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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. i love how youre comparing a droidx to an iphone 5......droidx is a fucking dinosaur compared to the phones available now.... your comparison is about as relevant as comparing a 1995 gixxer 600 to a 2012 gixxer 1k
  2. **edit...ill PM you hoblick, dont wanna threadjack lol
  3. it is compared to his original asking price .....i actually saw a nice 07 for 4750 on CL, but it sold pretty quick before i could get to it
  4. I'm out... Found something else to do that sounds slightly more fun lol Stole this route though for a nice solo/2 up route
  5. Should have posted it at 5k obo to begin with lol... I would have lowballed you at 4800 and it would be sitting in my garage right now..
  6. I don't initiate a wave... If someone waves first, I'll occasionally wave back... I don't really like it though, kinda pointless.... Might just stop all together Although, being on a sport bike is nice because now not many people wave at me... Only other sport bikes really... On the vmax, everybody would wave... It's been nice lol... I'm out there to ride and enjoy it, not ride around saying hi to everybody I pass
  7. I rode last week when it was in the 30s and was fine without heated gear... I actually don't even have much in my gear... I have some badass warm gloves, I wear a neoprene mask under my helmet, thick cortech riding pants over my regular pants, then a hoodie and my icon leather jacket on top... Proper gloves will make a world of difference in the cold
  8. this is why i didnt go....i got a feeling from the posts on here that nobody was going to show
  9. is there any android app where i can put this route into it and have it bluetooth me directions while i ride? im looking for a nice little route to take today, and might give this a shot....if not ill just write the stuff down and hope for the best lol
  10. damn, little too late....i just made plans to take my friend for a ride.....im not very experienced with 2 up, so i wouldnt wanna try and keep pace with you guys....have fun though
  11. I've done this before... Vmax was bad about it... Just make sure to kick the shifter harder and it should be fine... I missed third at National Trails one night lol so embarrassing
  12. This on or what? Idw head to Newark and be the only one there? And what's the pace going to be? I've never hit twisties on this bike, just got it... So probably won't be out there killin it... So if it's gonna be a fast ride idw hold anyone back lol might just go off on my own
  13. People spend a lot of money on segways, practical or not.
  14. I been riding in the rain for a week... I'm sick of it lol
  15. In, pending I don't have any female attention sunday lol
  16. I'm shocked that any bikes are still carb'd
  17. that isnt a prank...somebody would get fucked up. and i would make them pay for it for sure, so the price shouldnt matter lol
  18. http://tech.woot.com/#ref=www.woot.com/header/tab@2.9-tech
  19. no fucking way im reading this whole thread..... ill show up though....i wanna be put into a slow group....itll be my first real ride on the vfr, and my first big ride in a couple years....just going to take it slow and feel out this bike since ive never ridden a sport bike before pending my work schedule...ill try to request this day off, but it may be too late...ill see what happens
  20. Wow sorry to hear man... Shitty situation
  21. Ok thanks... The guy gave me two different covers with the bike, I'll toss one on it whenever I'm not riding and it's gonna be outside in the elements
  22. Is rain commonly a problem for bikes? My bike has sat outside all week so far since I've been riding it... I assumed they were waterproof? So haven't bothered putting it up or anything since I keep it at my mom's not my place.... Should I throw a cover on it while not riding if there's a chance of rain? ( I'm not talking about storing it outside, just during the week when it's my dd)
  23. Tim, didn't get fb message, just fyi lol
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