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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. $20 says the creep taking pix raped them later
  2. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-06-11-tabacco-control-bill_N.htm The only problems I have with this is the bans on flavoring, as I think ppl have a right to decide what types/flavors/etc. they want to buy, and the updated warnings labels. i dont think anyone is uncertain about the potential hazards of tobacco use nowadays. i dont smoke btw but support anyone else's right to do so.
  3. Point of thread was that the feds are doing something that is BEYOND the scope of the their powers are and meddling in the business of the free market by placing a non-elected official in charge of overseeing some type of private business regulation. Not sure how you're not seeing the connection.
  4. because it's not within the powers of the federal government to enforce private company's CEO pay raises. Shareholders already have a say in what they get paid, it's called selling your stock in the company when it's not being run the way you want it to be. Kinda like how we have a say in what cars get made by not buying the cars that we don't want. And why should it be limited to CEO's? They're only one person. GM didn't get run into the ground because their CEO's were getting paid all that money they were hemmorhaging, so why not creating a whole bureau to monitor everyone's pay? It's yet another foothold Obama has taken to have a say in the way just about every industry is run.
  5. http://money.cnn.com/2009/06/10/news/companies/compensation_geithner/index.htm Yay! government will hopefully be able to determine who gets paid lots of money in America!
  6. it's a different experience the first time. after that, it's just boring, normal riding. personally, i prefer highways for commuting. i always have been more concerned with intersections etc. and their risks than the highway "lane changer" risk.
  7. where do you find sweet parking lots like that?
  8. $58 million from tax payers for a memorial built on siezed private land all so politicians can pounce on public sentiment to bolster reelection campaigns. what a fuckin crooked country we live in.
  9. failure and rebuilding are part of life. at worst, GM could have sold itself or each of it's brands off to other companies. there's plenty of options other than free government money. and yeah, towns can and do go bell-up. it happens, people move, people move on.
  10. Exactly. a HUGE financial institution in AIG and a HUGE industrial power in GM. If no one is complaining about the HUGE buyouts, how much less will they complain when smaller business get bought up. EXACTLY. If GM had been allowed to fail, there's still just as many ppl that need/would buy cars. Ford etc. would increase their sales just because of that and would eventually need to expand and hire all up ppl with experience, ie. GM workers. What is wholly unfair is to use tax money that was taken from OTHER automakers and give it to their competitors when they can't make a product that competes with them. For what it's worth, buying a GM or Chrysler vehicle is now the most UNAmerican automobile purchase you can make.
  11. yeah, for like $18 per quart. why would you wanna pay that much for oil?
  12. smashweights


    just go smash fucking weights. no need to spend $$$ on some fancy "kick your ass" program when you can just go SFW for 45 minutes a day.
  13. to bad lojack wont just tell you where it is so you can go vigilante on their asses.
  14. good work, now hurry up and get that MSF course done!
  15. yeah, i would think that would be a given
  16. maybe living in america is like the stock market, you live here while you can, make as much as you can, then "sell" out of the country when it starts to plummet.
  17. sure that's not just for state troopers? this guys was definitely unmarked and had someone pulled over
  18. just found this: gahanna has two unmarked police cars http://www.gahanna.gov/detailreport/Reports/Temp/63200923113.pdf how does a car get TOTALLED by hail damage in ohio anyway?
  19. nope, not a damn thing that i noticed. only thing were a single white strobe in each head/tail light
  20. @ousley99 - during my route in Gahanna a few days ago, i was off Agler/Stygler and there was an unmarked Charger with lights flashing and a guy pulled over by the school over there (forget which one), but it was a plain gray car with the flashers in the headlights/taillights so i'm not sure how anyone thinks they're not allowed. officer was out talking to the guy in the vehicle.
  21. where was the link to that one michigan (i think) former chief saying that speeding tickets are essentially a "random driving tax" since it's a law that 98% of the population breaks. found it http://www.ridelust.com/michigan-police-chiefs-admit-speeding-tickets-are-about-money/
  22. ^^^ omg i would buy that shirt it would be cool to have like a GMC-mock up called the Obama Motor Corporation. The 2010 OMC Sierra sort of thing
  23. still working on the knee part. might wanna get some pants with pucks first though...
  24. haha, that's a good one. no one else gets to ride my baby!
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