldnt a man have the option to demand it or get out of child support? Why should a "woman's body, a woman's choice" become "a man's expense?"
  13. blue, at first i thought you had a chinchilla until the pic enlarged. my boxer reggie
  14. it's about a 15 degree shift to the left. clearly not near center. it's not like just a little off, it's blatantly off. about what it was before the alignment. only difference now is the car doesnt drift right when i let off the wheel, though the wheel is still turned.
  15. let's tackle one problem at a time here! besides, we're looking at 14-20 years before the first run of this plan comes to the "testing" phase anyway, who knows how many STDs will be irrelevant by then.
  16. so i just took it in for an alignment and it drives straight, but the steering wheel is still cockeyed when driving while it's driving straight. i thought the alignment was supposed to fix that. Am i just naive or is something else going on?
  17. my solution is simple: all boys receive vasectomies at birth and tax-reimbursed reversals when they decide they want to have kids. case closed, no abortions, no unwanted pregnancies, lots of sex.
  18. do gas struts normally make a pressurized "hiss" when going over a bump?
  19. seems good to go now. just trying to keep it alive until i start med school and my weekly driving mileage drops enough that i can get a truck.
  20. haha, sort of. Never knew anything was really wrong with it and the missing muffler wasn't essential at all. i think the struts had been bad all along, i just never knew any better until it got inspected. no offense taken. for what it's worth, i do regularly change my fluids and seafoam the car.
  21. oh i know. i've always done my own work on the bike and it always just makes me feel more confident just knowing a bit more about what's carrying me around. i wouldnt entirely say i know it's done right, just that it probably is given my lack of mechanical experience. LOL! but thanks for all the feedback everyone.
  22. the handling and ride are drastically improved. i used to hit bumps while turning on highway ramps and the car would wiggle/slide out after hitting them and now it's perfect. the ride height actually went up about 1-2" with the new struts and mounting hardware. The old serp. belt was pretty cracked and actually had a 1" section where the ribbing had torn off completely, so hopefully this new belt will also get rid of the occasional hot rubber smell i would get in the cabin (assuming that belt was slipping). And quieter with the muffler, lol. Fun projects overall, glad i did it myself. Feel like I understand the car a lot better now. Only sad part is i dont know what to work on next now that it's all done.
  23. all done. had to buy a special Snap-On 22mm, external hex socket for the front struts (after spending 5 hours touring every hardware store i could find). all 4 struts were totally shot, absolutely no rebound after compression so basically riding on springs. since replacing the front brake calipers, no pull problems at all. also finally put a muffler on the car (fell off last spring) and replaced the serpentine belt. $2000 "worth" of repairs for about $600 after having to buy some new tools etc.
  24. just make sure your paying attention to the RMS wattages, not the max watts and pair accordingly.
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