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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. for 121k, i can go 12s in something WAY less gay than that, with a better top speed
  2. i wear a flat black helmet....damn me
  3. oh ok that makes sense i cant wait to get to the track this year with mine
  4. i meant was, what were you launching at? you would have to be leaving at a low rpm to stall, i woulda expected you to be leaving the line higher in the rpm range
  5. when i take my dog to the vet, she puts her head down, shakes uncontrollably because shes so terrified, and does everything she can to try and escape....the entire time were there
  6. why is there a large puddle on the track at 1:06? doesnt seem safe
  7. somebody needs to get MJ in here to make some damn sammiches since hollywood is obviously slacking in her womanly duties
  8. Ok. here goes. this is my very first story about peeing my pants. I was at a ranch with a big group of friends and we were going to go riding horses on some trails around the ranch. I had to go pee but i thought I could hold it in until we got back. everyone was already getting on their horses and i didnt' want to hold anyone up. I got on the horse and we all started down the trail. I was the last one in the line. Just as we started to ride away it started raining so everyone and everything was getting wet. My bladder felt like it was about to burst at any second but i wanted to hold it in a little bit longer because it was feeling so good. I don't know what it is about riding a horse and having to go pee but it feels so good when your poonanny is rubbing against the sadle through your pants and you have to pee too. Anyway. I held it for a while longer and I finally decided I couldn't wait anymore. I realized that everything was wet anyway because it was raining so noone would notice if i pissed in my panties. I started to let it trickle out a little at a time at first but it felt so good to pee. i was getting so turned on by my lady parts rubbing against the sadle and my hot pee against my clit and running down my legs that i just let it go. It just kept going and going and going and the whole time i was getting more and more hot and turned on. It was feeling so good that i couldn't take it anymore and i just started to cum and piss at the same time. my whole body was shaking and my vagine was so wet and hot. Then finally (after what felt like 5 minutes of peeing) my bladder was finally empty. I felt so weak but i felt so relieved too. Ever since then i have been peeing in my pants especially when i do yardwork or go for walk in the rain. I think peeing is hot!
  9. i know properly maintained bikes last a long time, ive seen plenty well well over 100k....but ive never seen 89k miles listed as "Low Miles" on a bike lol
  10. +1 to amstaffs...amercian pit bull terrier is a close second
  11. ^ not sure why the owner would lie since the dog is already dead lol, it is definitely not a pit, its too big
  12. ^ no problem, youre welcome to jump on it anytime haha
  13. ^ still didnt answer why you think the dog in the video isnt an american bulldog? what about it doesnt look like one? even the owner said in the article thats what breed it is...and it looks like one to me...maybe just a little chubby and not as muscular
  14. technically, an american bulldog can be considered a pit depending which definition you use i wasnt trying to correct you, just pointing out the breed
  15. not even close? thats what the owner claimed it was, as well as the other news site....it looks pretty damn close to me
  16. also, the dog wasnt a pit like the first story says, its an american bulldog
  17. also.. http://www.hannibal.net/news/x1600620381/LaGrange-dog-owner-vows-to-fight-for-law-changes neighbor testifies that she has also been chased by the same dog, the owner of the dog has 3 other bully breed dogs, he also has been convicted of animal abuse and not even allowed to own dogs from 07-09....sounds like the dog was being brought up in a hostile environment, so for it to be aggressive, to me, is not out of the question i feel bad for the dog, because i feel the owner did not take proper care of it....if it had grown up in a nice household, it wouldnt have been aggressive...the responce call lasted 68 minutes before the officers put the dog down, after attempted to load it in a truck and it getting loose again, they felt they did what they had to do. i blame the owner for raising the dog wrong, and for not properly restraining the dog
  18. story says it attempted to attacked a little girl and her mom while they were waiting for the bus http://www.wgem.com/global/story.asp?s=12642564 also says shooting it was a last resort, that they had already attempted to load it into the truck and that it would not cooperate and got aggressive http://www.wgem.com/Global/story.asp?S=12667188
  19. so if you had two kids, and someone had them both at gunpoint and said to pick which one lives and which ones dies, you would be able to make that decision easier than if someone had one of yours kid and your DOG at gun point? if you see where im going with that, you will get what im saying....a dogs life is not as important as a humans, no matter how much you treat it like family
  20. i disagree....if they were planning to shoot it like how it appeared in the video, it is best to wait until its calmed down to kill it....easier to deliver the shot in the head and make sure it goes quickly for the dog, rather than shooting it while its jumping around, wounding it and scaring it more, and causing it to continue to flip out and die painfully
  21. i think it was supposed to and it just didnt...hence the second shot
  22. anyone wanna buy my gixxer? ill make you a sweet deal on it...i just divorced my wife, and it was her bike so im just selling it to piss her off...let me know, mint condition....i only deal with payment through western union for both buyer and seller protection
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