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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. I know Cisco I'd say I'm intermediate seems all positions are filled out there at the moment though. I live in MD but would move back for a job there if the pay was right.
  2. I'll wait until its out of Beta but I'm curious to use tabbed browsing.
  3. Doesn't your bank put them online? Can't you go back and just print it out from there? Mine are online so it's cool I don't have to pay for reprints.
  4. I wondered how you were going to haul three kid in that Mazda 3 LOL You definitely needed either that or a SUV but vans get better MPG. A lot of the newer vans do not look half bad IMO.
  5. It's hard to get them fired from one complaint but if the dean or chair receives numerous complaints then something has to be done about it whether it be getting written up or put on probation is at their discretion though. I worked in a college and saw many horrible professors, hell we had one still teaching Cable LAN which hasn't been around since the late 70's early 80's and he was there for a year before he was fired. If they have tenure its even more difficult.
  6. You need a mazda MPV man no way three car seats is going to fit confortably inside that back seat.
  7. Never got my temps, I just got my license after passing the MSF course.
  8. Luck really it all depends if they don't wait for anyone to show up. They are not supposed to wait.
  9. I wish there was something I could do as well out here you have to have digital in order to get cable internet which stinks bc I don't even use half the other channels. I wonder if they have some reduced version out here....hmm
  10. Check ebay there are a ton on there sometimes brand new for like $180
  11. Personalized plates are a waste of money just get regular ones.
  12. Cancun I see as more of a college town not a tropical resort. I went for spring break and while it was fun I'm not so sure I'd want to go there on a tropical vacation or with a family. I want to go to Hawaii anyone who has been recommends it.
  13. That house is nice but way to big even if I could afford it I would never build a house that large.
  14. Verizon doesn't use the SIM card technology.
  15. People never cease to amaze me....really they don't.
  16. Yeah really I am all for people working on their own cars but at least know what you are getting into before you do it.
  17. This pic is hilarious, he/she is like WHAT!
  18. I think telling someone the word "LOVE" on the first date would be a killer for most.
  19. Isn't it toxic to drink another person's waste? Regardless that is flipping gross ugg man who would do that. Ewwww
  20. It is a regular C6. The guy also had a C5 conv project making it into I believe a C6R replica but obviously convertable, he sold it because he has a kid on the way.
  21. That guy lives like 40 miles from where I live in MD, its definitely one nice ride.
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