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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. No to the fart pipes and hopefully no broken rods anytime soon.
  2. Jeff, Mike, Joe, and myself going to Easton and parking in the garage. Upon entering garage I was in my car with open cutout and revved it real good once, when I parked I had a columbus po po behind me with his lights on. He was a real dick about the whole thing and was assuming I was speeding in the garage when I wasn't. I shouldn't have done the revving but it was funny at the time. I got off but almost didn't because Joe's dumbass was laughing.
  3. Nice but what poison did you use so he was incoherent when this here happened? Congrats Jenn I bet your happy as a clam!
  4. Jesus I'd be scared that car would never be the same again after that, why didn't you demand a new one from Acura? I mean I would have, now way I'd want a week old car with 18K of work done on it. My car has just gotten regular maintenance because it's a POS and I just use it as a DD. I have no fast car at the moment, other bills are taking precedence right now.
  5. So that's why you don't talk to a brother anymore
  6. Like others have said don't worry about what other's think. Make sure whatever career you choose it will be something you enjoy, going to school to change career paths because you hate your job while working full time suck ass. I am taking masters courses right now and it's rough with working full time. My cousin is in college to be a nurse right now up in CT and he likes it a lot, he seems to be doing ok moneywise and he does have a lot of women in his classes that are cute. Probably none of my business but how in the hell can you be in college and work construction and have a ZO6? I make good money don't have a lot of debt and even I can't afford one of those at this time in my life. Man I got hosed Tommy I got hosed!
  7. hah I forgot about the nickname.....damnit! Hey Nick any chance you work the 28th or 29th of this month? If so we need to talk.
  8. People are stupid if my kid told me they wanted that I'd make them wait until it wasn't a madhouse to get one. And these parents wonder why they don't have control over their brats.
  9. Ryan I got really lucky with this one, the guy owned 5 vehicles and was getting it down to three he wasn't trying to make a lot of money off of it but I know I could sell it right now for twice what I paid for it. They are more and more rare to find in good shape so I am holding onto it, plus it's a lot more fun the the 80hp I drove daily before this. BTW I found this on craigslist. I love that site!
  10. Yeah they are a hoot to drive on backroads. I doubt I'll sell this one as it's in too good of shape.
  11. I have never had an issue with my linksys.....weird!
  12. I plan to put some black rims with polished lip on it and tint it as well. The rims will come off for the winter though. They are fun daily drivers with the LSD and having it lowered just a tad it handles pretty damn good. A lot more fun to drive then the Dx civic I have now....
  13. I had a red sentra a few years ago and loved it for daily driver duties but it was rusting bad so I sold it. Well I was looking on my local classifieds site and came across a real deal. I got a Black 93 SER with 140K on it already lowered with Tokico components and a strut tower brace in the front. I also bought it from the original owner and got maintenance receipts with the car as well. All for $1200 Here are some pics of the beauty No 5th gear popout, not a lot of rust in the normal places, Idles fine and has a lot of new parts. Only thing I need to fix is the smokescreening high pressure power steering hose.
  14. No the one with speed booster covers a larger area for wireless. WRT54GS is the one I would get, I have the WRT54G and I have a ~100 sqft townhouse and it has good coverage. If they had the speedbooster one when I bought mine I would of gotten that one. FYI they are cheaper on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/LINKSYS-WRT54GS-SPEEDBOOSTER-802-11g-G-ROUTER-108MBPS_W0QQitemZ5841822007QQcategoryZ71503QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  15. Modem is rented through the cable company per month or you can buy your own.
  16. They don't give you a free modem you rent it every month for like $3 it's itemized on your bill. They can split the cable but they like a straight run to the cable modem as there is a certain Db that it has to have on the line.
  17. Umm nothing worth mentioning I have a POS car! :grin2:
  18. Berto's old accord Steve and the Viper then the Corvette then the RX7's
  19. Mr. Nos Guy's friend threatening to put me in the hopital if I didn't apologize to his whore! :grin2: :funny: Me agreeing to race Mr. Nos guy and kicking his ass even when I gave him a car jump out in BFE.........then my clutch locked up
  20. Got mine last night and already loving it. I took some pics with it today outside of my grandmother's grave at arlington and I'm impressed with the camera phone portion of it thus far. I wish it virated then rang but oh well. I also wish the outside display didn't go dark, because I like to use it to tell time. I'll be visiting DJ when I come into town next week for some accessories.
  21. If you wouldn't date psycho's Nick that would not be a problem.
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