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Everything posted by DAC

  1. Wow. Really nice! Only suggestion is maybe make the May 2015 bigger.
  2. Judging from the title, this should be in the "DP" section of NWS.
  3. The Buckeyes shouldn't be at this point. Not a hater, just think they're a year ahead of schedule. So, I've doubted they would win either of the last two games. This allowed me to watch in a relaxed way and be pleasantly surprised. Still not expecting a win, but want it to at least be close. So far, they've won the Big 10 and beaten the SEC Champion. That's a helluva good season!
  4. Congratulations!! Welcome to parenthood. Even after the massive reductions in disposable income, free time and sleep - still a bargain!
  5. Not been doing this long: owned three pair of boots. So far: Astars are good. Avoid Tour Master.
  6. Yeah, you're right. Geography isn't my strong suit. Zanesville always seems like such a slog to me 'cause it's superslab.
  7. Trying to guess the bottom is the age old "catch the falling knife" game. Seems there are a lot of dynamics at play. Oil has been overpriced for a while; OPEC is weakening as a market force; the Saudis want to maintain market share and punish the Shiites and the Russians, and the frackers; global economy outside the US is slowing; producers have hedged their positions and are rolling those hedges; etc., etc., etc. Don't oil and natural gas come out of the same hole in the ground? Maybe at different periods in a well's life? I don't know, seems like gas hasn't fallen quite as fast as oil and if drilling a well gets you both - do you sell one at a loss and the other at a profit? I'm reading stuff from non-crackpot business writers saying that $20-$30 oil is very possible.
  8. I like this. It's a long day for some though - could be an overnighter for the western group.
  9. Same here. I like mid May but whatever works for everyone else will most likely work for me too.
  10. I think the tracking is the biggest help. Don't worry about the goal so much. Staying in the program helps the most.
  11. Wow. How long were you going to take to get out there? A lot of long flat stuff on the way.
  12. This is good. Whatever line of business you wind up in, listen to the people's story, figure out what their hardest problem is, and solve that first.
  13. +1 Have a happy and safe® new year!
  14. Thanks. Fun, if brief, review. Nice bikes.
  15. Great watches. Last 10 years - battery dies and then it's hard to get the back to seal right again. Until then - indestructible. Timex indiglos are good too. You can buy some amazing watches for very little money these days.
  16. DAC

    Sony Hack

    So Sony should donate the rights to the film to a not-for-profit to aid people with really bad haircuts. That way, they won't get sued?
  17. DAC

    Sony Hack

    Bo Pellini thinks they're pussies and cunts.
  18. Yay. More hypotheticals. If my grandma had wheels, she'd be a boxcar.
  19. Maybe M. Knight Shayamalamalan can make a bad movie out of it. "Based on true events."
  20. No law needed. Police will be on an express bus to Fukkitville shortly.
  21. The NFL is merely solidifying its irrelevance.
  22. Yeah - the man crush the media has with Warren is amusing. A good business man, meaning he's also a lying sack of poo poo. But very very good and managing his image.
  23. I really meant to get out today. But put Christmas lights up on the house instead rather than freezing my ass off later. Oops, I mean "happy holiday" lights.
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