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Everything posted by DAC

  1. "Our" oil. Damn. We're in the company of an oil baron here!
  2. redkow has a good point - check out the guy/gal selling you their bike. Look at their garage. Do they have other motorsports stuff in there? What's it look like? If the cars and other machines in there look pristine, you can feel a little more comfy. Then talk to them and get a feel for what kind of maintenance they did. Can they give you service records for the big stuff? (valve checks, etc.) Find out what kind of riding they do. If you can, get them to pull some of the plastic off and let you have a look underneath. Then do all the other checks you're supposed to do (tank, fork play, etc.) Intuition is an undervalued skill/trait.
  3. Glad you made it through. On going to prison, July 2nd I almost hit a female bald eagle in on SR36 near 206. Same thing - it was coming in for a landing on a fresh road kill. It came down fast and I hit the horn, clutch and brakes. It pulled up hard and we almost collided which would have been bad since it had about a 6 foot wingspan. The size means that it was probably female - the thing literally filled my vision - Wikipedia says the females run 25% larger than the males.
  4. ^^ You get what you pay for. Also, when someone gives you something, you value it less than if you earned it. My brother taught college level classes in Germany for years. He said they were some of the laziest students he ever saw.
  5. False choice. Other options include working and deferring until money is saved, community college to major college transfers (saving tuition), living at home while attending school. Public policy options include a government exit with bankruptcy relief which would give true loan underwriting and market pricing. Overall, demand is artificially inflated by unfettered access to borrowed funds. Constricting this would drive tuition lower.
  6. The government loan machine and government-fed academe putting an entire generation into poverty.
  7. Are those government loans? Or were they pre-Obama?
  8. Really glad you're okay. I ride with mesh in the hotter weather and textile in the cooler...hmmm. Leather might be worth a look. Also, can't tell if your helmet took a beating too or if that's the design.
  9. I just hope he never leaves Central Ohio. OR would miss Hoblick more than NEO missed LeBron.
  10. DAC


    Easy bike wash. Just clean and oil the chain. Donezarooni.
  11. LeBron and Johnny Derpball gonna help sop up all that extra money the Repubs left behind when the convention circus leaves town. BTW, if you have cable, or buy Nike sneaks, you're already throwing money at these guys.
  12. The NBA has never even been on my radar. As a former die hard Browns fan, though, I can relate. When Modell move the Browns (subsequently Ravens) to Baltimore after he didn't get his shiny new stadium from taxpayers, I suddenly realized I'd been a chump. Easy to take when your 6 (which is when I started being a fan) - more difficult when your an adult. Since that time, I wouldn't give the smallest turd from my morning shit if the the NFL or NBA ceased to exist.
  13. Sounds like this business is being kind of aggressive. The way Columbus runs things, they'll manage to turn this into a net minus. Coleman's an idiot. He'll most likely give away all tax revenue, run a deficit, and then come to voters for a wage tax increase.
  14. "What this 'we' shit, Kemosabe? You got baby turtle in pocket?" - Tonto, 1878.
  15. DAC

    Hobby Lobby ruling

    I was kidding earlier about the Soviet thing. But seriously, any time you put something in the government's hands, it's at best a political football. At worst a voter bribe. A favorite quote: "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money." - Alexis de Tocqueville I think we're there. Another: "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money." - Margaret Thatcher Before I get blasted for being an old fart, I'll freely acknowledge that those are old quotes and the world has changed. The bottom line now is money and people move more freely than ever before. If you punish capital accumulation or personal wealth too severely, it'll happen elsewhere.
  16. DAC

    Hobby Lobby ruling

    Absolutely true! I never understood why the Soviet Union didn't ever just engulf us all! We could all have made friends waiting in line for toilet paper instead of wasting time in these forums!
  17. DAC

    Hobby Lobby ruling

    LOL! Obama-care IS the Republican plan.
  18. DAC

    Hobby Lobby ruling

    Why is it a government function?
  19. Only until I have one or two cups of coffee.
  20. DAC

    Hobby Lobby ruling

    As to "free-market" solution; have you ever seen an EOB from a private carrier? Ever compare the "initial charge" to the "adjusted charge?" Usually, the adjusted amount is somewhere between 50% and 90% lower. If all an uninsured person ever gets is access to the network pricing, they're much better off. Also, the mandate is laughable. I don't know if it's good public policy or not, but it's blatantly unconstitutional. Somebody sitting in their living room deciding to not have insurance is not within the purview of the federal government. Period. CJ Roberts' assertion that it's part of the "taxing" authority under the 16th amendment would be kinda funny if it weren't such a tremendous breach of individual rights. The government lawyers didn't even assert that as a defense because it was such a joke. So, under this taxing authority, you don't have to submit to a spot strip search, you just have to pay a $10,000 tax if you don't, right? Have fun with that kids.
  21. Another thought is the Shadow 750RS. These are a sportster-type cruiser that borders on a standard. Low seat height, enough engine to do two up for short stints, and available as new non-currents at fairly low prices, I think.
  22. Even with the knife, Lincoln wins it. I don't know shit about knife fights, but my guess is reach and hand strength would be huge factors and in his best condition, Lincoln was a machine.
  23. 5"2" lady learner and non-cruiser and occasional 2 up probably spells scooter.
  24. 90's Nighthawk 750? Honda 599? (Both of those with some kind of windscreen.) FZ6? Maybe an old Z750S if you can find one. (someone on here use to have one?)
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