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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. it was an honor to make it out shawn. ill pray for your family to help them get through the hard times. you know how to find me buddy
  2. only checking back for more pics... am disappoint.
  3. i was at the gas station once and the woman clerk was helping osme old man get into his car, she was struggling so i went over and helped her out....it took both of us just to get him in his car, and he was shaking horribly like he was having a mild seizure, and he couldnt even talk or write or anything...after 30 seconds of trying to say something, we found out that he meant he forgot to buy a 2 liter of pop, so she took his card and ran inside and got it for him and brought it back out.....this dude was in a 2010 civic with temp tags on it...then he proceeded to drive off onto public streets when he was so feeble he couldnt even get in the car by himself that is the kinda shit that scares me about society....if that clerk wouldnt have been helping him into his car, i wouldnt have either...ida let him struggle till he gave up and called a relative for help, stupid old bastard
  4. lol yep..65-68 all summer in my house
  5. sure you have the right to ask, but you dont have the right to see it. they are not required to show you the radar by law...a lot of them will, but it is definitely not required.
  6. today was nice as hell...sure it was hot, but hardly any humidity... the heat isnt bad, but when you cant hardly breathe because the air is shitty, thats when a lot of people start bitching...it sucks when the humidity is so bad that 75-80 degrees feels like death...ide take a dry 110 degree day over a humid 80 (and yes, ive felt plenty of 100+ dry days, spend a lot of time in AZ)
  7. this...you people who dont get along with your dad, should really try to get past it and work out whatever problems you have...you never realize what you have until its gone
  8. ^ i think i had about 120-130 miles on it when i got home today... i broke off at 16 and hit broad and rode it down into pataskala to my girls house, found out she wasnt home, so i headed back to my house in blacklick still a fun ride though, even if it was short lol
  9. yep...usually took 3 or 4 chops to actually do the job not that im opposed to those bastards feeling a little pain
  10. i dont even keep track of this holiday anymore..
  11. thanks for the awesome ride guys, it was fun! Brian, glad things worked out man! awesome to see you on the bike again
  12. i would kill that fuckin bitch if she had done that to me and killed my fiance and then walked for $20....i would physically fucking mangle her when i was out of the hospital...fuck that, this world is fucked up when it comes to how bikers are treated.... this is even worse than the woman who killed the guy while txting and got a few years of probation and still got to have driving privileges... thats some bs right there
  13. ^ you will be fine man...there will be groups, so you can just run with a slower group
  14. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=59644
  15. i wonder if the cop PIIHB when he got her back to the station...she was already drunk and lubed up, why not?
  16. not only does the windshield help a TON above 60mph, it also serves as a sweet place for a cop to place a parking ticket....ill be keeping it on rode the bike to my student orientation at OU today to save gas, but i got a ticket for not parking in the motorcycle section, i was in the parking lot for cars....like it fuckin matters...i wasnt taking up any more space than a car, and i was in a spot in the corner of the lot not harming anybody....i shoulda just drove my truck and enjoyed the radio and a/c ffs, it woulda cost me the same my orientation letter said to park in that lot, it didnt mention anything about motorcycle parking, so how was i supposed to know that i cant park my bike there...i was just parking where i was told to park...and no, there wasnt bike parking in that lot filing an appeal on it
  17. ^ fuel stop is a must...i cant go 150 miles on a tank he said we will stop for fuel in danville, so you can get your snack then
  18. lol ide never drop that kinda coin into this bike!! ide buy a b-king before i went that far with it just came across that pic while googling custom maxes to see any one else using this screen, and thought it was neat so i posted it
  19. be nice to get it set up like this one eventually (minus the fat wheel in the back..ide want the bike to still be functional lol)! but i dont see it happening on my budget lol
  20. lol i wear a fullface, every time im on it...no bugs for me!
  21. thats what everybody tells me...i just dont see how with it being so small lol i have to go to OU tomorrow in athens for orientation, and ill be taking the bike...so ill find out tomorrow if it helps on the highway...thatll be a boring ride down 33 lol
  22. this is what im thinking.... if it helps a ton, ill leave it...but if its not hardly noticeable or doesnt make some vast improvement, im thinking ill take it off...but ive had a few people say they like it, and a few say no...and im kinda up in the air about it myself at the moment
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