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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. ^ i agree. same reason i refuse to donate anything to goodwill. you GIVE them shit to help people, and they put it right up for sale in a store, profit a shit ton on it, and it never even goes to people who need it, because the people who need other peoples old busted ass clothes, probably cant afford to buy clothes at a goodwill anyways
  2. Yikes.. Sounds awesome but awful at the same time lol... 1k miles per day for 10 days straight... No thx
  3. I prefer to do abortions post-delivery... With a tomahawk.
  4. If I'm spending 13k on a bike, I would expect it to have a full tank too. I've never seen a new vehicle sold from a reputable dealership without a full tank. My bike had a full tank when I bought it also. As for reading comprehension in regards to the mic, nobody else in this thread is showing a concept of reading comprehension, so why should I? You can't be upset about that, all I did was twist your words like you're doing to OP.
  5. Buying a 2013 bike from a dealership, I wouldn't check every little fucking detail before buying it either... It's reasonable to assume that the thing shouldn't have any problems because it's fucking brand new for the most part... He said it rode fine on the way home, so even test riding it before hand he wouldn't have noticed anything... Didn't know all you guys take micrometers and tire pressure gauges with you when you buy new bikes Yall are being fucking assholes for no reason... Not sure if you're stuck in group rape mode, or if you're just being cocks to be on brians side so he might think you're cool... Idk what the problem is, but the op is being reasonable and dealing well with you chodes putting all kinds of words in his mouth Oh, and ftr, CrazySkullCrusher is a fucking gay forum name too. Just saying.
  6. when i bought my bike (here in AZ, not from pony), the salesman didnt know the bike by the model name, didnt know where it was, and had no idea they even had it.....they even had two....he said "are you sure we have that?" and i told him yea and he had me take him over to see it....he was cool about it and didnt know shit about the thing, but he was asking me about stuff i had looked up on it, helped me with the details of buying it etc....even called me a few weeks later to ask how i liked it and how it rides....awesome salesman the finance manager signed me up for a yamaha card because honda turned me down, and he tried rushing me out the door with an FZ1 that cost several grand more than my bike....very very push and rude, saying fuck honda for turning me down that i should buy the yamaha to get back at them....but it wasnt what i wanted so i left....next day he ran the honda through a credit union and they approved it and i came to get it....i knew what i wanted, had to deal with some bs to get it, but its the one i wanted so i dealt with it. They even killed the battery on it before i ever even sat on it...left the key turned while filling it up with oil and the headlight killed it....wanted me to wait 45 mins for their charger, but i had them just jump it for me since i had an hour ride home anyways i put up with the shit because its the exact bike i wanted....if you were an interested buyer, i dont think you would have really walked out over a 30 min inconvenience....i think total between financing, having vfr appraised, doing paperwork, etc etc....i spent probably 4 hours in the dealership over the 2 days i was there (first time i went to look at it, i didnt bring the vfr to get appraised because i took car to work that day and saw it posted last minute)
  7. Nothing.. Moved out to Arizona though lol.. Don't even own a car anymore, just my bike... You can't sell that car, it's your trademark. Lol
  8. welcome stimmel! (this is tyler butera)....still got the vanilla ice whip?
  9. in all honesty...i just dont understand why black on white crimes are not tried as hate crimes, but any white on black crime is always a hate crime....what the fuck.
  10. i agree.... load up when its snowing and come crash in AZ itll be a nice 70 and sunny and perfect time to hit the twisties!...i believe you can even rent sportbikes around here somewhere, because the salesmen suggested i go rent a cbr1000rr and a cb1000r before i made my decision about which to buy
  11. nicest 6th gen ive seen in a long long time....glws these are amazing bikes
  12. Flying? Man up pussy. Ride that r6 out here and let's hit up devil's highway
  13. I would fuck them both. Especially the brunette. Three times.
  14. Nagging question? I called that shit right away, didn't even need to see the pic to know.
  15. Craigslist link doesn't work anymore
  16. yep or trade it in for a nice mens watch....dudes pay unreal money for watches....blows my mind since my phone was $99 and has a clock on it...to each their own though
  17. Wilderness tactical 5 stitch... Best $40 ever spent on a belt
  18. Hate to say but I agree... He should diagnosed bent valves before doing timing.. Tell him to get fucked for that $500
  19. People buy these? Lol I pitched my old springs...
  20. The justice system enforces laws. That is what prevents us from going into a state of anarchy like Somalia. If everybody had guns and it was just a free for all, it would be chaos. Cops rarely prevent crime, but they do enforce laws. If cops were all pulled off of street duty, I'm not totally convinced it would make much difference.. .aside from probably more traffic accidents That being said, you're being super sarcastic, but are half right. When it comes down to a time where seconds count, the police will do you no good. That's where personal protection is needed. Crime prevention is different than law enforcement.
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