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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. GRN96WS6

    New monitor

    I was going to get a 19" from gateway since we have the discount from school, but I didn't want to psned $300+ on one. I have no need for dual monitors I only use that pc for misc things online and papers. I don't play games or anything so I didn't need something drastic. Overall I'm happy though.
  2. GRN96WS6

    New monitor

    So about a week and a half ago my monitor blew up on me, it was a 10 year old CRT. I had been looking at LCD's recently and I guess it knew and decided to give up to the ghost. So I began my search at work for a nice LCD. I talked to a few people and a gentleman here at work told me about this westinghouse monitor he had, at first I was like but I heard him out anyway. It was on sale at Best buy for $230 and I went to look at it and decided to purchase it online at Best Buy. I got it and it said it had a VGA cable included but it doesn't so remember that if you buy this monitor. I got the monitor and borrowed a cable from work until mine comes in later tonight, so I could get it up and running get it adjusted and make sure everything worked on it. I really like this monitor it's a widescreen 17" and its highest resolution is 1280X768 which is nice and it also has VGA and DVI. After a few days with this monitor I'd recommend it to someone if they asked me about it. Here are the specifications on it from the westinghouse website, if you want check out the 37" LCD monitor as well you can get it on ebay for under $1700 NEW You will need a external tuner like a HD cable box or satellite dish box but my g/f's dad has it and it's nice! Here is the item on best buy's site, you'll notice the price has gone up and that's because it was on sale last week. If you look I'm sure it will be on sale again but even at $250 its a steal IMO. I checked ebay and this monitor wasn't common on there. Here are some pics of it on my desk at home. Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Feel free to ask questions and if I know the answer I'll answer them.
  3. I wonder maybe if you are BORED with it even?
  4. A good dicking outta do it! Maybe a long weekend at a bed n breakfast?
  5. He'll never sell that thing its stock except flowmaster mufflers it's his baby.
  6. Man you don't even let the wife have a spot in the garage? Jeesh
  7. GRN96WS6


    I went to cumberland on a houseboat for the first time on July 17-21 of this year and had a BLAST! It was one of the better vacations I have taken to date. Next year I want to go overseas to Europe if possible.
  8. Does it have those rims and them fancy painted vents also?
  9. http://ipsmotorsports.net/index.php
  10. I just got a loan from a credit union for mine so I could consilidate and drop my payments. One was at 25% and the other was at 17% and I got a loan for 12%. I will have them paid off here shortly if things go my way. I'd try a credit union but honestly if you have a house you need to use it to your advantage. DO NOT USE THE CARD AGAIN IF YOU DO THAT THOUGH! I'll never EVER use mine again unless I NEED to.
  11. They will find you or find out where you are and they will require you to pay the money back.
  12. I have lived on my own for YEARS and I have NEVER had a $35 electric bill, I'd like to know how you can even have one with a one bedroom place these days. I have paid about $170 over the cost of rent on bills and that's a rough estimate.
  13. You're the mortgage guy I believe you I have never dealt with any of this since I don't own YET. You would think they can get it right since they have been doing it for years.
  14. But you're using the funds to pay the tax bill so its not really lower. If you know the percentage it's going up then just adjust the savings accordingly, doesn't seem that difficult to me. Come on Joe you were always the numbers guy in college.
  15. I'm taking mine on September 19 21 24 25.
  16. Damn its more there then here, it's like 2.69 here for regular. My slow 36MPG car gets more and more interesting daily.
  17. This never works I don't know why people keep mentioning it.
  18. I'd never do that myself fack that. I'd let the loan company and escrow account handle that.
  19. Don't you guys have an excrow account with your house loan that saves that crap for you automatically?
  20. Its not a she its a HE, apparently he is some sort of entertainment in some state/country or something. Whatever it is it's freaking scary!
  21. Tommy Scott, Your ideal job is a God for everyone.
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