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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. Well for one your stupid if you don't use protection with someone you don't know, second if you don't know them that well you shouldn't really have sex with them anyhow IMO. To get tested just go to your regular doctor and ask to get a AIDS/STD test. More then likely you will have to pay for it out of pocket as most insurance companies do not cover it. Some of you guys are amazing in your lack of concern for your life.
  2. I would think to get into a high end sales you would need to have some sort of experience in sales beforehand at a lower dealer. Second if you went to get a degree at college why did you get one that you don't seem to like? To me it sounds like you went because your parents wanted you to but you are unhappy with your choices. *shrug*
  3. Jason I am by no means putting you under the fire but I believe that it could of been handled better by both sides. No more no less I don't think either of you were more wrong then the other.
  4. No offense but if you have a degree why in he hell would you want to be a car salesman? What is your degree in? Can't you do something pertaining to that which you spent 4 years and possibly thousands obtaining?
  5. LOL @ Jesse and the mathematical workout of their day I agree with you that they could of called also and they should have lord knows I do even if it is close like you said.
  6. You know normally I agree with you but I'll have to take the other side of the fence on this one. If there was a date it was said to be done which it sounds like there was per this post, then why couldn't Jason call him and let him know it would be a few days longer as well? Business paractices like that will go a long way for yourself.
  7. Why don't you finish college first and stop relying on daddy to help you with affording your car? You are 22 for goodnes sakes more then old enough to be independent and not need mommy n daddy's assistance. I second MissTypeS's thoughts as well.
  8. I think it's him in his Dodge Colt in his list of cars that no one here believed was fast or that he had less than or equal to $2500 into. Regardless that is a nice sleeper.
  9. I think what you meant to say was non-car people suck!
  10. They are not fast not even for being a 2.4L my old 93 Sentra SER feels loads faster then it and it's quick for its size at best. Second what in the world are you talking about 21K? Loaded they are only like 20K I think. Stock which comes with a lot of standard crap is only like 17500, I didn't like most of the add ons as I thought they were ricer add ons. I test drove one a month ago and was seriously considering getting one as its a nice economical car but I opted to go the cheap route and avoid a payment at this time and bought the sentra in cash because like sam knows.... Ca$h is king!
  11. Good man John good man. So can I borrow it to take my woman out for her birfday
  12. Is this one a manaul like the ol WS6 was? Nice color!
  13. He's trying to be like you Doug, turn sideways and disappear.
  14. GRN96WS6

    New company.

    I will never work for that company again to much fear for me to like.
  15. Depends if they are set up as a traffic monitor for people to check traffic flow or if they are set up to get offenders who run red lights. Usually if it is the latter (at least here around DC) they are on a post about 7ft in the air and take a pic when you run the red light after it turns red.
  16. I so can't wait to get mine in a few months!
  17. GRN96WS6

    New company.

    The building in Hilliard changed to Verizon Business? Since when did Verizon buy them out?
  18. Damn people are stupid, he should of put in a 5 pt and he probably would of faired a tad better.
  19. Uhhh I live some 500+ miles from there that's a long ride on a newer bike. If I lived in Cbus I probably would though.
  20. Congrats on one of the best decisions a person could possibly make for themself.
  21. Damn Ken that would suck and I'd be pissed off and probably would not be on speaking terms with them, are you? My dad paid about half of mine and I am paying for the other half. I think that was fair as it made me study harder and appreciate it more. I will try to help as much as I can but I know I won't be paying for it all.
  22. Put my deposit down on one last month. It will be shipped to me in March/April from Honda East Toledo as they have the best out the door prices.
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