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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. ummm...really? what a fucking douche...i hope nobody is dumb enough to pay 3k for an $800 gun never been out there, but from what ive seen of their sale prices and stuff, theyre pretty close to buckeye on prices anyways so what now? you stuck ordering it somewhere else and waiting until the next batch comes?
  2. soo... i have an originally HE finished black barrel (the HE is kind of like the glock finish, the black)....i had it redone in hard chrome if you did this, would it go through the hard chrome and expose the letters in black? just etch into the chrome? or go through both finishes to whatever is under the original black finish? ideally it would cut through the chrome and expose the original black for the lettering lol the chrome is super thin - i didnt lose my original roll marks or the engraving done from factory
  3. my girl is stuck in it too heading to walmart from 310....depends how long that whole situation takes as to whether or not ill be showing up tonight
  4. not reading whole thread....what time is this? might make an appearance, unsure how my schedule looks tonight
  5. those damn brits are never pleasant to interact with
  6. i can eat wc all day long and never get the shits or gas
  7. i misunderstood the list setup they have going....they list columbus at 7, then in the paragraph say its the 8th most dangerous...and for the other cities they dont mention crime for most of them...so im not sure what they are using to determine what makes a department a "top" department lol....either way, the paragraph for columbus says its the 8th most dangerous, which is news to me! lol maybe you should apply for increased hazard pay now also - the discrepancy between forbes and your article could come down to the comment "of the 15 cities with a population over 700,000"...perhaps some of the cities listed in forbes are below 700k.....especially detroit? does anybody still live in detroit? lol
  8. good catch! i assumed he meant the list was for the most dangerous cities, didnt know he was specifically referencing the paragraph under columbus i read the paragraphs for the first few cities and didnt see much about crime so i figured it meant something other than dangerous cities, which i think it does since it ranks columbus 7 but then says its the 8th most dangerous either way - if columbus is the 8th most dangerous, i now feel better about traveling lol...sure theres some parts of columbus i wouldnt go at night, but it really doesnt seem that bad here compared to some places ive been
  9. most dangerous cities in 2011 according to Forbes http://www.forbes.com/sites/johngiuffo/2011/10/03/americas-most-dangerous-cities/ 1. detroit, MI 2. memphis, TN 3. springfield, IL 4. flint, MI 5. anchorage, AK 6. lubbock, TX 7. stockton, CA 8. tallahassee, FL 9. las vegas, NV 10. rockford, IL
  10. looking at it closer though...doesnt appear to be a "most dangerous" list looks like a list of the most advanced or well equipped police forces....personnel and technology wise...the comments only mention the size of the departments and stuff when you said most dangerous i found it odd that dayton wasnt included since i have read a few dangerous city lists and dayton is on most of them....plus, honolulu is on the list...and we all know nothing bad happens in hawaii lol
  11. sniper wont let me drive his charger. he is a doucher cop fo sho
  12. why? i would think that would be open to anyone to use, heck almost surprised it isnt required lol
  13. torrent sites have all of the p90x stuff if you want an invite to demonoid shoot me a PM and ill see if i can send you one
  14. love the skewed test...DA/SA automatically drops to the bottom of the list....gee, wonder what the creator of the list carries not to mention not counting all trigger types into the equation.... sig gets real low scores on da/sa, but does ok with their DAK trigger, yet they didnt even include the LEM trigger system for HK that is identical to DAK...why one and not the other? not to say i dont like glock - i just am looking at the categories and how theyre rated and its obviously skewed in favor of certain guns...trigger systems missing, trigger pull weight options missing, comparing capacity of fullsize guns with compacts....its just not organized
  15. those videos are a trip lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgAq_KnDIPc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUYqKWmjQV0
  16. ^ this. i might make it out to thurmans as well lol....depends how im feeling when this messican txts
  17. i saw the caller id and knew it was you...i was trollin you hard, bruh
  18. lmao...i bet its not a real person
  19. i wouldnt call that heavy traffic....there was like you, and one other person....plenty of time for the guy to react in the middle of the day....125 isnt really that fast either....sure its faster than other cars on the road, but in a capable car (not a hunk of shit camaro that is falling apart with rust) 125 is not what i would call unreasonable....i bet that maserati at 125 maneuvers and stops better than a lot of the pieces of shit i see doing 80mph.....a good example is my mustang, at 160 it felt like it was going to come apart at the seams....my saab at 160 was smooth as a cloud and more than capable of handling that speed 125 is like the beginning of "fast" i guess for public roads....but IMO, fast is when you get to 160+....up to 160 everything feels perfectly manageable...once you break that 160 mark things start to get blurry and move a lot faster....i could do 125 all day long in a capable car (such as a maserati) in anything but rush hour and not be worried about it i was simply commenting that it was a douchey move to call him in, he wasnt hurting anybody...not like he was swerving around out of control, or almost hit you or anything of that nature...dude was just out playing around enjoying the car, maybe it was new or maybe he just got it out after a long time away or something....my neighbor has a nice maserati, if he tossed me the keys you would see me out doing the same shit in it
  20. i think i saw you today...i was behind you pulling out of meijer...honked at you as i passed while you were turning into your neighborhood lol, gold f250 with black wheels

    at least i think it was you, blacked out yota?

    **Edit - dug up your for sale thread, and your yota isnt black haha....ive seen that truck on here before, its a members truck but now i cant place whose lol...had the firefighter sticker on the back, thought it was you....any idea who it is? black tacoma

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