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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. i totally forgot about Happy BOOrito Day. FML
  2. smashweights

    Go Blow.

    Michigan is getting stomped. it's beautiful. that is all.
  3. Holy shit this game is fucking nuts!!! Touchdowns and HUGE plays galore, this is insane. Just the last like 15 mins: -Auburn has a pick 6 from the 20 -Auburn has a OM wideout tip the ball from an inch off the ground for INT returned for a TD -Auburn busts a 50+ yard run for TD -Ole Miss returns ensuing kickoff for TD -Ole Miss regains possession after 3-and-out -Ole Miss busts an 80 yard run for TD on 1st play -Auburn blocks extra point and returns for 2 points. -Ole Miss fumbles, Auburn recovers! I just had this on cause I dont have cable and the other 3 channels are showing infomercials and it's intense.
  4. looks like voting for issue 3 will bring about everything evil except idolatry and blasphemy. seeing that commercial makes me feel like, even if i already opposed issue 3, i'd have to vote for it so i could feel like i wasnt caving in to such a shameless, ridiculous, ad campaign.
  5. cut finger is almost like hitting head on locker
  6. i've *heard* he didnt but i'm not buying it. no way you have that massive of a head wound and dont bleed out. i hit my head on a locker and left a hefty blood trail from said locker to the school nurse back in HS.
  7. 1. My name is Bryan... with a Y. But i'm not like nate (err Nathan) and i dont really give a damn if you dont spell it right. 2. The only thing I get really passionate about is the Green Bay Packers, it's kinda sad really, but football really gets me pumped up. Hence, Pack V. F**** and the Viqueens this weekend has me going nuts right now. 3. Beer is sort of my hobby. That's not to say I drink a lot, I'm just usually the weird guy who shows up to a party with a 4-pack of beer with Imperial-something on the label. None of my friends are beer snobs, so I'm pretty much alone in my beer exploration, but that's ok cause it just means i never have to worry about anyone stealing my drinks. 4. I'm still insanely bitter about my previous job doing research at Nationwide Children's. It's been over a year and there are still days where I dwell on all the stuff I wish I had unloaded on my boss the day I quit. The single biggest mistake of my life. 5. So far, I'm on pace to be a physician and never pay a dime out of my (or my family's) pocket for any of my schooling along the way. I'm really proud of that. Just hoping I'm cut out for it when I get there. 6. I'm never really satisfied with anything in life and I think it's because I have way too high of expectations of everything in life and cant ever push it aside to really appreciate all the great things everyone thinks I have. 7. I've never dated anyone for less than 9 months. 8. Along the lines of #7, I'm debating proposing to my girlfriend of 2 years, but #6 is holding me back. 9. I used to be huge into bodybuilding. I won the under 24 division of the Ohio Natural Bodybuilding Federation back in 2006 and took 2nd to the overall show winner in the lightweight and novice divisions. Sadly I've not had the time to workout and lost nearly 35 pounds in the last year. 10. In stark contrast to #9, I ran varsity cross country all through high school (2000-2004). Never could motivate myself to run year-round to be great at it, so I always showed up the week before the first meet to start practicing, missed making varsity by about 10 ppl and made varsity by the 2nd meet. Consequently, the people who trained all summer got a little peeved at me, but we were all still friends anyway. Our team won the district every year I was there.
  8. south park from tonight http://rapidshare.com/files/299367451/AASP1311.mp4
  9. That's easy. Paying them to fight the Soviets provided funding to train people for the 9/11 attacks. Paying them to fight the Taliban can't cause it already happened. Get a fuckin grip.
  10. so then you can vouch for the literal use of satan in the commercial! sweet!
  11. aww you stuck with rubber... telling you, you gotta try using sheep cecum for a condom, it's awesome. http://www.condomdepot.com/product/detail.cfm/nid/233/pid/2333
  12. according to the commercial i just saw, Issue 3 will: kill jobs, destroy families, increase suicides, bring prostitution, and is endorsed by Satan... that's not a joke.
  13. +1. i made this with prosciutto, provolone, and pimientos last week and it's gooood. just rud the stuffed chicken with salt, pepper, olive oil, and garlic and grill it up.
  15. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/europe/10/27/france.scientology.fraud/index.html
  16. wtf do taxes and obama have to do with how bad The PACK kicked the Browns ass this weekend?
  17. Haha! Thanks Bengals too, that was hilarious to see after the game at the bar. I couldnt have been more happy today. A F**** interception costs the Viqueens the game and the Bears get embarrassed. Perfect football day!
  18. what did you expect, they were playing my Packers! Seriously though, i got to go to the game and how the hell can a team ever succeed when their fans are so brutal everytime they make a mistake. Anderson overthrows a receiver and the whole stadium roars in disapproval and starts chanting for an even worse QB to be put in the game? Kinda dooms their mentality after every play.
  19. http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/10/24/h1n1.obama/index.html dont worry it's officially a pandemic. maybe obama and H1N1 can have a beer together and sort this whole pandemic, end of the world thing together.
  20. i can count on going 50-60 miles and only putting 3.5 gallons into a 4 gallon tank. 04 R6
  21. was handwashing even a medically required practice in 1918?
  22. the other night on the news, they were talking about how the H1N1 vaccine was out and pretty blatantly said, albeit indirectly, "if you're not getting the vaccine you're essentially going to be a contributor to the spread of the disease and the death of others."
  23. this thread reminded me to get some
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