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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. havent kept track of the last few pages. if youre still looking for an r1/r6, check out this gixxer....looks immaculate http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/101671-mojoes-gsxr-750/
  2. Not long enough to plug holes? Have that problem often?
  3. If it's not over filled, do a compression test to make sure it's not a bad piston ring
  4. That can be caused by having too much oil in it... Did you possibly overfill it a little bit last change, or top it off recently and add too much?
  5. Not necessarily... You could buy a clean roller and build from there... My biggest advice, set your budget 4x what you actually expect to spend, and don't bother unless you have extreme patience to see the project through
  6. Another of her And one of my guy tolerating this furry little piece of shit
  7. Ttt... Nobody is willing to take this dog in? You can often find free places to get a spay (especially for a pitbull), and a rabies shot isn't expensive... She's still young only 2yo old and will make a great family dog... Like I said, she's from the same parents as my dog and he's awesome.. Very relaxed, good with people and other animals... Doesn't have that high prey drive typical of terriers... Good breeding
  8. Every thread about a no title bike, there's a ton of people asking if it can be titled.... Guys, if it was so easy to title, I'm sure op would title it and jack price up by a grand... That's why the thing is so cheap
  9. II never said my brain works perfectly.. It is what it is lol... For some reason, my natural reaction to lights is to flee... I don't make the conscious decision to flee, I have to make the conscious decision to actually stop... I blame bad genes ... If I think I can get away easily, I'll do for any stop... If it's going to be a challenge, then I decide whether or not to stop based on jail worthiness of the stop... Only situation I'll stop 100 percent for is if the cop rolls up behind me and hits his lights, at that point he has my plates and he's on my ass, game over.... Oh, and out here you actually have to stop for motorcycle cops.. They ride st1300s instead of hardleys lol
  10. Depends on situation for me... Minor offense? Probably stop. Jailable offense? I'm going either way, might as well give it a go to escape lol
  11. I put gasoline in my gasoline.
  12. 998 isn't a 1000. Slow piece of shit. Probably just feels fast because Asians only weight 62.5lbs
  13. Same fucking thing. You must be that guy who makes sure everything is always correct and pronounced and spelled right etc... It's not a 600,it's a 650..it's not naked, it has a little plastic nose piece and an optional half fairing on the side.... Whatever dude... Buy whatever you want, done trying to help ya out... I tried to take your side, but it seems like since not everyone jumped on the r1 bandwagon, you're just being douchey... Have fun on whatever you buy. I still vote turbo busa, you may get at least 3yrs out of it before outgrowing it.... Maybe
  14. Lol I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not. I have nothing to prove to you. It was a verbal warning, followed by some joking around where they said they wished I had ran so they could stretch the legs of their new charger, followed by a have a nice night and slow down. I crossed a double yellow to pass a car and got excessive on the throttle not realizing the car two cars behind me was a sheriff car. Don't believe it? No fucks given on my end.And ftr, I rode all winter. I don't even own a car and didn't move to az until may. So I rode Dec to may in Ohio. Not just a fair weather rider.
  15. Original statement stands. I don't believe his 10.5 quarter claim and the street triple isn't a rocket... If op wants to step up to a more powerful bike, the street lacks compared to others listed... Just didn't realize an sv has less hp than a big wheel
  16. Also, there isn't a "point"... In the end, you should buy whatever you want... Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks... Listen to advice, be open minded, but in the end, it's your bike and your money and you should get whatever you want, even if it's an r1.. Because AMERICA.
  17. You don't listen very well. You said you wanted more acceleration in a straight line, so I suggested some options to give you that without being cramped up on an r1 or supersport. Just because it has 1000ccs doesn't mean it's a supersport... You already ride a naked 600, not sure why you would spend 7k to switch to a different naked 600 that doesn't offer much more power than what you're on. I listed bikes that fit the criteria you asked for, fast in a straight line, race bike handling, all day comfort... An r1 doesn't fit that mold, that's why it's been turned down If you posted "I want a super bike that I don't plan to ride for more than an hour at a time"... Then maybe more people would be on board with an r1 Buy whatever floats your boat... Just giving you suggestions
  18. I got a warning for 97 in a 50 in a snow storm on the VFR making an illegal pass... I was cold as shit and in a hurry to get home.. I think the cops thought the snow was punishment enough and gave me a warning lol.. Licking county sheriffs
  19. Not sure who the guy is... But it was on the hocking ride last year where some guy wrecked his tri color duc into a guardrail... Anyone who was on that ride will know what I'm talking about
  20. The street triple is nice.. I doubt he ran 10.5 quarter on it though.. They're not too much faster than your sv in a straight line... Look for a z1000, cb1000r, fz1, ninja 1000 (not zx10), b king, speed triple, 990 super duke... There's a few to get you started The street triple you posted looks very nice and would be an awesome step up from the sv, but I don't think it's exactly what you're looking for
  21. Fuck that.. Over a hundred dollars to change oil and check some torque specs? Just change it yourself and go through owners manual and manually perform the rest of 600 mi service... Just broke 600 on mine, did oil Saturday night and next weekend I'll be going and double checking all the torque specs recommended in the 600mi service... I just can't justify spending over a hundred dollars on a glorified motorcycle oil change
  22. Went on a ride with a guy who had one of these... The "overflow" for his gas tank dumped a whole gallon all over the parking lot... Damn thing was leaking everywhere... Dude said it was normal and that's just what they do?? No thanks
  23. VFR is a great bike... It handles well, has decent power... I don't think it would fit his particular needs though... I loved mine, but I don't miss it in the slightest... Especially now that my neck muscles are getting more conditioned to the wind.. Best upgrade ever lol... I don't think I'll ever ride anything other than a sport standard like my cb or an fz1 etc... Probably pick up a fjr though soon as my current bike is paid off, but only as a second bike for some long distance stuff
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