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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. technically it's mexican-made. i was hoping it'd last til next summer when a truck would be more economically-sound (lots of driving right now), but that might just have come sooner than planned.
  2. 97 jetta, FWD. been a lemon since i drove it off the lot, literally. this might be the "fix it and sell it" point for me. guess i better go get the plates on the R6 renewed so i can get to work next week...
  3. no one is being a stickler here and i'm not gonna rehash all this thread, but 147 on a busy interstate is stupid. Yes, i've hit 130 on a back country road that sees maybe a car an hour before that i've ridden numerous times to be certain of beforehand. And yes, i cant guarantee that no car will come the otherway, but i sure as hell can see 1/2 mile down the road before i decide to test out the throttle. If i'd been caught, i'd have had to pay the consequences. I'm not saying i shouldnt get a ticket if i get caught either. I am saying that NO ONE here will ever feel bad for someone getting caught being that stupid on the interstate or any other busy public road for that matter..
  4. heard a Jetson's-like wind up noise from the front driver side yesterday, then a small POP. no noise. today i was driving home from gahanna to grove city and twice the car tried to jerk to the right (without a concurrent change in steering wheel). then i was taking the 71N to 270W ramp and the car dove right and lost control, thank God no one was taking the opposite ramp cause i would have slid into them. WTF is going on here? too late for a shop tonight but so much for driving back to dayton tonight...
  5. i thought highsmith was fired from the GPD. if that's not that case, for the millionth time, there's no hypocrisy here. no one that i can think of on this forum would ever drive or advocate driving excessively fast on THE INTERSTATE.
  6. Wouldn't that require him to be a cop?
  7. i would have but i was in row 17 directly above him. lil too high.
  8. lol... excuse me: gal. point was, there's not a performance need for her and you can easily get all that in a cheap lappy.
  9. the guy wants to do word processing, internet surfing, and minor picture editing (read: tech dumb = no professional editing), and there's this many ppl suggesting he buy a $1000+ Mac to accomplish this? You could do everything you just said you wanna do with a Netbook for $250.
  10. had me worried for a minute. i have 2 friends in HH with bikes. Poetic justice indeed. No sympathy here. dont steal bikes, dont run from cops.
  11. everytime i've been to fairborn i've wanted a CCW license.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm9Nz2zCV5M extended gay fish
  13. didnt you just get that thing anyway? btw, the apexcone HIDs in the stock projectors are sick, have them in my 04 as well.
  14. I lived in huber from birth (1985) til i graduated college (2008) went to Wayne and all. I mean, it's a step up from fairborn and maybe xenia, but my god I cant go anywhere without seeing all the people i couldnt stand in high school STILL hanging around there.
  15. +1. got one drop on my rear tire and the next day (after wiping it off) it had eaten some of the finish off my rim.
  16. the leaving the intersection one: my motto is never be the first to enter the intersection. Let the guy going the opposite direction, or better yet, the guy in the lane next to you get out into the intersection before you pull away. $.02
  17. It's amazing how many ppl think his last name is Daily instead of Stewart.
  18. smart move by obama. after all, the most politically important issue to most americans is pop culture.
  19. what exactly is the reason we dont just let these guys blow each other away?
  20. Federer cursed at the head ref (or whatever) in the US Open final too.
  21. so you down near stringtown road? great area for the businesses, but somehow everyone living here is kinda trashy lookin
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