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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. That is bc once you get them home you tell them to be quiet or they'll wake mom!
  2. I'll have one hopefully next month, got a deposit on it now. I don't really care that it doesn't sure it's disheartening they pretty much bold faced lied about it but it's still one pimp ass bike.
  3. The problem with today's youth is that they are spoiled and think they are above working at fast food places. Well guess what youngster, you ain't! We all have to begin somewhere and usually that is someplace we will learn to hate later on in life but it is a stepping stone you must take.
  4. Non Bob Vila types should not own a house until they can pay someone to fix it for them.
  5. I agree with you Berto but that isn't always true I worked almost FT and went to college FT and I didn't have a 3.0 and I have a great job now that pays me well considering. I do have a 3.25 in my masters program I am in but I also am a lot more aware that this degree is looked up under strong scrutiny from future employers. There are also people who are booksmart who can't apply anything that they learned. Those people suck at the jobs they get because they understand the theory behind it but can't do anything to implement it. Then you have the sub 3.0 people who apply it but don't always fully understand it.
  6. I like them and have had great luck with them, the best is forgetting you sent them in then getting them in the mail. It's like free money!
  7. Looks sweet I like the silver color.
  8. Or go south to the outlet malls off of 71 and go to the samsonite store there if they have one.
  9. Sounds like you need to seal the house off better.....or get a exterminator over there STAT!
  10. Take the MSF then get a bike is my opinion. You can start on a 600 as long as your level headed and smart about it.
  11. Yeah people suck I hate theives. Sorry to hear this happened I hope your process to get it fixed is as painless as possible.
  12. Are u losing the Escalade and keeping the Cobalt as the daily? What car DOESN'T SW have? Christ he has every hot car out, what does he do for a living? I will own a ZO6 within two years and preferably the C6 version. That conv ZO6 is ugly, I do wish a targa was an option but oh well still one bad ass machine.
  13. Damn John I need to borrow about 40K to get out of debt, care to help a brother out? That's sweet man and it's nice to be able to afford the things you want in life.
  14. GRN96WS6

    Orion (DJ)

    Hey Marc I am capable of sending it to motorola myself :asshole:
  15. http://www.youtube.com/w/American-Idol-5-girl-guy-funny?v=yvdu0x9hmfQ&search=zachary%20travis
  16. GRN96WS6

    Orion (DJ)

    DJ is the man he put up with my pestering pm's in order to get me a nice motorola H500 bluetooth headset. He even shipped it to my house in MD for me. DJ is a class act all the way and anytime I need something I'll support him by giving him my business. I'll definitely recommend him if anyone asks me where they should go for wireless services.
  17. I think the child support system and the court system that enforces this matter is flawed in general. Let's say for instance you are a woman and your ex that you had kids with is a total douchebag. He doesn't abide by his divorce papers and he doesn't take care of his kids when in his care. I think it should be simple you are assigned a judge or something and when this happens you call that judge and action is taken. I know for a fact that if you don't follow divorce papers that are legally binding that you are in contempt of court, so why should the mother need to pay $$$$ for a lawyer again when she can just show records of non payment and put his ass in jail? I'll never understand the system, and I'll never understand why no attempt is made to fix it either.
  18. Take it to corporate exhaust all avenues before just giving up and taking the hit of the money. Get a lawyer involved if needed as well.
  19. I have the RAZR and I love it, it's small compact and an all around good phone IMO. I had an LG previously and I loved it as well as it was very well built and durable. Both phones have excellent reception and battery life as well.
  20. First off you need to relax and realize that different establishments handle things differently. Not EVERYONE handles things like your almight dealerships do. And judging by your demeanor on here I wouldn't want to deal with you anyway. Secondly I didn't take it to I don't smoke I said that bc you kept telling me to support them, if I don't smoke why the hell would I go there? Answer me that simple question please! Third I didn't attack you personally so don't take that avenue with me, its the internet where people disagree all the time damn! I wasn't trying to get under your skin, though it apparently worked. Cheers
  21. Hey man can you scratch my nuts for me I don't feel like reaching down at the moment.
  22. I don't smoke it's an unhealthy habit and disgusting, not to mention it kills people makes your breath stink and stains your clothes, teeth, and walls. I think you are totally missing my point, look below and pay attention to the capitol words. On your car comment that is the POINT you are SELLING CARS not a damn $140 lighter. Second you TOTALLY missed my comment about Best Buy, Circuit City, and the like. If you buy something from them and it BREAKS is SPECIFICALLY states in the MANUAL that you SHOULD NOT contact the STORE you bought it FROM you contact the MANUFACTURER directly. I guess they aren't doing their customer a serice either? If I bought a car from you I'd never take it back to Ohio to get service when I can get it one in MD, now if I had an issue getting it serviced here then yes I might call you and I'm sure I'd have no regrets.
  23. That is the thing though how is it THEIR job? I'm not following your logic here at all. I understand what you are saying about sending it to the manufacturer, but I digress. If you buy something from Best Buy Curcuit City or the like YOU are responsible for sending it in to the manufacturer to get a replacement or get it fixed NOT the B&M. A car dealership is a little bit different but with a purchase of $140 you should know that the B&M wouldn't really get involved with the matter that much. You are talking about a $30K car which is a tad different.
  24. That dude has a girlish laugh. Pretty neat video though.
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