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Everything posted by okeefe01

  1. I went to Newport Ky and saw the documentary Why We Ride. It was great! I highly recommend it. They covered just about every type of motorcycle and riding out there. http://whyweridefilm.com/ Did anyone else go? What did you think of it?
  2. I am going through something similar. The crawl space under half of our house is at max 18" high. If I have a pipe break in there, there is no way my fat butt can get in there, so I would have to find a really skinny plumber. I am thinking about digging it down a foot or so this summer. It should be absolute torture. When I am finished, I need to decide if I want to seal it up or insulate the floors and then let the rest breathe. If you block off the vents to the outisde, then you have to really make sure you kep out the moisture, or you will get mold. I have vents right now, but no insulation, so the floors are really cold and the pipes freeze. I block off the vents in the winter, but it doesn't help much. Good luck!
  3. Its a sad shell of what it used to be. I don't think they are going to be able to pull it out of the nose dive.
  4. Has anyone tried a FitBit? I have thought about it, but I don't know if they're just a real expensive pedometer.
  5. Okay, I will jump into the fray here. First, the comparisons between muslims and christians have been of 2013 muslims compared to the christians of the Dark Ages or earlier. Is that really an equal comparison? I think that most of the world has moved beyond the violence that took place during the Dark Ages and have at least become a little more humane. Unfortunately, in 2013, we still see people eating the hearts of other humans and cutting heads off. It is much more often than not, that these horrific inhumane things take place at the hands of muslims (extremist or otherwise). The "march" falls more under the category of having some common sense. If a gang of bikers blew up the world trade center, and then other bikers wanted to build a biker bar a block away from the site or have a poker run on the same day that the bombings took place; there would be enormous outrage across the cournty. The bikers mave have the best intentions of the poker run, and maybe were even going to donate all of the money they raised to the vctims familes; but it would still be a bad PR move to do it on the same day. I encourage the good muslims of thi country to band together, stand up, and speak out loudy against the violence of extrememist using their religion as an excuse to murder. Unfortunatley, we only hear slight wimpers from the good muslims. I honestly think they don't speak out for fear or retliation from the "extreme" muslims. Good Muslims shouls show us that the violence is not accepted. The should speak out against the nut jobs. Speak out Loudly and Clearly. And they shouldn't dance around the issue and point at christians from the Dark Ages. Just make a clear statement that the murder of innocent people is wrong!
  6. Ive had it happen to me a couple times. One time the guy got close enough for me to kick his door. Then they look at you like its your fault. I hate to ride paranoid, but generally whenever I am in traffic, I just assume everyone is going to do the dumbest thing I can imagine. Like looking right into your eyes and then pulling out in front of you.
  7. Must be able resolve ID.10.T errors on a regular basis.
  8. Isn't that a single shot black powder rifle? I would imagine that 99 out of 100 shoppers at walmart couldn't load and fire that gun if their life depened on it. Even with all of that non-black powder ammo sitting on the shelves. ;-)
  9. In almost every single one of these "accidental" deaths, and uncalled for beatings, there is one common thing that would have prevented all of them. Do what the cops tell you to do! If you honestly believe that they are corrupt and can't be trusted, why would you give them any excuse to beat you, shock the crap out of you or even shoot you? Just do what they say, and if you don't agree, take a lawyer with you and tell your story to a judge. I have did some BS in my day. Some times the cops were fair, and sometimes they weren't, but I always did exactly what they told me and I never got whipped with a baton (they didn't have tasers then).
  10. I wouldn't deliver it. You're gonna get all the way down there, and then he is going to give you a bunch of sob stories about his trucking being broke don, his bike hasn't sold, he has to make his house payment, and all he has is $1500 in cash. And then, who the heck buys a bike without seeing it in person?
  11. We've got two. One will have a foal in August. It can be expensive, but if you enjoy it, you can find ways to cut your costs. Some barns will let you clean your own stall do reduce your board. I agree with your plan. Find a good friendly barn that has lessons, then lease a horse for a month or so. If you enjoy it, go for it. Take a look at Halflingers too. They look like a smaller Clydesdale./draft horse. They are work horse, so they are stocky, and they have a good temperment. Good Luck!
  12. You know, I hear people saying this a lot and basically saying that we shouldn't be disappointed in Obama, because Bush created all of these problems. The problem with that mentality is that Obama knew what he was getting into, and he stood up and said he, better than anyone else, could and would fix these problems(economy, etc). I don't think he has any excuses for not getting the job done. He can complain about congress, but nothing has changed in congress since he made his promises. So, he either didn't know what he was getting into or doesn't know how to fix what he said he could fix, Either way, he has failed. If Ford was interviewing new CEO's and one of their candidates said they could fix all of the company's problems if he only had the chance. Then if he got hired, failed to follow through, and blamed the things that happened before he became CEO; he would be fired. Here is the job. Can you do it? Yes? Before you answer, do your research and make sure you know what you are talking about. Don't come back later and say it was more messed up than you thought. As for Obamcare, it was a failed premise from the start. We had something that everyone agreed, cost way to much. Rather than addressing the costs (finding the root cause for high prices), Obama and crew decided that the best answer was to pay the high prices for everyone that can't. Thats not going to reduce health care costs. In fact, it will raise them. You get more of what you subsidize. Subsidize the corn market and you will get more corn. Subsidize health care costs, and you will get more costs. Wow, how did I get up on this soapbox. ;-)
  13. Wow. Can DMG make AMA Road Racing any less significant? It just keeps dropping off every year. What a shame.
  14. okeefe01

    Old dog

    Sorry to hear this. I feel for you and your wife. Dogs, being man's best friend, truely become more than just pets, they become members of our family; and losing a family member is always very hard. You gave her a great life. From your posts, its easy to see how much you and your wife cared about her. You did the best that you could do for her.
  15. I picked up a corbin off of ebay for $125. It really does make a difference over the stock seat. I also try to make a quick stop every hour to an hour and a half. I just top off the fuel and grab a water or something. Since I started doing that, I can ride all day without getting a sore butt or tired legs, back, etc. I kinda prefer taking roads with some changes versus the interstates. It makes you use different muscles and pressure points, so no one thing/area gets tired. It might take a little longer to get somewhere sometimes, but I am doing what I love, so who cares how long it takes.
  16. It sounds like a fun project. I agree with some of the the others on racing updates, various styles of riding and some new bike info/rumors. Another thing that might spark calls and debate would be legal issues facing motorcycling. You could touch on things like sound limits, EPA restrictions, horsepower restrictions, motorcycle only checkpoints and the punishments handed down (or not handed down) for killing motorcyclists. Good Luck!!
  17. I guess I will throw myself into this. I am 46. My weight came on slowly over the last 15 to 20 years. This time last year, I was at 300 lbs. The first thing I did was to give up pop. I drink one green tea a day, and the rest is water. I dropped a bunch of weight fast but it eventually stopped. The next thing I did was to add some gym time in. Then I joined the online Weight Watchers. I used to go to the meetings, but they focus on how to handle cravings for sweets. I don't crave sweets. I want biscuits and gravy or steak and potatoes, or burgers and fries. So, for me, I just have to learn to cut out the more fatty foods. Today I weighed in at 266. I am really happy, but I want to get to 200. Its going slow, but it went on slow. Good luck to everybody. Keep plugging away!
  18. I would have just let him know that he was being watched and that now he will be on the hook if any one of those kids gets even a scraped knee.
  19. Doctor, it hurts when I do this.
  20. Stupid: When I was 15 I had a TS125. I was adjusting the fuel/oil mixture and wasn't happy doing it at idle. So, I left the cover (also front sprocket cover) off and road it while reaching down and turning the adjustment. I was half watching where I was going and half watching where I was putting my hand. That's when I stuck my left index finger into the front sprocket. I lost the end of my finger in .5 seconds. Ouch!! Squid: I was meeting some girls that I had the host for at a restaurant. I got there a little early, so I sat in the parking lot on my 83 GPz550 looking cool with my helmet perched on a mirror. I saw the girls go by, but they turned on the wrong road. I decided to blast down the road and catch them. I took of with my helmet still on the mirror, but I had the strap in my hand, so it was okay right? No, I wnet flying down the road fast enough for the helmet to catch the wind and take off like a hot air balloon. It flew up in the air, came down behind me bounced a couple times and then rolled across the road. As I stopped, I saw that the girls were just turning around and saw the whole thing. I don't think they thought I was cool.
  21. General Orders No. 9. This is a terrible movie. Oddly enough it got 5 stars on IMDB. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1429348/ I hate myself for sitting through the whole thing.
  22. Insignificance (Theresa Russell, Gary Busey, and Tony Curtis) Albert Einstein is in a hotel room waiting to testify for Joseph McCarthy. Marilyn Monroe and Joe Dimaggio have a fight. Monroe ends up going to Einstein's room to talk. It gets really strange from there. I won't say it was a great movie, but it was good if you like quirky movies. How often do you get to see Marilyn Monroe explain the Theory of Relativity?
  23. I am afraid to see what will happen to the TV contract after this. The last time, the moved from ESPN to Versus. This time they will probably get dropped down to QVC.
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