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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. They are a retailer man its like when you buy a printer from Best Buy if it is missing a piece you are not supposed to call or take it back to BB you are to call the manufacturer yourself. I really don't see how they did wrong here. *shrug*
  2. It stopped working I guess whoever put it up caught onto it.
  3. Do you not have the drivers CD that came with the computer? IF so put that in and viola you will have all those drivers back. XP if you're running it has a lot of built in driver's I'd be surprised if it doesn't find them automatically for you. Are you sure the drivers are not loaded? Right click on my computer then click manager and a window will open. In the left hand side click on device manager, then it will open things on the right hand side. Are there any yellow question marks or exclamation points over there? If not your drivers (possibly the wrong ones) are loaded.
  4. You are NOT running a Domain controller most people do not run those at their house.
  5. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307882/ Here is some good info Bill.
  6. I don't think this is what Bill wants Brian. He wants his son to use the computer but doesn't want the consequences to happen when he clicks around like most younger kids do. I do not know where it is Bill but if you search google I'm sure you can locate something. I'll look around and if I find something I'll post back. What exactly do you want to do? Lock him out completely? Lock out right click? ( I know this can be done we do it at work) Gimme some details.
  7. http://www.howardforums.com is a good site to search around for how to do this. Also look on http://www.phonescoop.com as well.
  8. Berto you can still carry uninsured coverage with liability only I do with State Farm for exactly this reason. There are too many irresponsible morons out there that just don't give a crap.
  9. IT won't cost much if you do it yourself, if you know its the pump look on ebay.
  10. Vinny I think the used car market is so large dealers just don't have the capital to buy up all the used cars from people so the auctions step in and then the dealers get them from there at a cheaper rate then they would have had to give on a trade. At least that is my take on the whole matter. I could be wrong though it's been known to happen.
  11. Sorry to hear Anthony, speaking of bitches I was at the MVA getting a registration renewed this AM and this bitch beside me opened her big ass Tahoe door right into the side of my car, (yapping on her phone to he ladiez I'm certain) and didn't say a god damn thing. I got out and said HEY she turns around and I'm like WTF she said oh I didn't know I hit it(yeah right) I just let it go bc my car isn't mint or anything but it's still the point, bitch is lucky I restrained myself. Damnit I'm pissed about it again.
  12. haha i didn't look at what the buttons said......doh!
  13. Damn! how many MP is that? I bet its like 5K or something insane.
  14. Looks nice but you don't have an 06 M3 It isn't a BMW man
  15. I just got tested like 4 months ago and they did not use the swab on me they used my blood. My doc said the swab is the old way of testing.
  16. Pimp shit right there son! :kiss:
  17. OT Kenny did you get another bike? I have the new R6 on order
  18. Honestly this is a tough choice for me to make a decision on but I would have to default to the C5 ZO6 03 Cobras are nice but the shifter and seating position is less desired IMO. I do not like reaching to the firewall to shift, it feels unsettled. The seats are ok in it as well not real supportive IMO. I do like the FI from the factory and the ability to make power easily but it just isn't enough to get me to buy one. GTO- I just don't feel all that good about them at all I have not driven one but I just think they look blah! C6 - G/F's father has one and I drove it and it was NICE! But if you are not getting the C6 ZO6 then don't bother. C5 ZO6 - Love the looks, handling, seating, and shifter position. It is a well refined car that is light and can be made fast and look good doing it. I will have one hopefully in a year or two unless something arises or the C6 ZO6 is cheap enough by then.
  19. I'm interested to know how you can tell they were not dirty considering you have not been tested and neither have any of your woman friends. If you are going by look then you are sadly mistaken my man.
  20. I am turning it into nothing I know nothing about you I am only speaking of experiences I have seen or heard of firsthand. Never once did I say this was the case with you. I meant no ill will and I apologize if it came across as such.
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