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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQxEvv4_8Mk GO PACK!!! GO BROWNS (beat the shit outta Favre for me!)!!! week 1 NFL SUNDAY i'm so fuckin stoked!
  2. how the fuck did they blow that? outplayed them 98% of the game and lose. Guess that's what happens when you spot a team 7 to start the game and let them get 2 chances at the half time field goal. Defense was stellar until that last drive... unbelievable.
  3. HAHAHAHAH!!! USC just tried to punt from their own 10 yard line and the snap missed the punter and went out the back of the endzone for a safety! EPIC FAIL!!!
  4. bump for the 04 R6. have one, you wont be disappointed. $4k is sweet too. if i didnt have one already, i'd buy it.
  5. i got my Cobra quote when i was between jobs. Cost was like $600+ month for just me. which was more than my and my previous employer's contribution for coverage before. yeah i shit my pants. took my chances of not getting sick since i couldn't afford to nearly double my living expenses while unemployed. problem solved when i got a new job.
  6. not exaggeration it went something like: "if we dont act, people will lose their insurance, people will die, jobs will be lost, people will go homeless..." maybe not exactly all those, but there were 4-6 different major, generic tragedies that will undeniably ensue. I am a bit perturbed "no bill without a public option" will be signed. So even if we can come up with a plan to make healthcare affordable without a public option, it would get nixed? dont like that thought. my final dislike was "my plan will not REQUIRE you to change your healthcare" but it sure might make it unreasonable not to. afterall, the fed program can have a nearly endless monetary loss and still exist thanks to deficit spending. how can that program NOT outcompete a private program that must exist on REAL money? caught this on my tv beforehand (minus the obvious)
  7. not sure when it ends, but usually not to bad until about 8am+
  8. I just saw this as the info when the speech came on and LOL'd.
  9. Rev limiters are designed to sound like: STTTTT TTT TTT T TTTTT TT OO OOO OO OO O O OO O OOOOO PPP PPPPPPP PPP P!!! gixxers ftw.
  10. smashweights


    oh i dont care about lil' schools TV time. that's what would me a euro-style system sweet. each year the bottom 5 teams of the top 25 get "demoted" out of the top tier "league" and the top 5 teams from the 2nd tier league get promoted up. it'd be great that way.
  11. smashweights


    i guess it just doesnt interest me when you pretty much know your team is gonna lose no more than 3 game a year. I mean, have the buckeyes EVER been under .500 in a season in your lifetime? (The answer is yes if you were born before 1988, since they've only had a losing record twice since 1950). And how can a team that doesnt lose a game all year not be the national champion? I guess I like knowing that in the NFL a team can be in the NFC Championship game one year and 6-10 next year. College football would be infinitely more interesting IF the top 25 teams each year played eachother all year instead of games like OSU vs. Kent State etc. A system sort of like how soccer leagues in europe promote and demote teams each season would make it a hell of a lot more exciting. Until then college football, IMO, is too predictable and where "champions" are based on newspaper polls instead of real matchups.
  12. i've never been able to take Beck seriously since he did that whole "i love my country so much i cry just talking about how much i love my country" thing.
  13. smashweights


    oh you buckeye fans. i'm a fan by default but how can you all enjoy college football?
  14. go with the supernova! i've got the 26" and it's amazing. everyone i know who owns a shotty is envious after trying it. the comfortech is fantastic and you can totally break the gun down in less than 2 minutes without any tools. (the magazine cap functions as a pin pusher to remove the trigger assembly). spend a bit more and get a great shotty.
  15. driving home from work today (about 5:10pm rush hour) and some douche goes FLYING down the inside shoulder at probably 120+ in a lil civic del sol. look in my rearview and the cop is chasing him that was checkin speed by alum creek/270 interchange. officer wont drive the median after him and get stuck behind a semi that couldnt change lanes (why he was in the left-most lane to begin with... who knows). officer turned around and went back. man i hope he got a fuckin plate cause that kinda douchebaggery pisses me off! wish i had gotten his plates just in case the popo didnt.
  16. comes down to: http://www.kneedraggers.com/details/Alpinestars_Trigger_OnePiece_Leather_Suit--643246.html vs. http://www.kneedraggers.com/details/AGV_Sport_SP6_OnePiece_Leather_Suit--641544.html in red, i obviously like the A*, but $400 price difference basically covers the gloves AND the boots I want too.
  17. sorry man, 42 is just a bit too loose for me. the sz 40 is spot on skin tight.
  18. anyone have experience with AGV Sport leathers? specifically their 1-piece suits? tried one on at IP a while back and it fit really exceptionally well and would save me about $400 over getting the Astars suit i originally was looking at. figure i'm not in the best position to be spending big bucks on a suit for the track day and thought i'd ask.
  19. that's what i was worried about. had a feeling there'd be no room to work with down there. guess it's a pass then. bummer.
  20. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300341627593&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT
  21. size 8? plus i've never tried on the TCX's so i'd be wary. i have fitted the SMX-Plus boots and the 8's are spot on (yeah i know i have small feet)
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