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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. $2k/month for part time seems very steep. That's twice what we were paying for 2 in daycare 3 days a week. There are pros and cons of daycare, but we really think the kids got a lot out of it socially. They are both very outgoing and love being in groups.
  2. There's not much to lead or sweep in a group of 2. Any others?
  3. Tpoppa


    I hope EBR has success, as I would really like a viable American sport bike maker. However, the EBR World Superbike effort this seasoan has been an absolute joke. That was certainly not the way they wanted to introduce the EBR brand to international racing. The race team/bike combo was out of their league..and it showed.
  4. Tpoppa


    Personally, I don't care for non-reverseable changes whether on guns, motorcycles, etc. You could stipple just the removeable backstrap on an M&P or a Gen 4 Glock and swap it later if you wanted to go back to stock.
  5. I've been using Sills lately. I think they charge $25 if you bring in the wheel.
  6. Tpoppa


    Not a fan. Kills resale value, too.
  7. A Ninja 650 isn't exactly a blazing fast sport bike. Lots of people consider it a good bike for beginners. I'm glad you don't have a 600cc or 1000cc supersport if you feel "down right reckless" on the 650. Are you sure 2 wheels are right for you?
  8. I've kinda been wanting a spare rear wheel. Mine in an ABS version. I need to see what it will cost for an ABS specific brake rotor and the sensor ring.
  9. While that kind of power would be intoxicating, it seems kind of strange to make a flashship sportbike that won't be able to race in any class.
  10. 1043cc is the motor from the current Z1000/Ninja 1000.
  11. Well if you're looking for something slow and docile maybe it is a good choice. Being reckless isn't limited to sporty bikes.
  12. I'd suggest riding an America before buying/trading. I had a cosmetically custom (mechanically stock) America years ago. While it was nice to look at, it was not much fun to ride.
  13. Any damage? Is there any life left on the tire?
  14. Tpoppa


    Is there a replacement on the way?
  15. 50/50. My son plays soccer on Saturdays. If I make it, I can lead the fast group (is there a fast group yet?), or pretty much ride anywhere.
  16. No. Similar, not the same. Body position & throttle control are the same. Many other things are not. If you choose the track line through blind corners on the street you are going to crash. It's just a matter of how soon. Street and track lines are different. I can ride 1000 different corners in a given day. They all have to be negotiated based on current conditions, line of sight, traffic, etc. Not from memory. Setting up for new corners on the street that you haven't ridden a jillion times before requires skills/experience that you won't develop riding the same 15 turns over and over again on the track. Conversely, you aren't going to learn max braking to set up for a turn on a street ride. The skill sets are similar, but not identical.
  17. I did one of the KTM days at Mid O. It could have just been the people who were there that day. Some ego's were in full effect. There were a few guys that I didn't want riding anywhere near me...I certainly would never have ridden with some of those guys on the street. It wasn't a great first impression for me. I think some aspects of street riding are more controlled. For example, I can choose who I ride with on the street, and I only ride with people I can trust for "quick" rides. Again, this is my opinion based on my experience.
  18. Lot's of things are more important than riding. Take care of yourself. I happen to know a highly talented neurologist if you are not happy with yours.
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