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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. dont usually like these bikes, but that one looks great! wish i had the cash...glws
  2. ^ i thought the opposite...the steak i had there was one of the best ive ever had
  3. http://s70.photobucket.com/albums/i82/SaleenSS90/?action=view&current=IE_FF.mp4 haha....ignore my cluttered desktop...i dont bother organizing it anymore, any time i hook my computer up to my girls TV with HDMI, it scrambles all my desktop icons so i dont bother anymore
  4. i took a video to show you the insane difference on my comp between the two...its uploading now and ill share it with ya
  5. FF will also stop bad pages, ive ran into it a few times on some redirects...and im telling you, the NoScript addon is a life saver...it wont let anything download that you dont approve
  6. also what helps, is with NoScript, you have to allow each thing to run...so when i load a webpage, i dont have a ton of shit trying to load at once...no ads no nothing ads.doubleclick. is blocked, so it doesnt even attempt to load on my machine....for example...on OR, when you come to this site, you have ohio-riders.com google-analytics.com both of those will load well, google-analytics isnt allowed, so when i come here all my browser has to do is worry about the actual OR content...and by default, everything is blocked, so on websites you just allow the stuff you trust and it will save your preferences for the next time you visit the page
  7. ^ hmm thats very odd...i have the exact same results, except backwards ...my screen will only drag like that if im running IE, and FF loads instant like yours did with IE...must be something with certain computers, because IE is so slow on my comp that its not even hardly useable
  8. youre doing something wrong...i havent seen an ad in years lol... adblock, and noscript are necessary addons for FF. and my pages load instantly after this mod in the thread title (and not too much slower before that)....maybe your computer was having software issues with the FF, no idea IE always takes forever to load pages...i can open IE, minimize the box, load up firefox, and go to my favorite tabs and click OR and this site will fully load before my homepage is even loaded all the way on IE
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcnQ72sPZAI&feature=topvideos
  10. you just lost me in all that tech bizness lol....im on a dell studio laptop, and thats about all i know about it
  11. i know your pain...my bike gets so hot that ive actually looked down and checked myself before because i thought my leg was potentially on fire....my seat gets hot and my legs get toasted
  12. im on a laptop too....maybe yours is just a failtop
  13. i counted 3 seconds from when i clicked the icon to when my homepage was fully loaded....if 3 seconds is "waaaay too long" then youre impatient as fuck lol
  14. Steve Butters


    does that say aprilia? i cant hardly read that
  15. its cool except the banana seat and square tail...ide rock it fo' sho'
  16. its being uninstalled and painted and then the plastics go back on...but technically, yes video: http://s800.photobucket.com/albums/yy283/conneaut14/6-19-10/?action=view&current=video-2010-06-19-11-29-31.mp4
  17. it was a red honda, and it was near campus...had some 90lb girly man on it
  18. i saw a hardley today and the exhaust made a crackling sound so loud it hurt my eardrums driving next to him on the freeway.....anybody here? anybody? that dude finally get a new bike?
  19. ^ yea not knocking it or anything...i passed it on, ill let you know if he wants your contact info....my bike was t-boned with 300 miles on it back in 1997 when my dad owned it, it now has 20k and rides like a dream...i got nothing against salvage bikes if theyre taken care of and solid....cosmetic damage is a bitch, and some insurance companies just dont pay out...my bike booked at 12k, insurance company totalled it over cosmetic damage and my dad bought it back and fixed it up and had less than 4k total in it for a new vmax with custom paint and 300 miles haha
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