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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Steve Butters

    Mj usa

    not surprised at all. MJ does all kinds of shady shit, from stealing vehicles, to selling knockoff products to unknowing people few years back i knew a guy who worked there, and they bought a bunch of shoei helmets and sold them without the boxes, then took vega helmets, peeled the stickers off, stuck shoei decals on them, and then sold them to "noobs" for $400-600 who had no idea the difference between a vega and a shoei i knew a few people from there, and i would never shop there or take my stuff to them.....theyre all crooks
  2. look at quarter mile times for a stock 600 and a modded sti and you will find them to be very comparable. comparing a single driver vs a single rider has too many variables. hence bench racing. also, 330hp sti is VERY mildly modded....previous gen stis were hitting those numbers with bolt ons....i guess we have a different idea of mildly modded...i am thinking in the 500hp range and/or low 11s quarter mile times....it doesnt take a whole lot to do on an sti, but its not cheap either....an sti can do 11s on a stock bottom end, so bolt ons and turbo upgrades are IMO "mild mods"...i dont consider something heavily modded if its still on a stock bottom end (motor wise at least....not saying a fully built suspension and tube chassis whatever is not modded if its stock bottom end...just talking about motors)
  3. agree with turnone. a modded sti should have no problem keeping up with a bike on the roads...theyre faster than many people give them credit for. they also should be able to hit the turns much faster, more grip = faster turns. it would take a 1k with a good rider to outrun a mildly modded wrx on public roads.... 600 vs sti should be an even competition, the sti shouldnt be much slower than the 600 on the straights, and it should make the corners faster....a decent driver can whip a car around public roads, but it takes a very skilled rider to go those same speeds.....new driver vs new rider, i would say the car wins. with a decent driver and decent rider, i still say the car gets it. a good rider on a 600 would be an even race for a decent driver in a fast wrx....if the wrx driver was a good driver, i would even put it up against a 1k with a good rider (keeping up, not passing).....of course this is all bench racing. just saying that i dont think its so cut and dry as to say the bike should have blown the car away.
  4. ill take this AR for $150. PMing you to arrange a time to meet up.
  5. yep...UPS provided all employees with 1/2 gallon water coolers, and we have ice machines and water faucets ...so far so good there
  6. he liked the feeling of a nice cool breeze on his testiculars.
  7. http://columbus.craigslist.org/tfr/3089004131.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/tfr/3104916949.html
  8. actually he didnt have anything on besides a helmet and a t shirt...no leathers or gloves (the guy shooting the video was the squidly guy, everyone else was fully geared lol)
  9. so much want! very nice bike, and the price doesnt seem too bad either (depending on miles) if only i was finished with school already lol
  10. you aint right flounder exposing her like that
  11. needing new pads aside, i think stainless lines and a better quality brake fluid will help with your brake fade problems also.....a low quality brake fluid will heat up quicker and bubble, causing fade....the stainless lines will help keep the moisture out (brake fluid can and will go bad sitting in the bike, even if its not ridden....even brake fluid sitting in a sealed container on a shelf will eventually go bad)......get a brake fluid meant for racing application and change it minimum of once per year (good cheap and quick thing to do when pulling the bike out of winter storage in the spring)....and only buy enough fluid to do the change, or split the costs with a friend on a larger one....after you use it, dont cap it and put it back on your shelf, just pitch it....i see people who buy a big container of brake fluid to top something off that was leaking and only use a little, then put it on their garage shelf to sit....by the time they end up needing it again, it will be junk fluid anyways as for the pads - i cant really help you there, sorry
  12. if he is guilty, i at least hope he sanitized his wiener before he fed it to those little boys....if not ill be calling the health dept on him fo'sho'
  13. its funny though - it always bothered him that my mom had a degree and he didnt....he was considering going to school just to be able to say he had one....my mom was making like 52k/yr when they were dating, and he was making substantially more lol.....real tight ass with his money though, which isnt a bad thing...nice average house in marysville, drove a honda pilot, didnt go out much...was banking money for his kids college fund and his retirement....only time i ever saw him splurge on anything was pre-ordering a camaro when the new body style was coming out, i know he probably paid at least 20k in dealer markup alone...he ordered it like 8 months in advance
  14. My moms ex-bf is a HS drop out who never went to college...he is a self taught programmer and owns his own company now and they deal with a lot of people...his goal was to make a million dollars by the time he was 25 and he did...the guy is doing very well for himself....he started from the ground up without "knowing people"....i dont know the guy above, just saying it is possible and doesnt have to be someone famous like bill gates http://www.awh.net/ thats his company
  15. gotcha. misunderstood the context of your post.
  16. good to hear he is going to make a recovery....bet he thinks before the next time he tries to play footsie with a copperhead lol
  17. who determines what is safe and what should be illegal? if it is able to bite, it should be illegal? i love how everyone on this forum will argue against breed specific dog bans, but when it comes to another animal that has been proven to be non-aggressive, its a different story and should be killed and banned hey bdb - how many people has your killing machine python bitten and or killed? also - that 45k number included all snake bites, even wild snakes.....i dont know for sure how many dogs are in the us or how many snakes are in the US, but 45k to 800k is a BIG gap. and comparing a common pet you can buy in any pet store or reptile expo (which are held monthly in columbus) to a lion, tiger, or bear - doesnt even make sense logic like this is the exact reason pit bulls were ever banned in the first place....ignorance and prejudice why do we need more legislation telling people what they can and cannot have? idk about you, but i dont know anyone who was injured by a snake that escaped its enclosure and was out roaming the streets.....thats more than i can say for other common pets snakes arent your thing? i get it. thats how i feel about cats and parrots and horses etc.....but to ban them because youre afraid of them? really?
  18. you could say the same thing about dogs....theres more dog attacks than snake attacks per year a pit bull could kill a child as easily as a snake could, yet people on here rave about how sweet and awesome and lovey their pit bulls are......i dont see any difference....just because an animal "can" do something, doesnt mean it will....snakes are not aggressive, they are very docile and lazy animals....most snake bites occur from improper handling and a defensive snake (waking it up suddenly and startling it, feeding it by hand and having it miss and strike you, etc).....a good handler will have a secure enclosure, and only have the snake out when its in the mood to be out, and when it can be closely watched....thats why padlocks are important, to keep kids and unfamiliar faces away from the snake without proper supervision i can think of more than a few dogs who i would not want to be locked in a room with without their owners around statistically, there are 45k snake bites per year that require medical attention - and there are 800k dog bites that require medical attention......maybe dogs should be illegal to own especially those killing machine bully breeds! ......notice the sarcasm there
  19. awesome collection! i love your berm some day i would like to own a tiger retic...but when i have a lot more room for one....you mentioned them being nasty, is it such a problem if raised from hatchlings? unfortunately, my gf wants us to move to florida - so the burm and retic may both be out of the question anyways i think my next big snake will be an argentine boa or a ghost boa argentines are kinda hard to find, and the ghost boas are out of my price range at the moment...im also out of room in my apartment lol, reptiles and their food have taken over my spare bedroom got any pics of the suriname and snow boas?
  20. i love my snake still a tiny baby lol....he fits in the palm of my hand when hes curled up like that....that is actually a ramen noodle box he is sleeping in
  21. is this actually considered a pit bull? i thought most legislation viewed pit bulls as APBT and AmStaffs ?
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